Mario Kart Tour Pre-Order and Live Date CONFIRMED

  • Official twitter account for Mario Kart Tour has announced the live date

Attention Nintendo Lovers!

If you haven't heard already, there's a new mobile game coming to your smartphone that should have you seeing rainbow roads and red turtle shells careening towards your rear!

Mario Kart Tour was announced a while back, and it looks crazy fun. Check out the gameplay video below:

But word on the street today is that an official release date has been announced, and Mario Kart Tour is coming to your mobile device sooner than we thought! As in, less than 30 days from today!

Check out the official tweet:

That's right folks, pre-order is now available in the google play store and this game should be live for both Android and iOS starting on September 25th (which happens to be my birthday). 

Mobile games have come a LONG way in the last few years, and while the propensity towards micro-transactions remains, the level of detail and work put into mobile games has vastly improved from previous years and generations. We are moving more and more towards a world where epic-looking graphics-intensive and amazingly fun games will be available on your mobile devices, and where playing with your friends is easier than ever.

We can't wait to see if this game lives up to the hype, and we'll keep you up to date if we hear anything more. You can check out the official preregistration link by hitting the button below!

Pre-Registration Link for Mario Kart Tour