
Maxed Ditto ?

I'm tempted by powering up Ditto to its max CP. Just because i'm curious.
But i'm wondering if it could actually be a good strategy.

It could be interesting because the attacking trainer would face a high CP pokemon with type resistance (in most of the cases) at the beginning of the battle
On the other hand, ditto would stand at the very bottom of the gym and would be kicked out first ...

What do you guys think? Could Ditto be a good defender?

Asked by PxssyFeu7 years 6 months ago


I caught a lv29 Ditto with 84.4% IV's this morning, so not perfect, but pretty good - not completely removed from typical gym attackers.

My experiments:

As an attacker it took the form of what I would estimate to be a lv20 Kingler but with lv29 cp and easily beat him but not quite as easily as I would have expected given the lvl difference. The problem comes when the next defender pops up - you're still stuck as a Kingler... I got through two levels but only just.

As a defender:

I tried attacking him with various Pokes with very mixed results. Whilst the transform is happening you can inflict a lot of damage if your attack is fairly fast (e.g. Gyrados bite). He almost survived an attack by a lvl 22 Gyrados and with better dodging probably would have scraped through.

I tried a Lvl21 Golem and he won that with a bit of health to survive, but generally he was either just beaten or just barely survived attacks by level 20 Pokes.

Effectively I would say despite the supposed CP his performance was more like 10 levels down.

Will I power mine up to Lvl 30? I'm undecided - I've got the candy if I sacrifice my 70cp Ditto but it's 10,000 stardust on what's only slightly better than a novelty.


I battled a low level Ditto and killed him with my level 31.5 Gyarados before he could transform.

I guess that is the one downside to a Ditto is they will take damage as a defender as Ditto before they can transform.

Like you said I think he is a novelty.


But I could go with a pidgey, Ditto will transform in a Pidgey, then I change poke to Dragonite and kill Ditto easily.


Yep - unless as an attacker you need all 6 slots Ditto is easy to defeat... He might have some use in high level gyms but it's pretty limited.


by Livi 7 years 6 months ago

If you start a fight to prestige a gym holding 1000cp mon with a 500 cp ditto and 5 other 500 cp monsters do you get max exp considering the ditto changes cp?


You gain prestige based on dittos new CP. I put my 224 ditto in a gym and fought him with pokemon ranging from 200-280 cp. He transformed to 600 cp and i got 500 prestige
