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The term ‘Underdog’ means by something that was initially thought to have a low chance of emerging victory from something far more powerful than it is. In JWA, it’s no surprise to see such a term to be used in a variety of creatures across rarities. Additionally, our team recently held a ‘Survey Says’ section about the community's choice on what creatures they thought would be crowned as the underdogs of the game. And we were glad to see a diversity of creatures receiving at least one vote. Even so, looking at so many names on the board doesn’t exactly mean they are all considered as underdogs. Therefore this article will have me focusing on 10 differently voted creatures that one can consider as the true underdogs of the game. Whether they’re actually powerful or not, I believe they would be surprise additions, especially when some of them are pretty unexpected.

10. Slow And Steady

Starting with our list is the giant ground sloth Eremotherium. Being the gargantuan we all love and hate in tourneys, it’s one of those creatures whose seemingly tedious moves could bring destruction upon the field. Despite falling at 3150 health and 102 speed, Camouflage being a non-damaging priority move could really bring an earth-shattering challenge for any fierce to come by. Frustratingly, it also has a full counter to the mix, so even if a player has disconnected during a match, the left-standing Eremotherium could still do 1X damage towards anything on the field. Plus, it has speed reduction immunity, so the only way to stop it from being quicker than Usain Bolt is to utilise resilient and nullifying moves to remove the speed buff. Without them, this ground sloth could claim a domain all by itself by distracting as much as it could do while dishing out a ton of damage. This makes even more sense when it’s a Common that could potentially take out a Tyrannosaurus Rex without losing half of its health.

Unfortunately, being outclassed by Omegas had really taken its spot away from tourneys, but I believe anyone who has participated in common tourneys before 2023 would know how much of a threat this jumbo sloth is if you happen to not get Tanycolagreus on the team. Regardless, it’s just your lazy colossus that wants to finish off defensively in a cunning way, so it deserves to be on this list through the successful mechanism that is.

9. Blue Cheese

Why the blue cheese? Cause Concakuisaurus is up next on the list. Despite it being a top 5 Legendary creature right now, some players have expressed their opinions on not knowing how to use this carnivore properly, and had made it into a mixed punching bag to Rexy and Panthera Blytheae. Besides, most players would rather focus more on its 2 hybrids: ‘Moldy Bread’ and ‘Smooth Watermelon’ while ignoring this theropod. So with this article being focused on underdogs, this is at the same time the best possible chance for me to reintroduce how it behaves.

When taking a look at blue cheese’s moves, it may seem plain and normal, but the real trick on Concakuisaurus is the gimmick of how its resistances could pair up with moves properly. You have speed reduction immunity and Group Hastening Precise Impact to get a better control on speed within the battlefield, not only for taking on flocks, but it could also come in handy for outspeeding Rexy in some scenarios. Fierce Rampage and a devouring counter attack can be a bane towards tanks, a 33% rend resistance to perhaps survive a hit from Spinoceratops’ Instant Rend, and even the least used move, Ferocious Resilient Strike can be a setup on defeating Panthera Blytheae as well, especially when that feline is prone to vulnerability and swap in attacks. With such abilities to take on the best creatures within its home territory, Concakuisaurus can be considered as the main objective for the balance of power in the Legendary meta, while not being too hated and overpowered itself. Besides, it’s already pretty decent even by level 20 standards through not only in combat, but to fuse its hybrids as well. So man, it’s all coming together.

8. Warplanes

Living in the shadows of its more superior brother Ankylodactylus, Dreadactylus might be slower, but in exchange for having 1050 more health is pretty worth the shot, as warplanes with more armour can be aerial terrors if provoked. 

Despite Dreadactylus being a hybrid fused from 2 of the better Rares in the game, its moves are rather mediocre with first impressions; especially when it doesn't have priority moves like Ankylodactylus. It in turn uses a whole new kind of mechanic to defend itself: Imposing vulnerability as a counterattack. It’s a relatively useful tool in its kit, especially when dishing out damage with Cunning Impact and Taunting Rampage with this advantage can be a decent combo to keep anything at bay. That’s not all, as this counter-attacking flock also has Superior Vulnerability and a 0 cool-down Group Decelerating Strike to get a speed advantage on opponents, even if the opponent is ironically also a flock that messes up schedules. So you can’t really go wrong with it when dealing with Legendaries a league below it. But without a rally heal effect and a variety of resilient moves having the ability to wipe them all out with a boom, it’s fragile yet sturdy to withstand the heavy pressure of the Legendary meta. In fact, I still use Dreadactylus as my 8th choice in Legendary tournaments, and it’s a relatively flexible all-rounder. It being an underdog is relatively a surprise, but if you could understand why, you could cope with it. 

7. Dauntless Subterfuge

When speaking of creatures that focus mainly on dodge and distraction through the most intense way possible, the images of Megalotops and Argenteryx would immediately come into mind. Then you realise scorpions and Omegas exist. That’s when you just think you’re doomed, but you thought wrong. Because the next underdog on this list is so long forgotten in the current meta, not many would find its full potential on its performance on the field. 

