Analysis by lordhelpme
Young Caeda - Princess of Talys


Obtainable as a 5 only

Hero Stats

Max Avg Total Stats at Lvl 40
HP 36
ATK 33
SPD 42
DEF 25
RES 30

Stat Variations

Level 1 Stat Variation
Low 16 6 11 5 7
Middle 17 7 12 6 8
High 18 8 13 7 9

Level 40 Stat Variations
Low 33 30 39 22 26
Middle 36 33 42 25 30
High 40 36 46 29 33

IV Sets

Key stats worth increasing through nature if possible.
Complementary stats that matter, but not to the point of picking them over key stats for nature increase.
Relatively worthless stat that can safely be decreased through nature.

Skill Sets

Flower of Enchantment (Defensive Nuke)

Build by lordhelpme
Feather Sword A Distant Counter
Reposition B Belief in Love
Alternate: Glimmer
C Pulse Smoke 3
Alternate: Def Smoke 3


SFierce Stance 3

Show Explanation/Analysis

Weapon: Feather Sword

Assist: Reposition / Flexible

Special: Moonbow / Glimmer

Passive A: Distant Counter

Passive B: Belief in Love

Passive C: Pulse Smoke / Def Smoke / Savage Blow / Flexible

Sacred Seal: Fierce Stance / Brazen Atk/Spd / Brazen Atk/Def / Brazen Atk/Res

  • This build remains largely centered around maximizing the exceptional capabilities of Caeda’s PRF weapon: Feather Sword. Upon satisfying the appropriate conditions, Feather Sword allows her to easily sweep through foes in the Enemy Phase (particularly those who wield swords, lances, axes, or colorless bows), making her a highly effective defensive nuke. A +ATK IV is thus ideal to further increase her firepower. 
  • The majority of Caeda’s base kit can be kept for the purposes of this build: Moonbow’s short cooldown allows the princess to leverage its damage boost relatively often (though it can be swapped for Glimmer if desired), Distant Counter is necessary for Caeda to remain a versatile counter against all enemy types, and Belief in Love complements her playstyle wonderfully through greater damage and tankiness in the Enemy Phase. 
  • However, Caeda’s native Joint Hone Atk should preferably be swapped out for a more synergistic alternative, such as a Smoke skill. Pulse Smoke is ideal for use in Aether Raids to quickly dismantle teams reliant on fast or instant Special activations (e.g Infantry Pulse setups), and Def Smoke and Savage Blow are good generalist options. 
  • Since Caeda can potentially activate Feather Sword’s built-in Vantage effect when at full HP against sword, lance, axe, and colorless bow wielders, the Fierce Stance seal (rather than a Brazen) is ideal to grant her the greatest coverage across her match-ups, though an Attack-increasing Brazen seal remains a solid alternative. 

Eternal Devotion (Player Phase Nuke)

Build by lordhelpme
Feather Sword A Death Blow (3 or 4)
Alternate: Sturdy Impact
Reposition B Belief in Love
Alternate: Glimmer
C Def Smoke 3
Alternate: Joint Hone Atk

+ATK / -HP

SDeath Blow 3

Show Explanation/Analysis

Weapon: Feather Sword

Assist: Reposition / Flexible

Special: Moonbow / Glimmer

Passive A: Death Blow / Sturdy Impact 

Passive B: Belief in Love 

Passive C: Def Smoke / Joint Hone Atk / Flexible

Sacred Seal: Death Blow / Heavy Blade / Sturdy Blow

  • Feather Sword’s ability to deal effective damage against a significant portion of the cast allows Caeda to potentially run an OHKO Player Phase set-up to a general degree of success. Since the focus of this build is maximizing her raw firepower, a +ATK IV is recommended once again. 
  • Moonbow and Glimmer are both strong Special choices due to their low cooldowns, with the former being more effective against opponents with higher defense and the latter offering a potentially higher damage cap; thus, the choice between which is largely up to personal preference. 
  • Any A slot skill and seal that increases Caeda’s Attack should be taken to develop her offensive might, with an honorable mention going to Sturdy Impact for her A slot to grant the Princess of Talys some safety in case she doesn’t successfully land the OHKO. In addition, one can opt out of an Attack-increasing seal in favor of Heavy Blade to accelerate Caeda’s Special activations. 
  • If providing her with refresher support, Def Smoke makes for a worthwhile consideration to debilitate surrounding foes for even greater damage output. Otherwise, her native Joint Hone Atk can be kept, or one can just use any skill that best compliments Caeda’s specific team composition.


