
Is a mudslap/earthquake Golem worth dust for an attacker?

Hi everyone,

So I caught a 100% IV Geodude and it evolved to a 2000CP Golem with Mudslap and Earthquake. Should I power it up to level 30? In the current meta and incoming Gen 2 pokemon, is this guy worth the dust to take him from level 24 to 30? Or is a different moveset preferred?

My Ground/Rock Pokemon on my attacking team currently is a 89% Rhydon 2419CP with Mudslap Stone Edge. I currently do not have a Rhydon which I have maxed out as a Gym defender.

Should I power up Golem to level 30 and turn my Rhydon to a defender? Or is Golem not worth dust on defense? I know Rhydon sucks as a defender but no matter what, one day I will max one out to put in gyms. I haven't yet because I was hoping for a better IV Rhydon but was thinking maybe this Golem changes my situation if its worth putting on my attack team.

Asked by waterlooyo7 years 4 months ago


by aSp 7 years 4 months ago

He is a slightly weaker version of Rhydon.
The moveset you have is very nice, and as he is he will steam roll a Snorlax easily - if you dodge charge moves.
Try him out for yourself, and see if you want him - if you have a Rhydon with the same moveset then that may be preferable.

He is a solid mon, although not elite.
The fact he is a 100% IV may sway your decision but that part is a personal choice.

All in all a good mon, I would use him as is, and keep him as a trophy.
If Rhydon is rare in your area, then he will be a valuable attacker, and may be worth the dust.


It's so frustrating I would trade all my Dratini candy for some Rhyhorn candy. It's difficult finding them out here near water.


I have a spare 237 ryhorn and 500 geodude candy I will gladly swap for dratini candy.

We need to house swap for a week or so, I think


*bang hand on table I'm so jealous. We seriously need some rock biome spawns around here. I've evolved 2 Dragonites and caught 3. Sadly both Dragonites I evolved ended up with SW/DP and all 3 Dragonites I caught have DB. I've seen and caught 4 Dragonairs and currently have 113 candies and waiting on a high lvl and cp Dratini to evolve. I would trade all and any of these for some Rhyhorn candy. I only have 2 Rhydon and 2 Golems as opposed to other player's 5-10. We need to house swap lol. I'd be ecstatic with some rock biome.


My turn to bang my head on the table.
4 dratini (1 was hatched) and I need to walk another 400kms+ before I can hope for a Dragonite.
...and in that time I hope I find a decent IV.

This house swap is looking like a great idea ;-)


;) the biggest prize of all would be King Kang.


I have seven of them on the nearby screen at the moment. Berlin is overrun with Rhydons since the last migration. The only time without at least one on the screen is just after you caught them all.


I would honestly trade a Snorlax,Chansey, Dragonite, or Alakazam for a Golem/Rhydon with that moveset. I would max it out and use it as a borderline elite attacker. I keep getting RT/SE which is really disappointing.


I have bunch of Rhyhorn and geodude candies and have a golem with 2x rock and 2x ground moves with 84+ IV... Can we trade it with your dratini candies? Until now I still don't have a Dragonite...


I would swap those candies in an instant especially Rhyhorn candies. I'm still trying to obtain a MS/Eq while I power up my RS/Eq and MS/SE. They are so rare I keep evolving 2 rock move Golems which is ok I suppose, but MS/Eq would be amazing.


I have an 88% Golem with the same moves powered to level 30. And when I powered him up I did exactly the same as what you are thinking about ... I converted my MS/EQ Rhydon into a defender. At 2790CP, the Rhydon sits in a nice position in gyms around me.

The Golem has a great fighting animation, and kills a Snorlax just fine. It makes me lol. I don't regret the move, even though I am always short of stardust.



No offense but isn't 2790 is pretty low CP for a Rhydon? Since 2790 is around a lower level Dragonite & Snorlax. In Gyarados & Rhydon's case the ideal CP spot would be around 2900-3000 for positioning. Otherwise people like me are salivating and weed those defenders out for experience.


So say all the "experts."

A Rhydon placed between two Vaporeons is a better defender than a third Vaporeon placed between two Vaporeons.


I just hit them all with grass and no need to change mons at all.
Makes no difference if it is a Vap or a Rhydon


A lot of players don't have grasses with double grass moves. Rhydon has some resistance to the numerous grass/poison types.

I won't say he's a stunning defender but if you've only got a couple of snorlax and one or two Lapras you have to compromise for some of your gyms, and he does have both high cp and deals a decent amount of damage whilst being defeated...


I can't imagine there's anybody still playing the game and attacking a gym that doesn't have a Grass/Poison attacker with double-grass moves, or an Exeggutor with Seed Bomb/Solar Beam.


I don't think that's necessarily true. A third Vaporeon forces you to have some more depth with Grass attackers, putting Rhydon inbetween gives the attacker much more flexibility in counters. You can keep going with your Grass attackers, or switch over to a Water.

For example, if there's Arcanine/Vap/Vap/Vap, I'd need to bring a Vap and probably 2 Grass attackers to get through that. If it's Arcanine/Vap/Rhydon/Vap, I would just need one Vap and one grass attacker.


No offense taken. It's level 30 (as am I). Where I live that CP puts me around mid-level in a level 10 gym. That protects me from the "2-accounts knock off the bottom mon and steal its place" player, which is my primary concern. If the opposing team wants to knock down a level 10, it gets knocked down, no matter what mons, no matter what movesets.

I agree Rhydon doesn't offer much disincentive to the opposition given Vapes are plentiful, but truth be told unless it 9 Snorlax and a Chansey, what else actually is a disincentive ?

That particular Rhydon has now sat in its gym 31 days ... or 3100 dust/310 coins if you like.

The game plays differently in different areas, so while you can get general advise on this forum, truth is you need to think critically about what applies in your area.

I've just hit 30 myself so only now have I had to start thinking about which defenders to really continue to power. This forum gives me ideas about other metas, and maybe hints to where my meta will end up. Thanks for the ideas.


I have a 2428 Golem MS/EQ and really enjoy him as an attacker, and yes, when I evolved my MS/EQ Rhydon I had no problem powering him up for defense, already having Golem. So you are right on track. For me, having attacking pokemon with the same type moves, i.e., ground/ground, is perfect as it makes sorting out a six-member team so much easier. I love using my Golem against that rare Jolteon in a gym - it is my most lopsided battle lol.
