
I have two questions regardless new gym system and I am gonna make both here so I don't have to create two threads.

Which one is the best Machamp moveset at this point? Even if it is a combination of legacy and new moves, I am looking for the moveset with the highest dps just spamming and also for the one that makes more dps while dodging and taking less damage. Also would love to know if there is a huge difference between them. Are we save now to delete all our prestigers? Are you saving them? And mulitple copies of the same mon? For example I have 4 Venusaur at level 20 with 90%+IV and another 96%IV powered up, should I save the lower level ones just in case or I am save to transfer them all? Would love to know what you are doing about it.
Asked by Meloscomo6 years 11 months ago


I'm gonna only answer the second question:

I don't think you are generally safe ever deleting high quality mons in this game. Most prestigers are more or less useless right NOW, but I believe that this is a "living game". I think they will continue to change up the system now and then.

Think about it: In the old system the main priority was getting a set of high cp defenders. Attackers just needed to be level 30. It was also good with a set of strong prestigers. Now you can use anything for defense and high level attackers are much more important. Prestigers are mostly useless.

If interest is to be kept in a game like this, they probably need to switch it up from time to time.

In other words: If you are strapped for space, I would delete all of the common prestigers, that are easily obtainable (Raticate, Furret, etc) and everything else that isn't high IV with great movesets. You can use them in battle first and then send them to the trainer. But I would definitely keep your prizemons. The ones with high IV's and strong movesets that you can't easily reobtain.

As for the Venusaurs, I would personally keep the 90%+'ers for now.


Ok, I will do that. I don't like seeing my box full of useless mon, and some of that Venusaur for example have Sludge Bomb...


i m pretty sure Counter-Close Combat is the best for raids for overall damage.
About prestigers. Thats totally up to your pokemon storage. I dumped all low iv prestigers.


Then if you only had one good IV Machamp would you for Counter and Close Combat? I have only one and he has KC/CC.


IMO, KC/CC is still the best. C/DP is a close second but my C/Combat hasn't been battle tested yet because I need to power him to level 30.
