
Atk/Spd Menace

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At start of turn, if unit is within 4 spaces of a foe, inflicts Atk/Spd-6 on closest foes through their next actions and grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit for 1 turn.

Inheritable Restrictions?

All Units

  • Inheritable by all units.

Skillsets that use skill

Wondering which way to go... (General Offense)

Let the Wind Lead (General Offense)

Trailblazer of Hope (General Offense)

He Needs Shoes (Offensive Nuke)

Taguel Protection Squad (Galeforce)

the actual mother of Ike’s children (Offensive Generalist)

Kill ‘em with Kindness (Hybrid / Supportive Focus)

BARK, BARK! WOOF, WOOF! Wait, I’m a Fox… (Galeforce)

I Couldn’t Think of Another Title (Player Phase)

Hotter Than a Fantasy (Combat Specialist)

Simmering Sunlight (General Offense)

Thunder Strikes Twice (General Offense / Aether Raids Defense)

Thank Goodness For Inheritable Daggers (Player Phase)

The Wing of “Purity” (General Offense)

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We shall pierce through the darkness! (Max-Investment Arena)

Outshining all beneath! (General Offense)