
Niantic reason to not grant stardust at gyms anymore - opinion

- number 1 bought item before - incubators
Reason - Dratini, larvitar, snorlax, chancey candies and high IV. Unlimited number of them useful. So spenders had reason to keep spending

Here comes the overhaul
- incubator - no need for them, Tyra is a boss, Dragonite is no longer the best one by far (in raids). Snorlax and Blissey - defenders are not useful now, at least not big ones. So if nothing changes no need for incubator, right?
But now:
Number 1 source of money from players - raid passes
Reason: fun, curiosity, maybe captured boss for some. Limited number of them useful (after you solo each lvl 3 and in team of 2 or 3 each lvl 4 we can say you are an accomplished pogo fighter? :) ). So if you don't pursue the 1000 raid badges, probably in a matter of weeks you can start using only the free daily raid pass and maybe buy some premier ones with the few coins from gyms. So less income for Niantic.

Now, in order to be the strongest in your raids:
- you need ideal counters at the highest possible level. Some of them were mons that we usually left at lvl 30. Some even less if we already had one of them (no you might one 2 ala, 2 gengars, 2 espeons for example).
- you need dust to level up; more than almost everyone saved in the last few mons (certainly more than my 800k, now 350 k dust)
- you no longer get 5000 dust from gyms; I've spent 70 berries by now from what the badge sown me, so 1400 dust instead of 20000 like before. Another source of dust?

This is I think the reason of cutting on dust form gyms, to try to make a player buy incubators in parallel with raid passes to get dust.
This is the current probelm I have: do I spend money on raid passes or on incubators for stardust and raid passes? :)
Seams logic?
Or is this an aberration of my mind? Why so?

Asked by razvan6 years 11 months ago


I plan to just do raid passes only for the rare level 4 mons (Snorlax, Lapras, T-rex). Don't need the evolved starters personally. Probably eventually do it with level 3s just to try/test my team.

I've done 9 raids so far and plan to pretty much ignore Level 1-3s moving forward after the initial hype/interest...

Dust does go up slowly now without the 5k I'd normally get, but at least now, you don't have to invest in any defender so you save a lot there as's just since this is the new meta (attacking), people are burning dust quickly at the moment, but once it stabilizes, you'll start stocking up again, albeit at a slower pace.

Also, I think for tier 4 raids, you need 6 great mons, but you can get by with 4 I think since you'll time out anyways most of the time if you have a half decent group...Most of the time, it's not as borderline.

Like you say, a lot of us who want to make the game more strategic are now looking to solo all level 3 raids so that gives us something to do...2 people in a level 3 is easy so soloing all level 3s is probably our "end game" for now.

This is why it's always good to save some dust since you can still play efficiently no matter what changed...

I've only powered up a few more Machamps after getting a TM and took most of them to level 30 so I now have 4 on my attack team.


I'm quite motivated right now, after I beaten a vaporeon yesterday, today the same one (AT) beat me twice and time outed me twice. I only had 20 minutes, I was sure I will beat him in first pass :). I want to find another one, arrive early and if still fail, power up 2 jolts past 30, maybe even venusaur past 33.


From a business perspective you might think it makes sense, but I think it is another big failure. If you try to make your customers buy too much they will end up not buying anything.

Before this rework their main income was incubators, ok. But now they are try to trick players with raid passes (that a lot of people is trowing away because you can't see the lobby before entering and you end up losing the battle if the boss is 3 or above), and max potions, max revives and incubators, we have been asking for other kind of balls and items to be added to the shop since day 1, but they did it now in a desperate try to grab money.

You try to make players buy 4 different items, potions, revives and passes for the raids, and incubators for dust, you ended up making people mad, destroying the gyms and the biggest dust income for us, and a lot of hardcore and dedicated players are stopping spending money, nice try Niantic, but as almost everything you have done, very poorly thinked and implemented ;).

Remember this words, they will have to revert back to gyms giving dust and also making mon automatically collect or make all mons automatically kicked out every day, and when they do this they will just state that they were wrong to be that greedy and lame with a lot of us.


by blchg 6 years 11 months ago

Switching from incubator spending to raid pass spending now for me!


by flash 6 years 11 months ago

A completed Tyranitar raid along with catching him after is basically worth 135 candies.


Maybe Pinap it too and get 10 more, LOL! But you will still need a lot more and especially dust to power up, which I think is OP's point.
