
Assemble my Mewtwo Team

Background: I live in an area where there is regularly ~10-15 people at popular raids (tyranitars / birds / etc), so the main priority is DPS (getting those damage balls).

That being said, here are my options:
Lv 35 15/15/15 Tyranitar B/SE
Lv 30.5 15/13/14 Tyranitar B/SE
Lv 30.5 15/13/14 Tyranitar B/SE
Lv 30.5 14/13/15 Tyranitar B/C
Lv 20 14/13/15 Tyranitar B/SE
..6x Lv 20 poor IV Tyranitars

Lv 30.5 15/15/15 Scizor FC/XC
Lv 30.5 13/14/15 Scizor FC/XC
Lv 30.5 15/15/14 Gengar H/SB
Lv 32 15/15/14 Dragonite DT/DC
Lv 31 15/14/15 Alakazam C/FS
Lv 30.5 14/14/13 Gyarados B/C
Lv 30.5 13/12/15 Gyarados B/C
Lv 30.5 12/15/15 Gyarados B/C
Tons of Lv 30 Houndoom S/C, S/FP

I have 200k dust and enough candies + 200 rare candies to power up to hit any breakpoints but would rather not max out (39) any.

How would you assemble the team to maximize those damage balls? Can answer any questions necessary Thanks!

Asked by pkgoplayer16 years 10 months ago


TM 1-2 T Tar into Crunch ones. Then go with 5 Tar + Dragonite.


Diversification lowers your risk.
In other words you don't get completely F up when the Mewtwo is a Focus Blast one.
After you have your first Shadow Ball Mewtwo replace Dragonite with it.


Honestly, I would just TM a couple of those ttars until they have crunch. I would use the best 4 of those then use dark Garys or Scizor. I'd probably power up the Scizor(s) to 2500CP.


SCIZOR SOZE!!! is what u should rename that 100iv beauty. so sick

Id go with this team from your pool

  1. Gang
  2. the S/FP Hound
  3. Scizor Soze (w/a little extra dust)
  4. B/C TTar
  5. L35 TTar
  6. 14A Gary

haha, it was my first 100iv from a month into the game. had to power it up a ton of times from a super low level though.


by pipjay 6 years 10 months ago

Against 3:4 charged moves, the four powered up Tyranitar should be the main attackers. TM one to get a second with Crunch. Fill in the remaining two slots with Scizor, Gyarados, and Dragonite. (I like to alternate my attackers and charge moves to help me keep track of how many I have gone through.)

Against Focus Blast, switch two or three of the Tyranitars for more of the flying back up group. Can also bring in Gengar. Hex has a long duration, so it will be harder to dodge (and you will definitely need to dodge against Confusion). Using a Fast TM to get Sucker Punch might be preferable.

Against Hyper Beam, Gengar and Scizor will have more resistance than the other back ups.


what's the 'flying back up group? sorry

i usually lag a bit much to dodge. Also super worried about the zombie glitch. In that case, I keep Hex?


by razvan 6 years 10 months ago

Gengar to lvl 32.5 or 33 in order to survive 3 full confusions. That will give time for a shadow ball in the worst case scenario. Lead with him.
Then as bioweapon shiwrd yesterday in a post, just use TYars. If not enough, dt/o. Repeat if the case, but with 10 people that shpuld not be the case.
If you have enough tms, use on a SE one, but make sure you always have a spear TM in case you roll fire blast.
Your 4 TTars are above bite breakpoint for mewtwo. Power up 5th one to at least lvl 28.

If Focus blast, drop some Ttars, add Houndooms and maybe another Gengar(if psyco cut ).

Forget the rest of ypu list, they are below neutral DT/o dragonite in terms of dps.


I think B/C Gary will be more useful than Houndoom vs. Focus Blast.


yeah i forgot to mention i have a ton of TMs (well like 15, but i can get more) that i need bag space from anyway.


for all the people who recommended TMing TTars, would you TM the higher ones or the lower ones? (CP-wise)

i'm considering between making my best 3 crunch or wokring towards the bottom / crappy IV ones and TM some fireblasts away hoping for crunch and then powering up whatever has crunch (irrespective of IVs)


I'd just take the 4 high level Tyranitars and the 2 Scizors.

But if you want to play it safe, you could substitute a Tyranitar or two with Gyarados or Dragonite instead for Focus Blast.

If you bring too many Tyranitars, especially ones with Stone Edge, they might faint before you can get a special move off and maybe you don't get the raid done or get the maximum damage bonus.

As for TMs, I'd go with a level 20 Tyranitar with the best IVs, that way, if you spend a ton of TMs and get really unlucky, you're not losing out on an attacker because you weren't going to use it anyway since it's not powered up.

But if a high level Tyranitar ends up with Fire Blast then you're worse off.


Sorry, but if the main goal is Dps, as stated by OP, the discusion should not go outside of gengar, tyra, dt/o dragonite and houndoom.
Want to survive to conserve damage bonus? There are other ways to do that. Just do the trick with reviving before last mon fainted so that damage from first pokemons is not lost. Or revive after 3-4 fainted, and this way you even get to reuse again your top DPSers.
The above holds true if you have a very good phone. If not, then yes, pick a team focused on surviving, amd that means no Gengars whatsoever and special attention to FB boss, as stated by androgynous.
