
Suggestion for improvement

I prefer the new system to the old one, but think there is room to make the game interesting.

My biggest problem is that my village is more than 95% mystic (blue). This means there are almost no gyms to attack and it is hard to get the coins.

I can think of two solutions: split mystic into two or more teams (purple and green?) or forget the teams and let anyone attack any gym where he doesn't have a pokemon.

Regarding raids, I can't organize groups of players so I am forced to only attack level 1 and 2 raids, because level 3+ will always beat me. On the other hand, level 1 and 2 are too easy because you can stack all 6 attackers of the same species.

Regarding attacking opposing gyms (I have found 1). It is too easy, again, because you can stack all 6 attackers of the same species. I found that rhydons are unstoppable.

My suggestions:
For raids: instead of a single pokemon, have each raid include 3-6 different pokemon species.

When you make an attacking team (for a raid or gym) you must use 6 different species of pokemon.

Make the amount of rewards (experience, dust, goods) when you attack (for a raid or gym) dependent on the CP of your attackers, the lower the CP the more reward, a lot like the prestiging was just much more transparent.

Asked by FriedOnion6 years 11 months ago


I don't like the last suggestion as it removes the main incentive to get higher level attacking mons on top of already removing the incentive to get higher level defensive mons.

I do however like the suggestion of limiting how many of the same species you can attack with.


I get what you are saying, but in my one and only attack on the gym, it was sad. I just attacked with 5 rhydons and a golem. The poor defenders didn't have a chance , especially when my 2400 rhydon took on the lower CP pokemons. It was just too easy, even the water defenders like vaporeon didn't slow me down.


What if they make the system so you get 50 coins for defending and 50 for defending.


I would certainly agree that we get coins for attacking, but that won't help people like me where there are so few gyms of other teams.


Well in a place where it is not all Mystic like where I live, splitting up Mystic would be devastating and we would lose everywhere. Right now the teams are even where I am so splitting one team b/c its big in your village won't help anyone else.


Fair enough, I didn't think about that.

I guess it is sad that everyone made a random choice a year ago, and now some people (like in my village) are stuck.


If there are few gyms of other teams it is because there are few other players, but also because they have even less incentive to attack. After all, THEIR gyms will be taken from them before they can collect any coins. If they would get coins for attacking, you can bet that they would get to work immediately.

One problem with Niantic is, that their solutions are always rigid. This way, either everything is static and noone even bothers with attacking. Or no gym will hold and everything is torn down way too fast. Niantic tries to fiddle the incentives and difficulties to hit the sweet spot. Which does at best work for a short time, until the player base changes. What they should introduce are flexible, dynamic solutions: Gyms that are often taken over become stronger, and if you hold them you will get higher rewards. Gyms that are stagnant for a long time become weaker and the reward for taking them down increases. The motivation loss and coin-per-gym-cap is a step in the right direction, but still way to primitive to be efficient in providing a constantly interesting environment.


by Dr. T 6 years 11 months ago

The strength of the rad bosses are fine, as they provide a challenge for everyone. Low level players can try to solo a tier one boss. I am level 35 now, so tiers one and two are easy. But going solo against a tier three boss is a challenge. It is very hard, but should be possible with a better team of attackers. It will take some effort to assemble one, but between TMs and catches after raids it should not take too long.


If I see an exegcutor, I will just throw my 6 strongest arcanines at him, I don't need to think or be sophisticated. I will either win in the allotted time, or it will be impossible.
On the other hand, an exegcutor / golem / jolteon team? That would make me think.


Seriously? If you want to deal fire damage, Flareon has higher ATK and stronger moves. In fights, were time is the limiting factor, how fast you dish out damage is more important than stamina. And of course, bug damage is double efficient against Exeggutor, so that even with their weaker charge moves Pinsir or Scizor are even better.


I did not know that bugs were so good against exeggutor, thanks for the tip.

In any case, because of the pokemon in my area I have an arcanine army, some weak bugs (best are 1.6k scizor) and only a few weak flareon (I need eevees for the jolteon and vaporeon)

Today I attacked a 12k exeggutor twice with my arcanine army (three best with 2.4k) . They got him to 0 before the time ran out (once two fainted, once three).

Of course, in both cases I had a network error so got no rewards and no exeggutor, but that is a different problem.
