HearthStone Removes Mind Blast and Vanish and Replaces Them With Plague Bringer and Radiance

  • Hearthstone is revisiting Class design
  • Mind Blast and Vanish cards are being removed
  • Plague Bringer and Radiance are being added

HearthStone Removes Mind Blast/Vanish and Replaces Them With Plague Bringer/Radiance

There's a big change coming to Hearthstone and Blizzard Entertainment saw fit to really dig into the reasoning behind some changes they were making in order to readily prepare players for the upcoming update.

It's been a while since cards were removed or added from the basic pool, so this update certainly shakes things up. Here are the highlights:

First, Blizzard went to great efforts to define how each class is supposed to be played. They broke down each class into three groups. 

  • Fantasy Style - This means the cards and gameplay should feel like the class. So a warrior charging into battle should feel like that via the gameplay. And a mage shooting fireballs from a distance should feel like that in gameplay.
  • Strengths - This means they want to know what a particular class should be good at. It's important that each class is good at something and fills a particular niche.
  • Weaknesses - This one is important (and I wish more games took notes here) because every class should also have a weakness. Knowing that weakness should be the way you counter that particular class.

The fact that Blizzard is going out of its way to define those weaknesses and strengths means they're making a huge effort towards more balanced gameplay.

Blizzard then went to great lengths to describe each class and the strengths and weaknesses for each. Click the button below to dig into those details direct from the post on their website.

Blizzard Blog Post on Hearthstone Update

The big change to the basic pool has to do with the removal of the following two cards and the addition of the two below it. Check out the descriptions to see what I mean:

These may seem like relatively minor changes but players are certainly saying it will have a lasting impact on how the game is played.

Finally, there are a number of classic cards being added as well. To see the full notes, go to the blog post via the button above and check out the full details.

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