
Educate me on Scizor and Kingdra

I've never played any pokemon games other than PoGo, so I have little knowledge of the gen 2 mons. Of the six perfect 100% IV gen 1 pokemon I've managed to acquire, two are Seadras, and one is a Scyther. I've heard a lot of hype about Kingdra and Scizor, and I'm wondering why they are so good. Their base stats (which of course could change) aren't exactly off the charts, and they will be pretty far down the max CP list.

So, why are people so excited to be able to evolve a Scyther with a max CP of 2464 into a Scizor with a max CP of 2801? Does the dual bug/steel typing confer some huge advantage to Scizor? Would someone want to risk evolving a perfect IV Scyther with an A-rated moveset into a perfect IV Scizor that might come with a crap moveset? Same with Kingdra, which has base stats in the range of Tentacruel and Poliwrath. Does the dual water/dragon typing confer some huge type matchup advantage? Why are people so excited by these future evolutions?

Asked by ScooterJameson7 years 4 months ago


by kkmmdd 7 years 4 months ago

Scizor will be an even better Exeggutor counter than Scyther (400 CP more, and Flying only protects against Grass attacks, Steel resists Grass and Psychic). And in general, Steel resists a lot of things defensively. In particular, it's the only thing that resists Psychic attacks other than another Psychic.

Kingdra will be a decent Dragonite counter. Water typing means it will resist Steel Wing (Dragonite's typical defensive fast move), but still be able to do effective STAB Dragon attacks. Maybe not as good as Lapras, but much easier to obtain. It'll also double-resist Water and Fire, while doing effective STAB Water attacks into fire, or STAB Dragon attacks into Water.


Won't dark also resist psychic? (But your point still stands imo)


by DrAzzy 7 years 4 months ago

They have good but not elite base stats, but both have wonderful typing. The movesets could of course make or break any of these. Also - the game doesn't have much that one can plan ahead for other than this, so you gotta get excited about something!

Scizor's only weakness is fire, and it has reduction from a bunch of types relevant in the current and likely the gen 2 meta - of course a lot depends on what kind of movesets they give them. Kingdra meanwhile has great typing (fire and water doubly resisted, only weak to fairy and dragon), and is expected to end up with dragon moves, which are largely unresisted. So it could be a decent attacker into the popular water mons as well as another dragonite counter - alas the low CP means it's probably not going to be so hot as a defender.


I guess for attacking purposes.


Depending on move sets Scizor could be a 2/2.5 Tier defender. Yes it has a double weakness to fire, but resists just about all other attacks - he'll effectively force attackers to use up one of their slots with a fire attacker, which in lv8+ gyms could be a big bonus. Not stunning stamina, but more than solid defence stats and strong attack stats could make him an interesting all-rounder.

I'm not sure what to make of Kingdra - I think he might fit in the Cloyster level - decent defender but low cp, decent attacker but not top tier.


Scizor [...] effectively force attackers to use up one of their slots with a fire attacker, which in lv8+ gyms could be a big bonus.

Is this really such a big issue? I have got my Arcanine, and i like it, it is still a good generalist attacker. After having toasted Scizor, it would be at 2/3 life and still usefull against lapras, exeggutor or snorlax, i estimate.

Maybe not everybody has got a good arcanine, but for sure everybody has got a flareon that could do the same job at 90% efficiency too.


Fair call on Lapras. I don't see Exeggutor in many local gyms, but yes it's very dependent on local gym populations. My point was he could force a less than optimum set of six which is always an advantage in an ideal gym.


Unless they make changes to the gym system (very possible) he's going to be DOA as a defender.

Gen 2 isn't even here yet and he's already too low to be relevant. Just above Pinsir, and below a handful of Mons who have already been squeezed out - Arcanine,Flareon/Exeggutor/Alakazam/Machamp/etc. to name a few


Another HUGE reason to save your stardust. Any of you guys eyeing a low CP high IV mon that you have remember that a shake up of the gyms is very likely to happen again. IMO either a complete redo on gym mechanics and/or a restructuring of CP is very likely. I powered up an Eggy and Arcanine to level 35.5 the day before the last CP adjustment. Im just to scared to commit to a temporary mon dont want to make 250K stardust mistake like that again. This may not apply as much to lower levels as it does to higher levels.


Thanks, guys, I appreciate the replies!


They'll both be reliable attackers due to their awesome typing. You'll never attack a fire typing with a Scizor, and besides fire he resists pretty much everything and have great attack stats, only crap moveset can break him, and a great moveset will improbe him a lot, same for Kingdra.

Of course they won't be top tiers, but a good variety.


So you're saying they're all hype and no substance? lol

(jk, I much prefer attacking w/ variety rather than just Dragonite/Vape over and over - just being cheeky)


by pipjay 7 years 4 months ago

Scizor has high attack and a lot of resistances so depending on movesets could be a decent generalist attacker to serve as backup against a lot of pokemon. Notably, it resists the psychic and normal moves of Snorlax and is neutral against ghost and ground. And it also resists all of Lapras's moves and all of Dragonite's moves.

I think similar to Poliwrath, Kingdra's projected base stats were better before the CP update. Poliwrath can still be a decent defender in less busy areas. I have a Poliwrath that has been sitting in a gym somewhere I forget for a few weeks. Might not really be worth spending too much dust on after the CP update though.


Personally, I think some of the hype comes from their considerable strength in the main franchise. They are both (especially Scizor) very strong pokémon there.

I hope they'll be good in PoGo too though. Praying for good movesets.


Not really related to your question, but imagine if Scizor knows metal claw in P Go, it would be a beast, with good DPS and STAB.
