
HP, ATK, DEF - What to prefer.

Hello I have two Exeggcutes with IV 93% and I wonder which one I should evolve. I know that it doesn't make a real difference with these stats. But I'm curious in general.

STA, ATK, DEF 15/15/12; 623CP (Level 20)
STA, ATK, DEF 12/15/15; 685CP (Level 22)

I think that the best stats are those in which the pokemon has good general data. So in the case of my exeggutes it would be 1. ATK, 2. STA; 3. DEF (see picture Exeggutor). If I consider only the stats I should evolve the Level 20 Exeggcute. Am I right? What do you think? Is there a fundamental explanation on the basis of the figures?

Asked by majo7 years 6 months ago


by majo 7 years 6 months ago

ATK is in the case of holding a Gym probably subsidized because the attack rate is limited. Right?


It's really easy in this case. Just power up (not evolve) your lvl 20 Exeggutor to lvl 22, it only costs you a small amount of stardust and candy, then compare these two Exeggutors at the same level.


I just calculated the CP with the calculator here it will have 686 CP in level 22. So 1CP more. ;-)

It seems the way I have expected. That if the Pokemon has higher general stats in one area. This area is to prefer in the specific characteristics.

In this case the differences are marginal, but for other pokemon like Alakazam it makes probably a huge difference. An Alakazam with 15 DEF/STAM is probably much worse than one with 15 ATK


Stamina and Defense is pretty much the same, just that mons which have more stamina than defense like Wigglytuff require more potions after they fainted while mons which lean to the defense side are rather potion efficient.


The second one (level 22) will even have more CP cuz Atack > Defense > Stamina in CP maths. I would prefer him (defense is his lowest stat, so i would prefer 15 to Def and Attack than Sta and Attack anyway besides the higher CP).


Thank you for your opinion. The level 22 has actually 1CP less than the STAM/ATK.

It seems the way I have expected. That if the Pokemon has higher general stats in one area. This area is to prefer in the specific characteristics.

In this case the differences are marginal, but for other pokemon like Alakazam it makes probably a huge difference. An Alakazam with 15 DEF/STAM is probably much worse than one with 15 ATK


My opinion is quite opposite. I would power up the weekest stat, so the relative (percentual) change is bigger.

Easyest example would be a pokemon with 100 def and 200 sta, and the possibility to choose between
15 IV def 0 IV Sta or
0 IV def and 15 IV Sta

the first has 115 * 200 = 23000 effective health
the second has 100 * 215 = 21500 effective health.

Comparison with attack-stat is not so easy, but I would handle it the same way: I would chose the IV-set which makes most relative change.

What could be easily seen from my example: The difference is not very big. In fact, the practical impact of IV-distribution (in comparison to IV-sum) is so small, that it's unlikely you will notice the difference in actual battle.


Interesting approach!

Is the calculation DEF * STA = Effective health confirmed? I do not know the mechanisms.


I have considered this calculation common sense, but I think, it can be deducted from damage formula:
Damage = ½∗Power∗Atk / Def∗STAB∗Effective
and the fact, that life points are proportionally calculated out of stamina.


This will show the formula right:


Pls consider that Atk and Def are not the raw stats. They are both multiplicated with a factor based on level.

The Stamina has nothing to do with this formula.


If you take rounding up [floor()+1] into account, it is nearly impossible to calculate any reverse function or stuff. I know it is done, and i ignore it, knowing that I ignore a bias to fast, small quick moves.

I know there is a factor for PKM-level, which can be ignored if i want to compare two PKM of the same level, as the original poster does.

Of course Stamina matters in this context, because the number of Damage per hit (see formula) and the damage a PKM can take at all (depending linearely on stamina) determine the length of fight and the fight's outcome.


Stamina doesn't has any influence on this damage formula. Stamina is just effectet by the outcome of this formula.
Furthermore you don't ignore the cp multiplier realation, it is = 1, you know that.


by Amu 7 years 6 months ago

The missing 3 points make no big difference at all. Based on maximum

3 points in DEF are 1.74%
3 points in ATK are 1.21%

My advice: Either you take him as DEF Pokemon (->12/15/15) or take him as ATK Pokemon (->15/12/15)

Use at least one of them for power up gyms. With cp between 900-1000 maybe.

But I doubt there will be any notable difference in dmg between those two. Maybe it is even mathmatical the same. Because the dmg function "Floor" always round it down and the difference is extreamly slight.
