Analysis by raelet
Kana (M) - Dragon Spawn

Related Heroes

Hero Stats

Max Avg Total Stats at Lvl 40
HP 40
ATK 31
SPD 33
DEF 31
RES 29

Stat Variations

Level 1 Stat Variation
Low 17 8 6 6 6
Middle 18 9 7 7 7
High 19 10 8 8 8

Level 40 Stat Variations
Low 36 27 30 28 25
Middle 40 31 33 31 29
High 43 34 36 34 32

IV Sets

Key stats worth increasing through nature if possible.
Complementary stats that matter, but not to the point of picking them over key stats for nature increase.
Relatively worthless stat that can safely be decreased through nature.

This unit requires use of Trait Fruits to get access to IVs

Skill Sets

Protector of Dusk (Enemy Phase Tank)

Build by raelet
Dusk Dragonstone (+Eff) A Sturdy Stance 3
Alternate: Atk/Def Solo (3 or 4)
Positional Assist B Dragon Wall 3
Alternate: Dragon's Ire 3
Alternate: Noontime
C Atk/Res Menace
Alternate: Atk Smoke 3

+ATK or +SPD / -HP

SSteady Breath
Alternate: Mystic Boost 3

Show Explanation/Analysis

Weapon: Dusk Breath (+Eff)

Assist: Positional Assist

Special: Moonbow / Noontime / Aether

Passive A: Sturdy Stance / Atk/Def Solo / Def/Res Solo

Passive B: Dragon Wall / Dragon's Ire

Passive C: Atk/Res Menace / Atk Smoke

Sacred Seal: Steady Breath / Mystic Boost / Close Def

  • With the addition of the Steady Breath seal, Kana can now run a build which increases his own cooldown acceleration while slowing his opponents', with a Guard stance in his A slot and Steady Breath in his Seal slot.
  • This build focuses on his Attack and Defense, while granting his Res a small boost in order to make Dragon Wall more defensive.
  • Dragon Wall is preferable for a defensive build - with both conditions of his prf active, M Kana reaches 37 natural Res, and can further buff his Res while debuffing his opponents' Res using his C slot. This effect only gets better with merges and dragonflowers. If you're still unsure about his Res being high enough, you can consider a skill like Close Def for his seal slot, while supporting him with Duo Hilda. Alternatively, if you're using Duo Hilda with him, you can run Mystic Boost for more healing.
  • Alternatively, you can run Dragon's Ire in his B slot to ensure his follow-up attacks, though M Kana's base Speed isn't unworkable with a boon and his prf granting him an additional +8 spd, for a total of 44 at base. With a few Speed-based skills (such as Steady Posture or Kestrel Stance), he can easily hit 50 Speed, though you sacrifice other stats to do so.
  • If running M Kana with Flayn, Dragon's Ire is the way to go.
  • Retaliating with an instant Moonbow is key in ensuring that M Kana will do enough damage for a potential KO, since his own Attack is fairly low. However, if you're concerned about his healing potential you can run Noontime as well - though that may be overkill.

Recoil? What's That? (Fury)

Build by raelet
Dusk Dragonstone (+Eff) A Fury (3 or 4)
Positional Assist B Null Follow-Up 3
Alternate: Dragon Wall 3
Alternate: Bonfire
C Atk/Spd Menace
Alternate: Spd Smoke 3

+ATK or +SPD / -HP

SSteady Breath
Alternate: Atk/Spd Solo 3

Show Explanation/Analysis

 Weapon: Dusk Breath (+Eff)

Assist: Positional Assist

Special: Ignis / Bonfire

Passive A: Fury

Passive B: Null Follow-Up / Dragon Wall / Mystic Boost

Passive C: Atk/Spd Menace / Spd Smoke

Sacred Seal: Steady Breath / Atk/Spd Solo

  • We heard you like stats, so we put stats in your stats so you can stat while you stat
  • This build turns M Kana into even more of a bulldozing statball by adding Fury to his statline, thereby granting him a total of +12 to every stat when his prf conditions are met. Additionally, the recoil of Fury is counteracted by Kana's post-combat heal, which essentially gives him these stats for free.
  • A +10 +Spd Kana with +20 dragonflowers, his prf active, and Fury, has a statline of 51/66/56/51/49
  • This is generally enough Speed to feel comfortable running Null Follow-Up, particularly when enhanced by Atk/Spd Menace.
  • Steady Breath can be used alongside Ignis for an activation during his second counterattack, but depending on which characters you have supporting him, you could also further build his stats with a Solo skill.



With a statline of 40/31/33/31/29, Male Kana has a very even statline without any clear strengths or weaknesses. His prf weapon, the Dusk Dragonstone (+eff) further enhances this by granting him a potential +8 to all stats, as well as HP recovery after every combat.

This effectively makes M Kana a very good tank, as he can build any or all of his stats simultaneously in order to simply out-stat his opponents, particularly with merges and dragonflower support.


Lack of Utility

M Kana's refine is just that - more stats and a bit of healing.

It doesn't grant him any desperately-needed utility that most tanks have these days and the lack of cooldown acceleration makes it difficult for him to run a true tanking build without using a skill slot on a Breath skill, or using a unit like Duo Hilda as a partner.

Weapon Skills

Weapons SP Rng. Mt.
Fire Breath
Learns by default at 1 ★
Unlocks at 1 ★
Only inheritable by Dragon units.
50 1 6
Fire Breath+
Learns by default at 2 ★
Unlocks at 2 ★
Only inheritable by Dragon units.
100 1 8
Water Breath

If foe initiates combat, grants Def/Res+4 during combat.
If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

Learns by default at 4 ★
Unlocks at 3 ★
Only inheritable by Dragon units.
200 1 10
Water Breath+

If foe initiates combat, grants Def/Res+4 during combat.
If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

Learns by default at 5 ★
Unlocks at 5 ★
Only inheritable by Dragon units.
300 1 14
Dusk Dragonstone

If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat.

If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

Unlocks at 5 ★
Non-Inheritable skill.
400 1 16
Available Rearmed Weapons
Arcane Grima
Weapon Evolution
Weapon Upgrades
Weapon Upgrades

Special Skills

Special Skills SP Turns
Dragon Gaze

Boosts damage by 30% of unit's Atk.

Learns by default at 4 ★
Unlocks at 3 ★
Non-inheritable by Staff-wielding units.
100 4
Dragon Fang

Boosts damage by 50% of unit's Atk.

Unlocks at 4 ★
Non-inheritable by Staff-wielding units.
200 4

Passive Skills

Passive Skills SP Slot
Brazen Def/Res 1

If unit's HP ≤ 80% at the start of combat, grants Def/Res+3 during combat.

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 3 ★
Brazen Def/Res 2

If unit's HP ≤ 80% at the start of combat, grants Def/Res+5 during combat.

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 4 ★
Brazen Def/Res 3

If unit's HP ≤ 80% at the start of combat, grants Def/Res+7 during combat.

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 5 ★
Fortify Def 1

Grants adjacent allies Def+2 through their next actions at the start of each turn.

Inheritable by all units.
Fortify Def 2

Grants adjacent allies Def+3 through their next actions at the start of each turn.

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 3 ★
Fortify Dragons

Grants adjacent dragon allies Def/Res +6 through their next actions at the start of each turn.

  • Requires Fortify Def 2 or Fortify Res 2.
Only inheritable by Dragon units.
Unlocks at 4 ★

Other Info

Fire Emblem Fates

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