
Winter Altina

Analysis by MackerelPye
Winter Altina - Cross-Time Duo


Obtainable as a 5 only

Hero Stats

Max Avg Total Stats at Lvl 40
HP 42
ATK 40
SPD 18
DEF 37
RES 39

Stat Variations

Level 1 Stat Variation
Low 17 9 2 10 10
Middle 18 10 3 11 11
High 19 11 4 12 12

Level 40 Stat Variations
Low 39 37 15 34 36
Middle 42 40 18 37 39
High 45 44 21 40 42

IV Sets

Key stats worth increasing through nature if possible.
Complementary stats that matter, but not to the point of picking them over key stats for nature increase.
Relatively worthless stat that can safely be decreased through nature.

Skill Sets

Transcending Time and Dragonyule Cookies (All-Encompasing Superunit Build)

Build by MackerelPye
Ragnell·Alondite (+Eff) A Atk/Res Finish 4
Alternate: Atk/Res Unity
Positional Assist
Alternate: Ardent Sacrifice
B Atk/Def Bulwark 3
Alternate: Special Spiral 4
Twin Blades
Alternate: Aether
C Atk/Res Oath 4
Alternate: Joint Drive Atk

+ATK then +RES or +DEF / -SPD

SAtk/Res Ideal 3
Alternate: Atk/Def Form 3

Show Explanation/Analysis

Weapon: Ragnell•Alondite (+Eff)

Assist: Ardent Sacrifice / Positional Assist 

Special: Twin Blades / Aether

Passive A: Atk/Res Finish / Atk/Res Unity / Mirror Stance 3 / Atk/Def versions of mentioned skills

Passive B: Atk/Def Bulwark / Mystic Boost 4 / Quick Riposte 4 / Special Spiral 4 / Null C-Disrupt

Passive C: Atk/Res Oath 4 / Joint Drive Atk / Pulse Smoke / Atk Smoke 4

Sacred Seal: Atk/Res Ideal / Atk/Res Form / Mystic Boost / Atk/Def or Def/Res versions of mentioned skills

  • This is a more traditional, secure take on Aether Raids tanking if the threat of Duo's Hinderance is too risky or the higher-risk high-reward Vantage playstyle isn't your groove. Thanks to Ragnell•Alondite's cooldown acceleration and Brave effect, Altina/Sanaki gains the distinctive advantage of being able to activate Twin Blades (for reduction piercing) or Aether (for sustainability) in a single round. While their Duo Effect is effective and always available for emergencies or true sweeping, this build also proofs Altina/Sanaki versus Aether keeps with Duo's Hindrance, giving them more deployment flexibility. 
  • Like most slower Aether Raids Offense carries, however, this variation of Altina/Sanaki is vulnerable to follow-up attacks and would prefer to end or survive all matchups in good standing. Providing outsourced support such as Drive Atk, Flower of Plenty, Flower of Joy, Caduceus Staff, and/or more is advised (and is generally good practice in other Aether Raids Offense strategies, anyway!).
  • Main skill combinations therefore are as follows:
    • Twin Blades + Finish + [Bulwark OR Mystic Boost OR Quick Riposte 4]: Twin Blades' extremely quick firing rate synergizes sinfully well with Finish's +5 damage and 7 HP back on Special trigger. Add on your choice of either Atk/Def Bulwark to stack even more damage and healing on top of this, or Mystic Boost for better healing yields and the ability to fight back versus Dazzling Staff effects, and Altina/Sanaki becomes a very stable, sustainable unit overall. Quick Riposte is also a notable option for being a nice source of damage reduction — something Altina/Sanaki otherwise can't have due to their low Speed — and also ensures a quadruple counterhit that can translate to a confirmed kill.
    • Special Spiral + Aether: The long cooldown count of Aether is counteracted by the cooldown cutting effects of Special Spiral and Ragnell•Alondite's acceleration. Special Spiral's fourth variant also adds on damage reduction nullification, so unless Guard effects are present, you shouldn't be missing out on that from forgoing Twin Blades.
    • Miscellaneously, while Altina/Sanaki's default Null C-Disrupt does help against anti-counterattack effects — a dreaded countermeasure versus Vantage users and tanks overall — it can be a rather tepid option since it's otherwise a wasted slot versus other targets. It doesn't help that Mystic Boost 4 also accounts for Dazzling staff units in addition to healing. 
  • Atk/Res Unity is a nice default choice throughout all builds to build damage and bulk and, more importantly, reverse any possible penalties in Altina/Sanaki's Attack and Resistance. Finish, however, would be a preferred replacement if you're able to provide it due to its added healing and damage upon Altina/Sanaki's quick Special triggers. Similarly, high-tier Stance skills add on enemy Special delay, which can be handy in battles where the enemy unit can otherwise make a mess of things with a readied Special of their own.
  • As usual on an sustain tank especially designed for Aether Raids offense, Atk Smoke and Pulse Smoke are great choices for increasing longevity against multiple enemies or making matchups versus Pulse-stacking teams more comfortable, respectively. To further magnify Altina/Sanaki's damage output and confirm more kills, however, Joint Drive Atk and Atk/Res Oath 4 are perfectly competitive alternatives.
  • A Stance, Form, or Ideal in the Sacred Seal finalizes the build nicely as they provide a solid additional form of bulk and power in one Sacred Seal. Quick Riposte or Mystic Boost, as said as options in the B-slot, are also worth considering to close kills more cleanly in 3-4 hits or provide more sustain, respectively.

