
JWA Tournament: Rare/Epic/Legendary All Skill Tournament

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NOTE - At time of writing, this tournament was announced as ALL and not HYBRID ONLY. Though we should foresee a typical Ludia flub, we have prepared this article as the tournament was originally intended. Should Ludia not fix the error, then simply ignore the non-hybrids listed.

We'd like to welcome Lucus1355 back, as he's here to bring back our tournament strategy article! Take it away, Lucus...

(To the tune of Jingle Bells)
Oh, tournament, tournament,
Tournament is here,
Hope there is no rage quitting,
When a Rexy does appear.

Oh, tournament, tournament,
Tournament be kind,
The prehistoric snow leopard,
May kick Rexy’s behind.

Merry Christmas to one and all and welcome to this weekend’s tournament! It’s Week 3 of the Pulmonoscorpios Alliance Championships and for this Stat Boost Tournament we’re seeing all creatures Rare, Epic and Legendary in this skills tournament with No Restrictions!

We imagine that you’ll be expecting some familiar creatures in this coming tournament, but there will also some new faces. Will Rexy throw the cat among the flocks? Will flocks prove that many creatures make light work? Will Panthera Blytheae need to even worry about using its 9 lives up? We'll find out soon enough! So, as a Top Cat said, “Let’s get down to business”.

Tournament Format and Rewards

Before we jump into the creatures, first let's go over the Tournament itself. This tournament will allow all 74 Rare, 89 Epic and 71 Legendary creatures as there are no restrictions. You are going to see a lot of Legendary creatures, but there are still some very viable Epic options. The rewards for this Tournament are Boosts! You'll be needing these boosts to power up your creatures to do well in Advantage Tournaments, assist with campaigns and Isla Events, and in the Arena. Be sure to get your creatures battling in this Tournament. These are the numbers of boosts you'll be able to get for each placement:

Boost Tournament Rewards

Best Creatures to Use - Legendaries

Rexy. She may not be the undisputed best creature in the format anymore due to new creatures and older ones receiving buffs, but she’s still very much up there. Her “Dominant Roar” is a priority and group attack, boosting her attack and her speed. She hits any foe looking to escape and swap out and has the ability to slow creatures down when she is swapped in. To top it off, she has a lot of high resistances, her “Devouring Rampage” for healing herself, and an incredibly high critical hit chance. But is her crown slipping at the top??

Enter Panthera Blytheae. This cool cat is looking to take Rexy’s top spot and is surely a contender. First, it’s quick. 126 speed and on top of that it has four immunities that may be the most important ones for this competition: speed reduction, stun, crit reduction and reduced damage. Not only are you not slowing this cat down, you’re not going to be distracting it either. Furthermore, it can get faster and stronger using its Evasive Hunt, as it gives Panthera Blytheae a damage boost along with the ability to dodge everything. You think we’re done here?!? Oh no! Not even flocks are safe from this snow leopard. It has a “Precise Double Strike”, capable of knocking out two flock members, and its “Medium Nullifying Counter” will nearly finish the job. Are we finished now? Nope. Last up is its swap-in ability that could make all the difference: Swift Wounding Swap In. It has the ability to attack the target, slow the targetm and cause damage over time. Is it looking to become the new Ice Queen?

Next up, an old favourite with a new skill set. Alloraptor was released way back in version 1.11. The reason why its in this list? It had a makeover and not just its new skin. With its health, speed, and critical chance increases, this makes Alloraptor a much tougher opponent. This cunning ninja isn’t finished yet. It now has a swap in and an “On-Escape” attack, dealing damage along with a few additional effects. As well as this, its abilities got an update too with “Cunning Ferocious Strike” being just one to increase Alloraptor’s attack to majorly enhance two already big attacks and a 60% Rend!! Resilient and fierce creatures beware!!

Staying on topic with those that are familiar to this type and kind of tournament. Fukuimimus is one of the three regional hybrid creatures and has two heals (one of which is a priority), a group cunning rampage, swap in distraction, can dodge most of an attack or two, and increases its damage each time it’s hit. On top of this, it has a pool of resistances. This creature has been a frustrating foe in the past. Will it remain that way and stay as a creature that very few are able to take down one on one?