The defensive eagle Poukandactylus would be a hybrid that’ll definitely make the most out of its kit through a most successful way when repelling fierce creatures. Especially when it can also pair that up with cleanse altogether. As Sideflap is practically a better Camouflage, by just spamming it along with stun immunity, Dsungascoprios just cannot do anything to it minus a bit of bleed damage. If anything that doesn’t have distraction resistance or cleansing abilities, this bird of prey can stand still fearlessly forevermore. Unfortunately, Pantherator and Dracovenator both exist, and more precision moves in the meta made it fall from the skies. Despite it being extinct in the current meta, it’s still a decent Unique on its own. 

6. Ultraviolet Creeper

Even though it received a buff not long ago, this Apex scorpion didn’t really reach our expectations of returning to the battlefield. Still, it’s a formidable arachnid to deal with when you have the wrong hands on the wrong team. Armed with a variety of tools to repel its foes, Alacranix is an effective hazard to anything that dares come close to its pedipalps and telson, especially when it has a decimation that guarantees it a critical hit, making anything, minus absorb to get hit by that immense damage output. 

The reason why Alacranix is here is mainly because of the limitations outweighing the effectiveness for it to be used widespread like wildfire, especially because of the unreliable tools it has. Sure it has pretty good moves on nullification, devour and deceleration, but the stats just lack the advantage to get a hold of the meta, when most creatures nowadays have a ton of immunities to start with. Also, not having swap prevention immunity really hurts it. But hey, if you’re using it in an arena below Gyrosphere, it can do some decent damage. I mean, having a bit of distraction resistance and a counter before unleashing the telson can be toxic. Although Dsungascoprios is definitely the more superior option, and Pulmonoscorpius is not far behind, if one gets the right chance on unleashing it, this Apex can go from zero to hero in seconds like its 2 cousins.

5. Merciless Spirit

Marsupial Lion is arguably one of the most valuable Rare creatures to invest DNA on nowadays, and thus the article isn’t going anywhere without mentioning at least one of it’s 7 hybrids. Not because it’s a dog-like hybrid to be included in a list of underdogs, but having some of the more unique moves and combos in the game going unnoticed with Indolycan is just a pity if I didn’t not cover it in this article. 

When taking a look at Indolycan first hand, most would agree with me on Cloak Of Rage and Evasive Ferocious Rampage. These 2 moves are what I call a high-risk, high-reward factor. Now those who also play fighting games, like Smash Bros would probably know what I’m referring to, as moves like these are risky to use if you were to flip the tide of a game, but once getting the hang onto it, the chances of winning would be relatively high, as this untamable wolf’s moves can be relatively horrifying if its calculations are correct. Therefore it vertically makes Indolycan one of the perfect 1-hit KO counters for Diloracheirus in lower arenas, and could even stick for a very long time if one doesn't have creatures that go through dodge. Besides, Cloak Of Rage is the first example of a group cloak applied to the game, and that also makes Indolycan viable in certain raid strategies as well. 

Unfortunately, more competition on Marsupial Lion DNA with Thylos and the Sah Panthera hybrid lineage hurts it, being too easily predictable with its moves and a ‘Tank Is Unbreakable’ meta made it fall. But as I mentioned in the previous article, Indolycan received a slight buff on its enhancement, which now includes a shield breaking factor at the end of a turn. So will it make a grand return? Time will tell.

4. Gigantic Venator

Ah, Giganyx, the poster child of power-creep. If you move this carnivore away from flock colonies, it may live again for one to see its real potential on being a fearsome Unique. Giganyx was a menace during update 2.16, a time when flocks weren’t too dominant in the meta. Having decent output and resistances, it could also go head to head with mid tier Apex creatures like Ankylos Lux, Refrenantem and Imperatosuchus with ease, and those of the likes of Skoonasaurus? That’ll go down as well. But unfortunately, the aforementioned creatures I mentioned above were just the exact ones when Giganyx was relevant in the meta. Now? It just cannot fit properly.

With the prominent stun immunity and high stun resistance, it's kit for not being enough to catch up on the newer creatures and having a Postimetrodon DNA competition with Tyrannometrodon and Skoonametrodon aren’t canny as well; all this had made Giganyx power-crept to the abyss. This, to the point when some arguably consider Giganotosaurus as the better creature to invest on to go for Epic tourneys. 

Even with all these constraints, it’s a creature one should not easily underestimate. Just like Indolycan above, this is another hybrid that can dish out a ton of damage if it wants to. Alert Crushing Showdown makes even a Giganyx with 1 health left a formidable opponent to be dealt with; Ferocious Restore practically regenerates half health, and the rampage is strong too. If one doesn’t have either flocks or Pantherator, or has a full team of tanks, this thing can strike through teams like a wrecking ball. In fact, some of our veterans still use this gigantic venator on their teams, and so you could see how much we still love this big guy. Maybe a small buff or two could help?

If you think Giganyx is something one shouldn’t easily underestimate, then the last 3 creatures on the list might have you rethink your choice. 