Some Coal for That Weird Emperor in Fódlan (Galeforce)

Build by MackerelPye
Ragnell·Alondite (+Eff) A Atk/Res Unity
Alternate: Death Blow (3 or 4)
Positional Assist B Wings of Mercy 3
Galeforce C Time's Pulse 3
Alternate: Joint Drive Atk


SDeath Blow 3
Alternate: Quickened Pulse

Show Explanation/Analysis

Weapon: Ragnell•Alondite (+Eff)

Assist: Positional Assist 

Special: Galeforce 

Passive A: Atk/Res Unity / Atk/Def Ideal / Death Blow 4 / Any Initiation-friendly Atk Increase skill 

Passive B: Wings of Mercy / Spd/Def Tempo

Passive C: Time's Pulse / Infantry Pulse / Joint Drive Atk / Even or Odd Tempest / Assault Troop

Sacred Seal: Atk/Res Ideal / Quickened Pulse / Death Blow / Odd Tempest

  • Galeforce is a potent Special that grants its user an additional action after triggering, and despite its high cooldown of 5, it comes rather naturally on Altina/Sanaki, given that:
    • Ragnell•Alondite very quickly kills enemies and charges Altina/Sanaki's Special by hitting twice in one strike. Each hit also comes packed with accelerated charging post-refine — thus bypassing the need to sacrifice a skill slot for Heavy Blade unlike typical Galeforce units. If two hits land without any Guard effects active, 4 out of 5 charges necessary to trigger Galeforce are marked off.
    • …and the last point can be easily finished off with one cooldown cutting effect from Time's Pulse, Quickened Pulse, or equivalent ally support (such as Wolfpup Fang, Groom's Wing, Infantry Pulse, or Ostia's Pulse), minimizing the amount of setup Altina/Sanaki requires to trigger Galeforce.
  • Galeforce is an initiation Special — meaning that Altina/Sanaki want some initiation-friendly, damage-increasing skills as the passives. Their default Atk/Res Unity is a decent start, but it requires Altina/Sanaki to keep themselves within two spaces of some other ally, which might not always be possible or optimal in some situations. In its place, Death Blow is a simple and accessible substitute, and other higher-rung skills like Atk/Res or Atk/Def Ideal work too as long as they at least give equivalent Atk upon attacking. 
    • The above applies to Altina/Sanaki's Sacred Seal also, assuming it isn't already being occupied by utility skills like Quickened Pulse or a Tempest skill (for increased initiation movement). Death Blow and Atk/Res Ideal are straightfoward recommendations here.
  • On Aether Raids Offense Galeforce teams, multiple methods of extra movement and turns are linked with each other to dismantle the opposing Defense in a turn or two. Wings of Mercy, then, will often be Altina/Sanaki's best B-slot option as it allows instant teleportation next to a damaged ally, significantly improving their movement options and the team's general momentum. For combative options, a Tempo skill — preferably an Atk/Def version as soon as that releases (at this time of writing) — is nice to have for charging up Galeforce regardless of Guard effects. 
  • Altina/Sanaki's infantry status gives them some nice C-slot options to chew here. 
    • Time's Pulse, again, helps them self-sufficently lower the amount of charges required for Galeforce.
    • If Pulse effects are provided elsewhere, you can opt to help the Special charging of other infantry allies instead by running Infantry Pulse on Altina/Sanaki themselves. 
    • Joint Drive Atk provides another layer of damage for both its user and surrounding teammate.
    • A Tempest skill may often be appreciated due to the extra movement space they provide. Assault Troop also does this, but trades freedom of movement for turn consistency. 