This creature has been in the news recently, but mainly for its new hybrid (Aenocyonyx), Thylaconyx is a mammalian-reptile hybrid that makes a splash with its pool of skills: devouring, damage over time, group attack, counter attack, and a swap in Rend. It’s the Swiss army knife of creatures and also able to act first in cleansing itself, boosting its critical chance and damage output, and giving itself a chance to dodge most of the time. This creature is not to be taken lightly, even by flocks.

Speaking of them, must be time for one of those to show their 3 faces. Tarbognathus looked to be second to Rexy in past, similar tournaments but had a small damage nerf recently. It won’t really will seem to do too much but probably just enough. It still has the highest damage and critical chance of all the Legendary flocks but has the lowest health also. It makes up for this being a flock, but also able to set up dodge, have a priority attack, hit opposing creatures big-time with its “Impact On Escape” and to top it all off, can heal with an ability and when it switches in too. Don’t underestimate this flock, else it could be David to your Goliath.

Megalotops legendary brother in arms, Eremoceros could also be a choice to be thought about for this tournament. Like his brother, Eremoceros can dodge, boost its speed, has a priority, and can distract. In exchange for the counter attack of its brother, Eremoceros can put up shields, reduce speed and heal. They both have similar and different abilities however; this also applies to their weaknesses.

Speaking of family, Bumpy’s hybrid is a good defence choice against most flocks. Ankylomoloch is the fastest Ankylosaurid, topping out at 118 and can’t be slowed down. It has shields to put up, can reduce speed, has the ability to hit all opponents and can remove dodge/cloak. It has a priority with a chance to stun which can also provide shields, becoming 100% shields when threatened (at half health). It can hit and run, and has a chance to stun (depending on health) when it’s swapped in. Most flocks should be hesitant to take on this armoured hybrid without breaking a few shields.

Keeping with the family theme, here comes a flock of them, starting with Ankylodactylus. This is a flock with one of the higher speeds. Its arsenal contains shields and a lot of dodging, along with hints of speed increase, distraction and speed decrease. It is a pain to get out if you do not have something that goes through dodge or removes it from this creature. The down side to this creature is that they cannot heal, but they do have shields on swap in and a chance to dodge along with a small speed boost when the opponent swaps out. This creature can take on most if used correctly, but you must use it wisely as it can be the game changer.

Lystrosuchus is a game changer in itself, as it was the first flock to cause damage on swap in. It’s a little slower but has great health, mediocre damage, and it can heal. Unfortunately, it only has a single ability for turn 1 which is a real drag but the other moves are worth the wait. After that one turn, you could heal, dodge and speed up, rampage or decide to run while having a chance to stun the opponent. It also has an ability with a high chance to dodge along with a small speed boost when the opponent goes to swap out. This creature seems to be a risk with only one ability for turn one, but with the “Swap In Stunning Strike” and the selection of abilities after turn one, it could very well pay off.

If you’re dreading being vulnerable or unable to hit something because of dodge, then run from Dreadactylus. It’s highly likely this one will swap in on you as its swap-in ability allows it to dodge everything. Along with this, it boasts high health for a flock and its counter causes vulnerability. Unfortunately, its speed and damage aren’t all that great. However, it makes up for this with moves that can distract, slow down, rampage, cause more vulnerability and hit multiple flock members. This creature seems to do best against creatures that have little to no resistance to vulnerability, so you’ll have to judge the creatures you come up against in the tournament before it becomes a permanent member of your team.

The final flock in this section is a flock that due to its abilities when it first came on the scene (in version 2.9), it was most commonly used to kill other flocks including itself. It did this by using two group attacks, high speed, and precise moves. We’re talking Coelhaast. This flying, gliding lizard has two group attacks and one of which heals, gives a speed boost, and chance to dodge. It also has the ability to “Impact And Run” as it is immune to lockdown abilities, so it can come back later to heal and run again. It may not heal like Argenteryx when an opponent switches out, but it will get a dodge and a high increased critical chance at least.

