TEPPEN: 1st Anniversary Celebration, Invites All

  • Various promotions celebrating 1 year of TEPPEN
  • Content roadmap

Can you believe it's been one year? TEPPEN is marking it's 1 year anniversary with a new expansion, Felyne from Monster Hunter, and celebrating players with a lot of free in-game content. There is no better time to play TEPPEN as a new player or a returning veteran. Check out the official trailer for "Adventure of a Tiny Hero."

Free 50x Pack Tickets


New players that create an account or existing players that log-in from 7/1/20 to 9/1/20 will be given 50x pack tickets! 10x each from each existing expansion. The celebration does not stop there.

Secret Rare Log-In Rewards


Every day there will be log-in rewards and you can get secret rare cards.

Adventures of a Tiny Hero Log-In Campaign


Adventures of a Tiny Hero is of course celebrating as well, giving 10x pack tickets per player and a 5 day log-in rewards campaign.

Thank You For Playing


TEPPEN has a campaign thanking all players that have played TEPPEN in the past. Players that have completed rank matches are eligible for different tiers granting Zenny. Tier rewards stack.

Season Pass Discount, 10 Jewels!


Season pass in TEPPEN is very generous paid content. Season pass is notable for giving more jewels than what was spent and allowing players to purchase future season passes with the same jewels. It's an investment that keeps on giving. Additionally season pass will feature golden animated art from the latest expansion.

This time around, TEPPEN is making a discount for the season pass making it only 10 jewels. Anybody could spend $1 for 120 jewels and have season pass taken care of forever.

Event Mission


Event Missions will be available to players in the first month of the new expansion. Players can earn up to 13 packs from "Adventures of a Tiny Hero." Grand Prix will begin 7/19/20 9:00 (JST) and players that make Group A final round will be guaranteed a Legendary golden card!

Twitter Campaign

Last but not least, there will be a Twitter campaign. Drumming up all the hype from the community, we all celebrate by retweeting the campaign on Twitter and all TEPPEN users will receive free packs.



We have a road map of content for TEPPEN all the way up to October! Check out the schedule as it leads to a new Hero.

New to TEPPEN?

Are you a new player? Or a player just looking for some tips. Check out this TEPPEN: Newbie & F2P Guide.