
Are you keeping any of these Pokemon?

So I have so many junk Pokemon I'm holding onto "just in case" that I never use, and probably never will. I was wondering if anyone could think of a reason to talk me out of transferring every single one...even the 100% IV ones with absolute garbage movesets that for some reason I'm holding onto for nostalgia...or something.

As far as I can tell, they're not good attackers. They're not good prestigers. They're not going to have some hardcore next/final evolution. They're just going to ride my bench and take up space.

I keep thinking they'll become useful in future gens, but the more I think about it, the less sense it makes. As average CP goes up every gen, then they'll get less relevant...not more. Right?

If anyone could think of a reason to keep any I'd love to hear it!

(By order of which I am currently holding the most of for a rainy day that will probably never come)

1) Nidoqueen

2) Nidoking

3) Jynx

4) Primeape

6) Rapidash

7) Marowak

8) Hitmonchan

9) Kingler

10) Weezing

11) Dugtrio

12) Dodrio

13) Arbok

14) Fearow

15) Persian

16) Seaking

Bonus: Raticate (He used to be very useful, but his CP is brutal and he's getting less usable by the day even at lvl 30)

In addition, I'm holding onto a bunch of junk that I never use just b/c it has a future higher evo that may/may not be useful:

1) Golbat

2) Porygon

3) Vileplume

4) Onix

And finally, Pokemon that I'm holding only b/c of rarity:

1) Tauros (Although I've found him acceptable when prestiging Snorlax)

2) Aerodactyl (Tried using him to prestige vs. Snorlax once.....and once only. Terrible)

If anyone can think of a reason I'd ever, in a million years, use any of these, please lmk what I'm missing!

Asked by nugjuice7 years 4 months ago


for useless pokemon I keep 2 from the uncommon in my area (the most powerful and one in prestige range) just in case.
And 1 common pokemon (highest iv)


Yeah I keep holding onto a few - highest IV, highest CP, best moveset, etc.

But my questions is...why?

What are the odds my 100% IV Primeape with Night Slash is ever actually decent? Let alone worthy of a spot on a roster of 6?


The first 15 in your list:
I hold onto exactly 1 of each of these, and it is the one that has the best combination of IV's/moveset. If I get a better one, I trash the one that I've been saving.
The next 4:
I keep the best I can find of each of these, and candy for them, just so that I can evolve them at the earliest possible time. (I think Steelix may actually be a good Mon to have in the future.)
The last 2, I keep one of each, and Tauros is quite common where I am. I see 4 to 6 of them a day.

My "managerie" consists of 1 of each evolution maximum, every one at least 82.2 IV, plus my fighters. For fighters, I try to keep a maxed of each with attack movesets, a slightly less than maxed of each (or multiples), with defensive movesets, and then a lower CP version of each for prestiging.
In all, After a mass evolve and cleanup, I usually have about 145 to 155 that I hold onto.


First off, +1 for use of vocab word

Thx - This is pretty much exactly what I do, only for the first 15 I've been holding on the combination of best IV/CP for each moveset. So I tend to have 6 of each. I also have been saving any 100% CP, even though every single one I've evolved has garbage moves.

I was keeping a bunch justifying it by considering it part of my prestige team, but I've put a ton of work into it and it's to the point where I'm pretty stacked. I have multiple of better Pokemon of all types with great movesets at all CP's from 1k - 1.6k

So I'm thinking I'll do what you do and keep 1 for nostalgic purposes. I guess 1 of each is only 15, that's better than the ~100 slots I'm using right now!


For those Mons in particular, I ignore the CP...... I can always power them up later if I decide I want them for something. Since I only keep the 1 best IV/Moveset of each of them, I have 15. This applies to others also, Butterfree, Beedrill, Pidgeot, etc. down the line. I keep exactly 1 of each, just to show them off.


Most of them will probably always be useless. But be aware of the following:

Nidoqueen & King: If abilities ever get introduced, these two happen to have very strong abilities in the main games.

Dugtrio: As above.

Marowak: If hold items ever get introduced, Marowak happens to have a very strong hold item that doubles its attack in the main games.

Golbat: Crobat is one of the fastest pokémon. If the CP formula or the combat system gets rewamped, it might become powerful, as it is in the main games.

Porygon: Has not only one, but two evolutions in future generations. Both have competitive use in the main series.

Vileplume: Vileplume has no evolution. Bellossom evolves from Gloom. None of them have competitive use in the main games.

Onix: Steelix has a mega evolution.

Aerodactyl: Aerodactyl has a mega evolution.


Interesting, thanks for insight into the games. TBH I knew pretty much none of what you wrote. I'll have to consider this. It seems like saving my best of each 1 might be prudent rather than xfering them all. I don't even know what an ability is but I'll check it out

I was a huge RBY nerd, playing through the game countless times. But after that I pretty much went dark, just b/c of life timing. When Gen 3 came out I was a Senior in HS, and Gen 4 was Senior in college. So I was way more interested in chicks and booze than Pokemon. But now I'm old and full circle back to Pokemon (lol)


Time to take advantage of that mass transfer button.


you know when you are looking at one mon you can swipe left or right to go directly to the next mons page.
That can help the "unfavorite" from one mon to the next quickly.


by kkmmdd 7 years 4 months ago

I feel like Jynx could be passable at prestiging in certain situations because of its typing. Pound/Psyshock against Lapras, Frost Breath/Ice Punch against Exeggutor, etc.

I think Rapidash is the most 'CP-efficient' Fire type for prestiging according to science/some chart I saw.

Marowak is good for prestiging against Jolteon.

Arbok could be good for prestiging against Wigglytuff.

Tauros with ZH/EQ is apparently good for prestiging against Gengar.


FB Jinx is excellent against Exeggcutor, Dragonite, and ZH Snorlax. Bonus if it has IP! (I have yet to get both together.)


I'm very disappointed in Rapidash as a prestiger.
Ninetells is the most efficient fire one according to that reddit study on prestiging cp efficiency, a bit below 80% from wiggly's if I remember right.


From glancing through responses I didn't see the 2 main reasons I keep the highest-IV copy of each species: A) simple collector's pride and B) if TM's ever get introduced, you'd really regret transferring any perfect-IV pokemon.


I would never transfer a 95%+IV mon unless you have a higher iv one with better moveset already, you never know if something like reroll moves or TM or any other item could come to the game in the future. Something crazy might happen, included another CP balance.

I don't know how hard is for you to get coins from gyms but buying 1 mon upgrade (don't think you have more than 50 mons with near perfect iv) in exchange of holding those seems a pretty good "price" for me.


As to your first list, I have actually found Primeape (mine is 90ish% IV, 1500ish CP) to be useful vs. Snorlaxes and Lapras if you can dodge enough (and the Primeape has two fighting moves). For the rest of your first list, I've used the Nido's a few times, and that's about it.

But, on the whole, I don't ditch any high IV pokemon (90+) in the event that Niantic decides its going to rebalance again. Who knows.


Perhaps one other consideration: keep Pokemon that are the best representatives of a move type (see chart on this site: "Highest DPS by Type") - eg Nidoking for poison. Perhaps there will come a day to see Fairy-types in gyms so my Nidoking with poison jab/sludge can finally earn his keep. Of course it's a slippery slope...


Nidoking & Nidoqueen are solid prestigers and sadly got nerfed. I like Chan a lot! Besides those 3 it's a dumpster fire delete away.


I use marowak and sometimes dugtrio for prestiging against gengar and electric types. They both have mud slap/earthquake movesets, and do well in this role. I prefer marowak, but use dugtrio when prestiging especially low CP electrics.