Moving from version 2 to version 1; version 1.11 to be precise. If you don’t have anything to go through shields, or even just to go through armour, then Mammotherium would be a major problem for you. This Cenozoic hybrid may not look like it should boast, but if you combine its “Persistent Ferocious Strike” with itself, “Resilient Impact” or it’s heal, then it’s a big problem to get rid of. You think you’ve just got it down to almost zero, and then it heals while its attack is boosted. That sends Mammotherium’s health back up to close to full, if not full. Then you have to start to whittle it back down again. Of course, if you can break through its shields or armor, this creature might not be a problem but it is still capable of a lot of damage if not careful.

In this day and age, getting rid of flocks can be such a pain if you don’t have the right creatures to take on one, or two, or five. However, back in version 1.9 a new creature was causing problems with being able to take down. This creature was the Indoraptor Gen 2. With its speed set to a quick 128, it was set to cause mayhem with its skill set. Its instant move has a high chance to dodge for multiple turns. Its “Cautious Strike” did this also, plus it is a precise ability, gives a small speed boost and reduces the opponent’s damage. It could also cleanse, boost its attack and speed for a finishing blow and then be set up for the next creature to come in. So, if you don’t have anything with resilient moves, shields or armour like most flocks, this was and still is a pain.

Recently, we’ve had a few creatures that have had some nasty abilities such as double hit and triple hit. Especially, if they have very high speeds to get these moves in. Enter Segnoraptor. This 134-speed terrestrial hybrid can become even faster but the real kicker for it is on the second turn, it can hit its opponent 3 times in a row. Hit the right creature and that’s game over. Even more so if it raises its damage first before hitting them for 3. Unfortunately, that is kind of all there is to this creature. It has similar health to flocks but Segnoraptor does have better resistances. Using this fast, 3-point ostrich is a risk with even higher pay offs!

What do you get if you cross a croc and a raptor? You get a Pyrosuchus which could stun, can priority shield, has a priority hit and can reduce damage. Lastly, it can boost its attack. It’s quick on its own without its priority attack and shields. Add that to an attack increase and this creature could be dangerous, especially, but kind of only against the creatures that have lower to no existence of distraction resistance. It willdo well against creatures that rely on their abilities to boost their stats as it has a nullifying counter to turn the tide in your favour.

From version 1.11 to the present day of version 2.20 and the release of a Camp Cretaceous creature, but its fully grown. Yes, we’re on about the Spinoceratops. This creature was one of the first to have the ability to increase its own armour and in this creature’s case, is part of its priority healing move. It also has a second priority move doing Rend damage! Damage Over Time is part of this creature’s arsenal along with causing damage and possibly stunning the target when swapped in and again if the target tries to swap out. Spinoceratops is not to be underestimated as with a variety of moves like that, most opponents will have a difficult time. Unfortunately, the armor increasing move hasn’t been working properly, so be sure to factor this in to your plans as you use SpinoSino.

Into the final five and these creatures all have had buffs so could be thought about for this tournament but only really for flock killing. This creature has been in the news recently too but also for its new hybrid. Tragodistis is a solid legendary in hybrid only. It is a worrying creature if you lack a fierce. It has priority shields, a heal that can increase its speed, a slowing group attack, and a counter attack. This would mainly be used as a flock killer but that’s not to say that it can’t make a few upsets against anything without teeth.

Now, let’s get big. Way big! Gigaspikasaur is one of the coolest names for a hybrid dinosaur, but its move set was disappointing until recently. With its buff, now it has more health and damage. Again, its moves are more geared to flock killing with a slowing group attack, a “Group Rampage” and a “Precise Counter”. It can also put-up shields and cause vulnerability. This creature is not to be taken lightly as it’s more likely to keep up to its name.

Going from one gigantic Sauropod to another. Nodopatotitan’s mouthful of a name couldn’t stand up to its original move set. Now it is more able to stand up for its name, again especially to flocks with a damage increase and a big health increase too. Not only that but Nodopatotitan now has a group attack that reduces speed and a precise counter. Its speed reducing bellow now gives it the ability to heal a moderate amount and puts up some shields. This “Titan” has a move set to match its name.