Santa Claus Was Two Women (AR-O Vantage / Duo's Hindrance Avoidance)

Build by MackerelPye
Ragnell·Alondite (+Eff) A Atk/Res Ideal 4
Alternate: Atk/Res Unity
Positional Assist
Alternate: Ardent Sacrifice
B Vantage 3
Twin Blades C Atk/Res Oath 4
Alternate: Joint Drive Atk


SAtk/Res Solo 3
Alternate: Atk/Res Ideal 3

Show Explanation/Analysis

Weapon: Ragnell•Alondite (+Eff)

Assist: Ardent Sacrifice / Positional Assist 

Special: Twin Blades

Passive A: Atk/Res Ideal / Atk/Res Unity

Passive B: Vantage

Passive C: Atk/Res Oath 4 / Joint Drive Atk

Sacred Seal: Atk/Res Form / Atk/Res Ideal / Fierce Stance / Atk/Res Solo

  • It's rather agreeable that running Vantage in the B slot can be considered a rather wasteful effort, considering the unit in question has that exact effect baked into a Harmonized Skill command button. Duo's Hinderance being so commonplace in higher tier Aether Raids Defense maps, however, often blocks consistent use of the Harmonized Skill. 
  • Therefore, provided you don't intentionally bring Altina/Sanaki to maps with obvious countermeasures (ridiculously high Def enemies, Windsweep, any other forms of counterattack cancellation, etc), you can use them as you would any other Brave weapon + Vantage sweeper. Ultimately, the combination of Ragnell•Alondite and any additional high Atk investments you can offer in the passive slots should serve to knock out enemies in a one-two punch.



Altina's original signature weapon strikes twice merrier than ever, sporting its potent double hits in player and enemy phase while having Distant Counter effect conveniently baked in by default. The dual Brave effect not only makes Altina/Sanaki excel at doing blitz damage at most given moments, but it also charges their chosen Special more quickly than other units with single-hit weapons. 

The twin swords also received a refinery update very far in advance, and it also does merrily to upkeep modern needs. The most notable added aspect would definitely be its new cooldown charging acceleration effect, which takes away the need to reserve skill slots for Breath or Heavy Blade and enables more frequent Special triggers than ever. As a nice cherry on top, the refine also provides extra damage and Res +5, and essentially erases the need to run Lull Atk/Def by erasing enemy bonuses in those stats. 

Infantry Perks

The transition from flier to infantry unit gives Altina access to lots of great limited skills otherwise unavailable to her Mythic version. Bulwark, Finish, Time's Pulse, Special Spiral, their own native Null C-Disrupt, and being able to collect Infantry Pulse from allies are very notable gains in particular.

Optimized Stat Distribution / Huge Attack

Altina/Sanaki's standout stat is Attack, which pops at a nice base 40 and becomes even more outlandish from a super Asset (4 additional Attack instead of 3). Except for Speed—which Altina/Sanaki was never going to invest in seriously anyway—the rest of Altina's defensive stats feast well with values well over 37, giving her considerable durability throughout all builds.

Harmonic Effect / Open B Slot

Sometimes old tricks still work, and Altina doesn't stray far from her original playstyle by having a non-HP conditional Vantage effect essentially baked into a pressable button. With this, Altina/Sanaki's B slot can be freed up for other competitive B slot options, especially their native Null C-Disrupt or Atk/Def Bulwark. Additionally, the extra +4 Attack and Speed coming from Resonance: Blades effect aids both Altina/Sanaki and units from their respective titles (Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn) as an extra push in killing power.


The Harmonic Effect Only Works Once

The Christmas party music stops once players consider that Altina/Sanaki's Harmonized Skill only work once. This results in a few deliberations:

  • You can't be too rash with activating the effect; pressing the button too early or too late can bode badly if you can't make an optimized amount of kills in one turn.
  • On the flipside, deploying the Duo's Indulgence structure in Aether Raids may make pressing misfires more forgiving... assuming you have room for that, anyway.
  • On the flopside, Duo's Hindrance on the enemy's Defense will also disable Altina/Sanaki's Harmonized effect, meaning you have to go through the (sometimes extremely difficult) trouble of sniping either Hindrance or the defending Duo/Harmonized unit to activate it.

