
Dragonite new best moveset?

Pokemon go db and Rankedboost and all other sites except this one rated Dragon Tail / Hurricane as best moveset with best DPS, I mean Hurricane has same dmg as Outrage but it is 1.20 sec quicker that means I use 1 Hurricane and 1 Dragon Tail (left with 0.10 even for dodging :D) even this site rated Hurricane with 21 more DPS both DT/OT and DT/HU are rated A for attacking but Outrage only better on this site HOW and WHY?! HU 67 DPS and OT 46 DPS (+1 more DT 22DPS because OT is slower 1.20 sec then HU and cd on DT is 1.10). Least and last I think it's better to have high DPS flying move with someone as other flying pokemon sux...

Asked by Galaxio6 years 11 months ago


by Gotuso 6 years 11 months ago

Because Outrage is a 2 bar move. Meaning you can use your charge attack more often then a 1 bar move.


Yes you can but it's better to use HU once which is much faster and then you charge your bar for another, you can get hit easily by boss in raid because OU is sooo slow, also if you use 2 in a row 90% you will be hit by charge attack. It is also much more easier to dodge OU then HU.


Have you done any raids? I've done 9 and having a 2 bar move is much better...When that Snorlax has Hyperbeam, you're not going to probably have enough time to spam attack 2 Hurricanes...

I tend to not dodge and just use all 6 in my team so I can definitely spam 2 Outrages...

Dnite can get both charge moves out and possibly 1 more actually since I think you can survive 1 Hyperbeam so 3 Outrages or 1 Hurricane (or at best 2?).


It's because of the DPE (damage per energy).

Outrage has 220 damage per 100 energy, while Hurricane has 110 damage per 100 energy. This compensates the slowness from Outrage.

Time to use 2 Outrages = 7.8 seconds
On this time you can use 1 Hurricane (2.7 seconds) plus 4 Dragon Tails (4.4 seconds) = 7.1 seconds.

2 Outrages (7.8 seconds) = 220 damage
1 Hurricane + 4 Dragon Tail (7.1 seconds) = 170 damage
1 Hurricane + 5 Dragon Tail (8.2 seconds) = 185 damage

Also, two bar charge moves have better energy efficiency, since you have more room to manage and plan your charge attacks.

Hurricane only has the upper hand against mons with weakness to flying.


This is wrong on so many levels, so if ultra slow HB is a 2 charge move it would be better then all other movesets. I prefer to believe numbers which clearly says on this site 67 DPS HU and 56 DPS OU, as I said HU spends all energy and then you can safely spam DT and charge another but if you use 2 OU in a row you will get hit by raid boss almost every time. I won't change my 100IV Dragonite to DT/OU because DT/HU is better :D, he had SW/DP.


The DPS statistics from this site means nothing for charge moves.
It only takes into count the few seconds from the charge moves.

Take Jolteon for instance.
Thunder = 60 DPS
Thunderbolt = 46DPS

Check any site to see which one is a better move. Everyone will tell you it's Thunderbolt.

DPE is more important than the DPS of the time of the move in most cases.
You have to run the calculations for an entire circle to see which one is better, like I did with the Dragonite's moves in the post above.


And yes, if HB was 2 bar 150 damage move it would be a much better move, and even on par with Hurricane and Outrage.


Pokemon go db and rankedboost says that HU is better, some spreadsheet says that OU is only 3% better.


Yup you need to consider energy cost and damage per energy. Because charged moves have higher DPS moves you want to use them as often as possible. Not all 2 bar charge moves are good, but ones like Outrage, thunderbolt and dynamic punch are very strong relative to their energy cost. Water pulse is an example of a bad 2 bar charge move.


Hurricane is good for long fights but outrage is good for killing a pokemon before gettin hit by a charge move


My friend has 100IV DT/OU and I have 100IV DT/HU and he keeps getting hit by a boss raid charge attack because OU is ultra slow compared to HU, while he spends his 2 charge OU I get another HU filled up.


That because your friend does not know when to use their charged attack and and may be doing something dumb like building up both bars then using them back to back.

The way to use multiple charge bar moves is to spam the quick attack to build up energy, wait for the defender to use their charged attack, dodge, then use your charged attack and keep spamming quick attacks after to rebuild the newly depleted bar.

A raid boss will get off more charged attacks because their energy builds as they receive damage by all attackers and do damage to all attackers. Ive had a Tyranitar launch 9 crunches in a row because we were a team of 17 players all with vaperons and machamps pounding the hell out of it. No one could have done a charged attack unless they were willing to get hit by a crunch.


That means Tyranitar is better with Crunch then Stone Edge as this site says, even if 3 Crunches will last life time and he will die because no dodging xD.


You don't have to use all three charges back to back. You can use each one when it's safe and still dodge effectivelly.

And yes, I find Crunch much better than Stone Edge. Except when I'm fighting a mon that is weak to rock type (which is pretty common to be fair).


Another consideration is in the old meta (when the charts were developed), dragons were plentiful in gyms. So if you used your dragon with dragon-type attacks like outrage to attack into Dragon, it dealt SE; hurricane didn't. Now, the meta is changed and evolving.
