
Naming your pokemon

After seeing some screenshots of your top12 cp pokemon in a different Q&A, i saw that we all have a different way to name our pokemon

I see some people replace the name by things like "14-12-7" or "93%"
In my opinion, that's just useless. When i'm battling a gym, i dont care what are the stats of my attacking pokemon. Against a 3000 Dragonite, a 50% IV 7-8-6 Cloyster with 1600CP will do just as good as a 100% 15-15-15 1600CP one.

What matters is the moveset and the CP. When choosing your attackers, you need to know what type are its moves. Otherwise you'd end up fighting an Arcanine with your "Confusion/IceBeam" Golduck or your "Tackle/Psychic" Starmie...
Thats why I follow TrainerTips' logic and add a unicode symbol representing the type of the moves.

Also I replace the first capital letter by a lowercase letter, when it's a pokemon I spent stardust on, so that i power up the right ones.
Do you guys have a different way to name them ?

Asked by PxssyFeu7 years 6 months ago


Pokes names stand then add number of iv when above 82 % and bars to know which charge move and sometimes a symbol for types.
For example aquana with HP gets on bar_
Tail gets two=
Pulse get four ==
And for three bars ÷


The ivs are usually just there from collecting to help decide which to power up before evolving. I'll have a symbol for attack/defense and iv to distinguish one from another. I already know what movesets my team has. Saying it's "useless" isnt correct when it's doing the same thing, help tell mons apart.

Everyone is different. I like it simple. I don't like clutter.


I like your naming system, but I can't find special symbol in my iphone so I use the rating system of Gamepress to name my pokemons: A for attacking, D for defending then A or B till F for the movesets so it will be like: A/A-Arcanine or D/A-Snorlax. I add star for every wonder pokemons I have, so it's easy for me to choose which ones to evolve and power up.


Thefocke referred me to a Unicode app, that apparently doesn't work for iOS though. Went through a lot of symbols to find some that worked. Maybe search for Unicode on Apple store?


by Ey3con 7 years 6 months ago

Posted a version of this in the Top 12 thread. Might seem complicated, but it's really not once you start.

1. An asterisk at the beginning of the name means the mon has perfect IVs.
2. A "2" at the beginning means it has a top attacking moveset, whereas a "3" means it has a top defensive moveset. If there is a "+" after the number then it's still an "A" ranked moveset but not the top one per GamePress (i.e. Snorlax has ZH/BS, the second listed defensive moveset but still an "A" so it gets the "3+" designation).
3. The letters "X/X" signify what the moveset is ranked in attack and defense on GamePress (i.e. Dragonite has DB/DP which is a B offensive and defensive moveset, or B/B).
4. A letter immediately after the first number is used to show the IV, which is why the mons with an asterisk do not have a letter after the first number. A = 97.8, B = 95.6, C = 93.3, D = 91.1, E= 80-89, F = Below 80
5. Recently I added attacking tier info. T1-6 means "Tier 1" and he has the sixth best moveset in that tier. If you see a "•" that means his moveset is also on the Top Defenders list.


Hah, it's kind of absurd but hey, I actually like doing this part of it oddly enough. Was telling someone else in the other thread that this along with hatching eggs is what has kept me engaged. ?


PS: I replied to your top mons picture. Love the variety in your mons, plus you have a few I don't have. ??


I usually do IV%, whether I use it for A or D (or neither or both), moves and whether the pokemon is Level 30 or above. I also favorite the ones I use as attackers and prestigers to be able to filter the list quickly. My defenders are typically in the top CP in my list.

For example, for Vaporeon, I use:

WG / HP Level 25: Vap-86A-WW Favorite
WG / AT Level 30: Vap-78AD-WW* Favorite
WG / WP Level 33: Vap-89D-WW*

I use the IV% to see whether I keep powering up and the * whether I keep going past Level 30.

I hope this helps. It's time intensive to get the top ones named this way but once I know which ones I keep, it is worth it for me.


by haltsy 7 years 6 months ago

I couldn't agree more that the most important quick info about Pokemon is move types. A-Z sort for me is worth transforming into a sort by move type. My setup is:

Symbol/letter for charge move type
Symbol/letter for quick move type (if different)
Partial name fragment (for now)
IV (currently %, but eventually hexadecimal)
Space (for now)
Attacking moveset grade
Defending moveset grade

So, a Confusion/Solar Beam Exeggutor would be
"@Exegg 82BA
a Water Gun/Hydro Pump Vaporeon would be
WVapore 87AC
and a Poison Jab/Blizzard Tentacruel would be
IxTenta 98BA

I couldn't be bothered to do unicode, so I have things like " for grass, @ for psychic, and x for poison.


I use naming just to organize my Pokémon in the order that I want them to be when sorting by name. I used to have movesets in the name but after learning them all by heart I don't need that anymore. If I have some recently caught Pokémon that I haven't yet powered up or anything I might make a note of its IV's so that I'll learn them. If they have bad movesets I toss them away anyway.

So basically for me, naming is now only to keep my OCD in control so that I can have the Pokémon in the exact order I need them to be ;P


As time goes on I'm sure mine will evolve again like it has in the past. The first symbol designates atk defense or dual purpose. The pitchfork Greek symbol I use for attack. The circle with the line I use for defense. And the triple bars I use for dual purpose. Then lax vapes or whatever usually 3-4 characters of the Pokémon name. Followed by IV and it's moveset quality based on the first symbol. Triangle Greek symbol for A funky looking B for B and funky C shaped symbol for C I generally trash things below B unless it's my only 1

Like I said it'll probably evolve from where it's at given time. Finding new fun symbols to use but as of a week or so ago this is what I'm using


Change the names to have fun?


As you can see, I totally agree ;)

I also put a symbol for pokemon with 100% IV and one for pokemon that I wanna evolve.