Usual Vantage Counters

Altina/Sanaki can access Null-C Disrupt by default or run Mystic Boost 4, which typically solves the problem of facing units with counterattack cancellation effects such as Firesweep or Dazzling staff. Lacking those, they face being worn down by repeated pressure. The duo is also still not insured again Hardy Bearing weapons / effects, which grants the risk of picking off Altina/Sanaki if they are at low health.

Terrible Speed

Altina/Sanaki's dastardly low Speed puts limitations on their tanking abilities as follow-up attacks become commonplace against them. While their defensive stats are great, they're not that fantastic to the point of taking multiple enemies head-on without activating the Vantage effect or running sustain Specials. These issues become only pronounced when the enemy has a chance to double. 

Facing the full damage reduction of Dodge skill users is typically not a problem with Altina/Sanaki as it is with other slow tanks, however, as using either Twin Blades or Special Spiral 4 will neutralize most common forms of reduction. 

Sword Infantry Competition

For general reliability, players may flock to Speed tanks such as Brave Marth or Ascended Mareeta, who have little problem avoiding follow-up attacks AND making them on their own while being able to weather multiple attacks thanks to damage reduction B slot skills. The introduction of Arcane Éljúðnir as a reliable and inheritable sword tool also makes the slow defensive swordmaster niche somewhat dicier; granted, being a dual-phase Brave sword unit is a far cry from generic Éljúðnir user #6334. 

Harmonized Skill

Grants【Resonance: Blades】to unit and allies from the same titles as unit.  Grants【Vantage】to unit.  【Resonance: Blades】 Grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat for 1 turn.  【Vantage】 If foe initiates combat, unit can counterattack before foe's first attack for one turn.

Weapon Skills

Weapons SP Rng. Mt.
Iron Sword
Learns by default at 1 ★
Unlocks at 1 ★
Only Inheritable by Sword Units.
50 1 6
Steel Sword
Learns by default at 3 ★
Unlocks at 2 ★
Only Inheritable by Sword Units.
100 1 8
Silver Sword
Learns by default at 4 ★
Unlocks at 3 ★
Only Inheritable by Sword Units.
200 1 11

Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.

Inflicts Spd-5. Unit attacks twice (even if foe initiates combat).

Learns by default at 5 ★
Unlocks at 5 ★
Non-Inheritable skill.
400 1 10
Available Rearmed Weapons
Arcane Devourer
Arcane Éljúðnir
Weapon Evolution
Weapon Upgrades
Weapon Upgrades

Special Skills

Special Skills SP Turns
Chilling Wind

Boosts damage dealt by 50% of unit's Res.

Learns by default at 4 ★
Unlocks at 3 ★
Non-inheritable by Staff-wielding units.
100 4

Boosts damage dealt by 50% of unit's Res.

Unlocks at 4 ★
Non-inheritable by Staff-wielding units.
200 3
Twin Blades

Boosts damage by 40% of unit's Res.

Disables non-Special skills that "reduce damage by X%."

Unlocks at 5 ★
Non-Inheritable skill.
500 2

Passive Skills

Passive Skills SP Slot
Atk/Res Bond 1

Grants Atk/Res+3 to this unit during combat if unit is adjacent to an ally.

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 2 ★
Atk/Res Bond 2

Grants Atk/Res+4 to this unit during combat if unit is adjacent to an ally.

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 3 ★
Atk/Res Bond 3

Grants Atk/Res+5 to this unit during combat if unit is adjacent to an ally.

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 4 ★
Atk/Res Unity

If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Res+5 and bonus to Atk/Res during combat = current penalty on each of those stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+19, for a net bonus of Atk+12.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Inheritable by all units.
Unlocks at 5 ★
Null C-Disrupt 1

At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100%, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's counterattacks during combat.

Excludes Armor, Cavalry, and Flying
Unlocks at 3 ★
Null C-Disrupt 2

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50%, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's counterattacks during combat.

Excludes Armor, Cavalry, and Flying
Unlocks at 4 ★
Null C-Disrupt 3

Neutralizes effects that prevent unit's counterattacks during combat.

Excludes Armor, Cavalry, and Flying
Unlocks at 5 ★
Atk/Res Oath 1

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Res+3 to unit for 1 turn.

Infantry & Flying Units Only
Unlocks at 1 ★
Atk/Res Oath 2

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Res+4 to unit for 1 turn.

Infantry & Flying Units Only
Unlocks at 2 ★
Atk/Res Oath 3

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Res+5 to unit for 1 turn.

Infantry & Flying Units Only
Unlocks at 4 ★

Other Info

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

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