3. Fiery Hogs

Coming in third place claiming the bronze medal is Lystrosavis. Probably the most underrated creature in this article, cause if it wasn’t me encountering one earlier in the arena, I would have forgotten it being a Unique creature. Despite being a tier or 2 below most of the top tier creatures residing at the same rarity it’s in, these fiery hogs are rather the tyrants of their own tier. As the 3rd best flock in the game, they mainly function rather differently than Dsungascoprios and Thylos: Using resilient moves and distraction altogether. Besides, having not 1, not 2 but 3 dodge moves also make a huge difference too, as this has significantly increased these little fella’s chances of survivability. Besides, having good output and a balanced defence mechanism allows it to be one of the more efficient creatures in the Unique meta, especially when having the ability to take on Compsoraptor and play tricks on Pantherator.

But then why is it here? It’s in fact the constant pressure of updates made it fall. Released during update 2.18, it saw a bit of usage, but then in later updates, more creatures with the same abilities as Lystrosavis does, are vertically more powerful. The same goes to those who counter those creatures well, so it’s a case of a creature being power-crept even if it’s a decent one of its own tier. I still adore these little guys, not just because of the aforementioned history that made me feel sorry for them, but they can be a deadly tool on the battlefield; just the fact not much could be noticed from the outside, just like Anya Forger, who looks adorably normal in the outside, but has the ability to use telepathy in the inside to solve even the toughest problems.

2. Resistance Expert

Arguably the chosen one with the most resistances other than Magnapyritor, while having moves so mighty yet not many uses it in the current meta, Pterovexus surely divebombs in second place with the silver medal of underdogs. If it weren’t an overhaul filled with affliction and such wild moves on this pterosaur’s kit, I don’t think it’ll even make it onto this list. Let’s take a deeper look on what it could do.

Not only both Exhaust and Swap In Duel nullifies the opponent, but it afflicts 50% of every resistance; Exhaust having a cool down of 1 is also no joke. With those afflictions being applied for 2 turns, one could say this hybrid can take 100% affliction to an extreme. Alert Harpy having the ability to both strike a wounding decelerating rampage, and a defensive action with regeneration and armour increase, it’s also not something to be made fun of. Besides, Claw Slight functions similarly to Alert Squall, although even you’ll get a swap as well. But to notify that it is the opponent who swaps first, meaning you’ll get a free hit off in first place. Additionally, after taking one detailed look at this mischievous hybrid, I can see a potential reason why not many uses, even after an inevitable buff.

One of which is speed. It might be helpful for winning, but being too speedy has its drawbacks. The main meta right now, almost other than Thylos and the 2 panthers, everything is usually below 130 speed. Even if they’re slower, most of them are armed with cleansing moves. Cleansing moves while combined with an offensive kit can be devastating for a vulnerable Pterovexus to handle properly. Still, it’s definitely a creature that you should be aware of, especially when you’re using something without a cleanse.

1. Cruel Demon

The creature in first place getting the gold medal is probably the other creature I’d consider meta-relevant on this list alongside Pterovexus. Even saying so, it’s position isn’t really as steady as well. Ending with the creature that inspired this whole article, Atrocimoloch serves as the fierce resilient class of the Atrociraptor hybrid lineage. At the meantime, it’s also the one that suffers the most: Getting a redesign much worse than before, the only one of the 4 to not see a widespread usage in terms of popularity due to it’s seemly bland moves and resistances; being overshadowed by the Thylos buff within the same update it was added, as well as the short range spawns having an issue on spawning properly during earlier months - it’s one of the few creatures in JWA that have suffered quite a lot during its release. 

When taking a closer look at its initial moves, they are in fact, relatively versatile and suits the class of a fierce resilient creature pretty well. Shielded Heavy Strike is one of the best strikes in the game, while having a high damage output with a precise shattering counter, alongside Berserk Rampaging Cloak and Instant Stunning Impact immediately packs a punch. Along with a heal that slows down the opponent, it can surely come back from the brink of being taken out. In fact, its variety of moves pairing up one another allows it to handle most creatures. The swap in shields is niche to tank against Pantherator, using Berserk Rampaging Cloak alone with the counter can 1-hit KO Tyrannometrodon if it dodges successfully, and it’s offensive kit fends off Atrocodistis, Dracovenator, Pteranokyrie and even Geminideus pretty well too. All these features and potentials made Atrocimoloch undoubtedly, the ultimate underdog in the game. 

Parting Words

And so here are the top 10 underdogs in the game. At the moment they might simply just be mediocre choices, but once you get the chance to use them in a fight, eventually you’ll understand how they work, and might even consider bringing some of them to challenge the ones dominating the arena or tourneys now. Besides, they can put up a decent battle or two with their abilities, it’s just they’re blocked with some stepping stones within their own boundaries. Time will tell whether this can be fixed anytime soon. Personally, I have continuous hopes on these underdogs getting more attention and seeing another resurgence in the future.

Lastly, thanks to everyone who has participated in the ‘Survey Says’ section in our weekly event articles, as well as reading this article.

Happy playing!

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About the Author(s)

An Allosaurus and Atrociraptor hybrid enthusiast, glad to be on the prowl in search for some creative ideas for GamePress articles. Whether it’s diving into the world of JWA creatures or working on community projects, they’ll sure have you enjoy reading them. 
