MODEL: Młynar
DESIGN: Ryuzakiichi
Series: Epoque
EPOQUE Sub-Brand [Passe] Series Selects/W Dali. Młynar's attire as a knight-errant, wandering Kazimierz's plains and endless forests, the words engraved on the hilt of his sword not yet covered by useless trinkets.
Obtain Approach
Usage One of Młynar's casual outfits.
Quote He has spent a long time searching, yet is still where he started. The night before news arrived of a Nearl family swordstaff entering Leithanien, he could not help seeing some long-lost silhouettes through the torrential rain.
EPOQUE Sub-Brand [Passe] Series Selects/W Dali. Młynar's attire as a knight-errant, wandering Kazimierz's plains and endless forests, the words engraved on the hilt of his sword not yet covered by useless trinkets.

Release Date

Release Date (NA) 2024-04-30
Release Date (CN) 2023-11-01

Outfit Costs


Voice Lines

Voice Lines

Additional Info