Another creature that was buffed was Rinchicyon. The only change it had was to its now “Group Fierce Impact”. This creature is now built to take on more flock creatures too. Its abilities allow it to reduce opponents damage, put up dodges, crash through shields, increase its attack, critical chance and speed; it can cleanse itself, hit and run and also damage opponent’s creatures when they try to switch out. This creature has a lot going for it and has so much to offer in battle, but is it enough to stand up to all Legendary creatures in this tournament?

Last but not least, Dsungaia. This creature got a buff and it was a bigger one seemingly than others. With its health, damage and armour all given a buff, and resistances added in the form of Damage Reduction, Rend and Damage Over Time. Dsungaia appears to have a diverse kit, mainly for taking care of flocks but also those not resistant to speed reductions should watch out. With a group attack slowing down opponents, a counter doing the same and a “Shielded Decelerating Strike” on hand, it’s going to be slow going for those creatures. Not only that but Dsungaia can increase its damage and also heal a chunk of health. With these two skills combined, slow and steady won’t be winning this race.

Best Creatures to Use - Epics and Rares

Ideally, you'll be able to put together a team of Legendaries, but there are a few Epics & Rares that can hang pretty well if you can't.

Argenteryx, another flock but with a lower rarity, still causes problems and upsets but are Legendary’s too much for it to handle now? One of the faster flocks in this tournament and one with a high health count; it boasts two rampages, heal both via an ability and on a targets escape. This does make Argenteryx one of the best three Epic’s in this tournament format, but with those Legendary’s out there, will it still be relevant?

Keeping with Epic rarity creatures now, Pulmonoscorpius. Causing Megalotops and Argenteryx to share the Epic crown, this Scorpion’s bite is worse than its bark. Any creature that isn’t Damage Over Time resistant needs to run from this creature! If they even can as thanks to its “No Escape”, it’s likely they’re going nowhere fast. With the ability to nullify all positive effects, stun and two abilities causing Damage Over Time, with its counter adding to this, be careful how you treat these ancient stingers.

The last of the three Epics that you may be considering in this tournament has abilities with dodge, speed boost, priority, distraction and a counterattack to boot. That’s just naming a few things this creature can do. Megalotops is not a fun creature to ever be up against. With the ability to stun on swap in, and increasing speed, critical chance and putting up a dodge on opponents swapping out, this creature may be an Epic in this tournament, but it is not to be underestimated.

If you need a rare or two to fill your team up then Suchotator is a good choice. It has “Lethal Wound” to create Damage Over Time, a decelerating, precise move that cleanses its reduced damage, and a decent amount of HP. A diverse move set to try to prepare for whichever creature comes at it.

Preonodactylus can be a pain to remove thanks to its abilities to dodge all or most damage. As a flock, it has one of the highest speeds and a high damage to boot. It’s abilities contain a priority damage reducing strike and an “Evasive Impact”. Stay ahead of this flock if you can.

If you've ever had nightmares of crocodiles that could run on two legs, don’t look now. Purrolyth is a fiercely tough creature against anything not resistance to Rend. It’s well known for its Rending counterattack and on top of that its ability to increase its damage, put up shields and heal a lot. Don’t let the name fool you, this ain’t NO cat.

Lastly, Doedicurus – a fierce defender. With 50% armour and shields to put up too, good luck against this without something to break through those defenses or cause Damage Over Time. It has some pretty good health and can remove dodge and speed increases along with slowing its opponent down. It’s got to be tough enough for this competition as it uses it tail like pestles to crush other Doedicurus during duels.

Parting Words

We realize that's probably quite a lot to think about, but having and knowing when to use multiple options is a key to tournament success. Thank you all for reading, and we hope that something in this article caught your eye and helped you in some way or how. Good luck to everyone in the tournament this Christmas weekend! If you have any questions or strategies of your own, join our Discord and get in the discussion today! Have a great weekend!! Merry Christmas!!

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About the Author(s)

Kelly resides in Scottsdale, AZ, proud cat mama of her girls, Payton & Cat Tillman. A JWA player since about day one, she spends much time hunting in the park outside her home and thrives in leading the great folks of Kelliance. 
