Gundam Battle Gunpla Warfare Server Issues Causing Boatload of Freebies For Users

  • So far, maintenance issues have caused GBGW to give away1800 haro coins, plus the recently announced 150 haro per day for 6 days. 
  • Servers hit 1 million users and bonuses were announced
  • Arena temporarily disabled while solutions are being worked out

Gundam Battle Gunpla Warfare Server Issues Causing Boatload of Freebies For Bandai as they fix 1v1 Arena

The latest from Gundam Battle Gunpla Warfare looks like this:

It's becoming an all-too familiar scene for the game, but Bandai and co are doing everything they can to make it right for users.

So far they performed emergency maintenance on 8/7 and gave away 1000 Haro Coins (in game currency) as well as other useful in game items. On 8/8 they once again sent out 800 Haro Coins to make up for connection issues. And now they've announced they're giving users 150 Haro Coins a day for the next 6 days (so another 900 Haro Coins if you log in each day) to apologize.

And honestly, that's how it should be! Too many game developers these days run into server issues or performance issues and simply try to brush it under the rug until enough people have complained to make the fix worthwhile. It's a reactive method, and not one that should be the norm.

So while it would be better to have no server issues, we live in an imperfect world and I'm personally impressed that Bandai has made the effort to identify issues, quickly try to resolve, and quickly send out useful in game rewards for those experiencing the problems.

It's a good move. 

If you're unfamiliar with the game, you can see the live action (that's right) trailer that they made below (we think it's actually pretty cool):

When Does Arena Reopen

At the moment, all we've seen in in-game notices are hints that Arena play may have been part of the cause of server strain. We know it must not be all of it because even after they shut down the Arena, players are still reporting getting errors in game. 

But for the moment, the ETA on fixing arena has not been announced. What they have said so far via in game notices is that they'll keep us up to date on when the re-opening of the Arena will occur and they've given out arena coins to users who logged in prior to 8/9.

1 Million Users Celebration Login Bonus

In addition to that announcement, they also announced they've hit 1 million users. 

The latest data we've been showing hasn't been that strong, so it's possible that other countries that we don't have reporting statistics on are picking up the pace, and our data is a little delayed so it could also be that we just don't see the full picture yet.

If that 1 million users mark is accurate, it could be huge for a game with such a large audience (those interested in Gunpla) and it benefits doubly from this being the first game in the US under the Gundam name.

Users who log in for the next 5 days will receive the following because of the 1 million downloads:

  • Day 1: 5x EN Recovery (100% Strong)
  • Day 2: [Color Palette] Light Yellow
  • Day 3: [Color Palette] Deep Green
  • Day 4: [Color Palette] Deep Red
  • Day 5: 10x Standard Capsule Ticket

Pretty awesome.

In Conclusion

So if you haven't started playing Gundam Battle: Gunpla Warfare, now is a GREAT time to get in the action.

Despite the server issues, Bandai is doing the right thing by the users and sending out freebies, plus there's more login rewards due to the 1 million users mark being hit.

And even if we run into a few more bumps along the road, it appears Bandai will continue to do good things by rewarding players for time they could've been building those Gunpla.