Digimon ReArise Released on iOS and Android: How to Play, Unlock Digivolution, and More

  • A simple guide to the steps a player must take to evolve the starter Digimon and any others

On October 8th, 2019, Digimon ReArise was made available for mobile users on the Google Play Store globally. Previously it was only available in Canada and through the QooApp service, as detailed at our story below. 

Digimon ReArise for Android

The game was released on iOS as well where it has a 4.8-star rating. Click the link below to download for iOS.

Digimon ReArise for iOS

What is Digimon ReArise?

The latest Digimon game is a mobile-only monster collector with turn-based RPG mechanics. 

Digimon are hatched or summoned and can be evolved up to their Mega form(some can only go to Ultimate), with their Digivolutions predetermined when they are obtained. They can be obtained in their In-Training form when being hatched and in their Rookie, Champion, or Ultimate form when summoned.

Gameplay revolves around a team of 5 Digimon, each with 2 skills and an auto-attack. Digimon skills vary from single or multi-target attacks, buffs, and healing spells. Enemies vary from Rookie to Mega level Digimon, depending on the type of mission. Megas such as WarGreymon can be fought during Clash Battles, which unlock special items used to Digivolve your Digimon. 

How do you Digivolve your Digimon?

To evolve your Digimon, you must first beat Act 3 Chapter 3 to meet up with Dorumon. After returning to the main menu, a series of missions will progress the player through the steps needed in order to Digivolve.

The steps are:

  • The Digimon must be leveled up to their cap designated on their profile
  • The Digimon must be awakened to their maximum level cap
    • Workouts must be completed to awaken
    • Items used to workout can be gained through the Dimensional Vortex
  • The Digimon must be at maximum mood level
    • You can increase this through DigiCare(feed them from the main menu) or Walk
  • Items must be obtained to unlock Digivolution through Clash Battles

What are the Best Digimon?

To find out more information on the best Digimon available, check out our Ultimate Non-Mega Tier List below!

Stay tuned later today for our Mega Tier List.