5 Things That Need to Change in One Punch Man: Road to Hero

5 main things that need to change in One Punch Man: Road to Hero, and our suggested solutions:

  • Shorter stamina regen time
  • Changes to Crystal Pack pricing (not enough bang for your buck right now)
  • Better ways to get EXP and cash
  • Season pass needs to be less grindy
  • New banners!

The 5 Biggest Changes OPM: Road to Hero Needs

Shorter Stamina Regeneration Time

Currently it takes 15 minutes to regenerate 1 stamina. Yep you heard that right, 15 minutes for a SINGLE point of stamina. To play a battle, whether it is story mode or random stages, it takes around 3 hours on average of recharge time. I can’t remember the last time my stamina was full, and that’s coming from a person who has been playing since the global release of the game.


Proposed solution: I’ve heard a lot of suggestions ranging from 1 minute to 10 minutes, but I think a fair time that we can all agree upon is 5 minutes per point of stamina, which is the average for most mobile games. It’s still going to take about 1 hour to play a single battle, but considering how long it takes to complete a stage, I think it’s a fairly reasonable wait-time.

Overpriced Crystal Packs

There are some good deals here and there, mainly Bang’s Cultivation and the monthly crystal/gacha packs, but a lot of them are also ridiculously overpriced. Let’s take the standard crystal packs for example: $99.99 for 6000 crystals. That’s a little more than 2 multipulls, which on an average rate will give you a lot of useless shards and a fairly low chance at a three star. No one in their right mind is willing to pay $100 for a small chance of a good unit, and this must be fixed if Oasis Games wants more game revenue.


Proposed solution: Triple the amount of crystals given. With $100, you should be at least able to do 5+ multipulls, and EVEN THEN it’s not a guarantee of a three star. Oasis Games is doing a good job of making the game fairly F2P friendly with a lot of opportunity to stock up on crystals, and it’s only fair that spending money should give more leverage than it does as of now.

Better Ways to Obtain Food and Cash

We have all experienced this when playing the game: Running out of basic materials. With no specific way to get more EXP items, leveling up your characters is a challenge. Not only that, but with the increased accessory upgrade price, money runs out super quick and this issue must be addressed as soon as possible.


Proposed solution: Add specific stages on either House of Evolution or a seperate (new) island that is only for gathering EXP and cash.

Make the Season Pass Less Grindy

As you’ve noticed for the past couple of weeks, it takes literally ages to complete the missions and level up on the season pass. No one wants to spend $20+ and still have to grind it out for months non-stop, with the only alternate method being spending even more money/crystals to buy pass levels.


Proposed solution: Cut down the pass levels significantly or give more points per mission. It should take at most 3 weeks to complete it, and getting a 3 star hero by paying $20 after grinding for a bit seems reasonable.

New Banners!

A gacha game can’t exist without banners and the same goes for OPM: Road to Hero. After a month with not a single sign of new banner releases, its about time the developers come out and announce the details: How frequent are the banners? Will there be higher rates? Will there be multiple versions of one character? How many character releases per banner?

With the new update coming soon, I’m very excited for what this game has in store for me, and I hope that in the near future the suggested changes get implemented to make this game even more enjoyable.