Feather Sword

Caeda’s exclusive weapon, Feather Sword, is simply phenomenal. In addition to providing a +3 Attack boost and a standard Vantage effect, Feather Sword instantly activates its Vantage effect (regardless of Caeda’s HP) against sword, lance, axe, and colorless bow users, making her incredibly consistent against a significant portion of the cast -- and as a cherry-on-top, Feather Sword also deals effective damage against such opponents as well. Through this combination of effects, the young Princess of Talys can quickly accumulate tremendous firepower while remaining fairly versatile in her nuking capabilities. 

Strong Offensive Stats 

Thankfully, Caeda’s excellent offensive statline of 33/42 allows her to take great advantage of Feather Sword to establish a strong presence in both phases. Although 33 base Attack may not seem particularly high, her weapon’s built-in +3 Attack and effective damage and her ability to benefit from class-exclusive buffs more than makes up the difference. 

Belief in Love

Caeda’s exclusive B slot further solidifies her combat prowess and effectively increases her overall damage output and resilience to damage. Furthermore, Belief in Love’s effect is not limited solely to the Enemy Phase and can activate when her opponent is at full HP, making her flexible in when she can engage opponents. 


Her status as a flying unit provides her with some noteworthy strengths, most notably her exceptional mobility to attack or bait opponents from more advantageous positions than otherwise possible. 

Fantastic Base Kit

Like most recently introduced units, the Princess of Talys comes packed with a strong and greatly synergistic kit that complements her unique strengths; this allows him to be a relatively cost-friendly investment.


Limited Skill Availability 

Although being a flier comes with its advantages, it also comes at the cost of Caeda being unable to equip several powerful skills such as Lulls, Null C-Disrupt, and Special Spiral. Caeda’s access to Belief in Love does mitigate this to an extent, but her limited skill availability nonetheless hinders her build flexibility compared to her non-mounted counterparts. 

Hardy Bearing

A lot of Caeda’s functionality comes from her Feather Sword’s built-in Vantage effect and while this is undoubtedly powerful, it also leaves Caeda extremely vulnerable to anyone equipped with the Hardy Bearing seal or a weapon that includes its effect.

Weapon Skills

Weapons SP Rng. Mt.
Iron Sword
Learns by default at 1 ★
Unlocks at 1 ★
Only Inheritable by Sword Units.
50 1 6
Steel Sword
Learns by default at 3 ★
Unlocks at 2 ★
Only Inheritable by Sword Units.
100 1 8
Silver Sword
Learns by default at 4 ★
Unlocks at 3 ★
Only Inheritable by Sword Units.
200 1 11
Feather Sword

Grants Atk+3. Effective against sword, lance, axe, colorless bow, and armored foes. If foe initiates combat and is armored or uses sword, lance, axe, or colorless bow or if unit's HP ≤ 75%, unit can counterattack before foe's first attack.

Learns by default at 5 ★
Unlocks at 5 ★
Non-Inheritable skill.
400 1 16
Available Rearmed Weapons
Arcane Devourer
Arcane Éljúðnir
Weapon Evolution
Weapon Upgrades
Weapon Upgrades

Special Skills

Special Skills SP Turns
New Moon

Treats foe's Def/Res as if reduced by 30% during combat.

Learns by default at 4 ★
Unlocks at 3 ★
Non-inheritable by Staff-wielding units.
100 3

Treats foe's Def/Res as if reduced by 30% during combat.

Unlocks at 4 ★
Non-inheritable by Staff-wielding units.
200 2

Passive Skills

Passive Skills SP Slot
Distant Counter

Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.

Restricted to melee units.
Unlocks at 5 ★
Belief in Love

If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP = 100% at start of combat, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe during combat.

Non-Inheritable skill.
Unlocks at 5 ★
Hone Atk 1

Grants adjacent allies Atk+2 through their next actions at the start of each turn.

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 2 ★
Hone Atk 2

Grants adjacent allies Atk+3 through their next actions at the start of each turn.

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 3 ★
Hone Atk 3

Grants adjacent allies Atk+4 through their next actions at the start of each turn.

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 4 ★
Joint Hone Atk

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Atk+5 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 5 ★

Other Info

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light

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