
Defending Pokemon Gym

Let's see this scenario:
I got 3 golbat ( )(same CP)
1st wing attack/ominous wind ,
2nd wing attack/poison fang
3rd bite/air cuttler

For a defending pokemon in a gym, should I look at DPS or should I see cooldown attack also ?

Asked by BlindTK7 years 10 months ago


DPS is calculated from the cooldown and damage of the attack combined.


In some ways "dps" is an abstraction. The true question should not be "what is the damage of a move divided by its cooldown time?", as that is an esoteric question and an attempt to make something based off of math but meant to be interactive wholly mathematical. Rather, it should be, "given the damage of this move and its cooldown, what can its controller do with it?" If you can only fire off two of a weaker but faster attack before when you would prefer to attempt to dodge, it is not effectively better than a slower attack with more power that you can also fire off twice before you would prefer to dodge, even if it is stated to have a higher dps here.

This question is also helpful as you may consider that, when you put a pokemon in a gym, a) an AI is controlling it, and b) that AI will act according to certain patterns, i.e., not dodging, possibly attempting to fire off an attack every X seconds, etc.

In short, not knowing the behavior of gyms and whether they operate under different rules for attacking from the pokemon that you are controlling, yours is a very good question!
