King of Fighters ALLSTAR Halloween Party: Should You Summon?

  • Yes if you want to taste the first meta of the arena and good waifus(Kula and Angel)

  • No if you just want to go wild on the next banner

Character Summary: Halloween Party Kula (AS)

Type Purple Attacker
HP 80681
ATK 7412
DEF 977
Cost 60
Leader Skill Attack power + 25% and critical rate +14% for purple allies (6*)

Halloween Kula has a decent leader skill. And decent status effects. But the best thing about Kula is her core passive. She can deal 25% more skill dmg to frozen enemies. And her second passive freezes her opponent for 1 sec if she gets hit, with a 12-second cooldown.

She is definitely a beast with these 2 core passives and it can be said she is the first meta character in PVP because of her freeze on hit core passive.

Score: S

Character Summary: Halloween Party Angel (AS)

Type Yellow Balance
HP 70618
ATK 5803
DEF 3371
Cost 60
Leader Skill Increase [Haloween] Fighters ATK by 20%, Critical Rate 9%, Critical DMG 50%

The first seasonal character that has a boost for other seasonals as a leader skill. She is feared because of her core passive that will give a poison DMG equal to 20% of her ATK upon a Critical Hit. That’s freakin awesome. And she will increase her critical rate by 7% for 5 sec when she lands a basic attack (but resets when she lands a critical hit).

And because she is a balanced type, if you use Kyo 98 as a leader, she will have double DoT DMG in her pocket (Burn from Kyo leader + poison from her passive)

Score : S

Character Summary: Halloween Party Shermie (AS)

Type Blue Defense
HP 82634
ATK 4313
DEF 7383
Cost 58
Leader Skill Increase Blue Element Fighter’s HP by 25%, Critical Rate by 14%

Leader skill-wise, she is not as good as Shermie '97. An increase in HP and Crit rate is kinda situational in some fights. Her HP and ATK are a little bit lower than her '97 version. She has a higher DEF and as a fighter she is decent if she paired with a male character on the team because she will gain 2% more power every 5 seconds. Her other core passive is her power gauge charge rate is boosted by 30.

TL;DR not that good. But not bad either. But after seeing Kula and Angel you probably will say ehhh? Especially if you have her '97 version that probably is better.

Score: B

Character Summary: Halloween Party Mature

Type Red Attacker
HP 78266
ATK 6174
DEF 948
Cost 58
Leader Skill Increase Red Element Fighters ATK by 20%, HP 20%, and def 10%

After seeing Shermie…yeah, this is another bad character. And personally, this is the worst character in this banner. First off, her leader skill is kinda okay-ish but unimpressive. Also, her stats are pretty low in general. Even her core passive is not really that good either. 12% Strike skill ATK up is only decent. Healing 4.8% hp per second for 5 seconds when stunned is kinda...ehh? And then, ATK up by 2.4% when an active skill used only makes her “okay”.

She is the worst in the banner by all means. Only roll for her if you like her as a character. Otherwise, don’t bother.

Score: D


By the order of importance, the ones you should go for are Angel and Kula. Shermie and Mature are only there to make cute poses with kinda meh stats, LS, and cores. 

If I'm gonna be honest with you, only roll in this banner if you want waifus and to go nuts on the arena. Otherwise, don’t bother because Mature and Shermie will spook you. Multiple versions of Mature and Shermie that are just better than this Halloween cosplay version. But for Kula and Angel? Hooo boy. Those 2 girls will terrorize the arena, leagues, and tournament because they are that good.

And personally, going for Halloween is a better choice than gunning for FES character because of the gacha rate. Each girl is 1% while FES Character is only 0.03%. and then, FES will be coming again in the future. By the way, Seasonal Gachas have never had a rerun. The closest thing so far is in JP Version Anniversary they will have a rerun with all Seasonals included mixed in with the regular fighters so it's much harder to get the character you want.

Good luck with your gacha. See you next time!