
Spoofers? Or some normal players playing at the other sides of the gym?

This is my first time building a level 10 gym (we are not spoofers) with my family, so I want to share to you guys.

Pokémon ordered by their CP.

It all starts with a level 3 Valor gym with Vaporeon/Snorlax/Snorlax.

Then, we took it down, and had placed Kabutops/Raichu/Vaporeon.

We prestiged it up a little bit, then some Pokémon were added, the most noticeably, Venusaur, which CP was between Kabutops and Raichu.

Note: we had prestiged with Kabutops/Venusaur/Raichu the most overall.

The gym went up to level 8, 9, and then 10!

The final 10 Pokémon: Kabutops/Venusaur/Raichu/Vaporeon/Arcanine/Arcanine/Snorlax/Rhydon/Gyarados/Dragonite.

But when I was testing how strong I was, someone, possibly a spoofer, maybe with some of his/her friends and likely, all were Valor players, started taking the gym down. I wasn't sure if they were the players who were at the gym before our taken down.

I finally finished the test, I was only able to beat 7 Pokémon; meanwhile, possibly, the Valor players are very strong. The gym would have gotten to level 8, but we kept it at level 9. Then, we couldn't defend the gym anymore. The gym was filled with 3 Dragonites, by Valor trainers.

Strangely, I only saw a few people near the gym, and most of them didn't seem like playing Pokémon GO. So, are the Valor players spoofers or normal players? Everyone except for themselves won't know, even Niantic.

Building level 10 gyms and looking at it to be taken down is pretty funny.

Asked by 333-blue7 years 3 months ago


But on previous days when I view the GYMS in our area, most of it are color Red Team and all L10...
I can see the same trainer's name on the GYM...
It happened both in Urban and Rural places since almost every day I play (2) places...

But lately I rarely see a GYM with L10...
What I noticed is a colorful GYMS... RED BLUE and YELLOW....
And what I also noticed is I can't see those trainer's name who used to put a mons to defend a GYM...


by razvan 7 years 4 months ago

If your gym dropped in 20-25 minutes than probably was only 1 player.
If less than 10 at least 2 players. They might have been in cars.
Let me share below o real happening that appeared as spoofers for a player.
We, red, did a "gym raid" once (350k city with around 70 gyms, blue feels like 80% of players), 8 players lvl 28-33 with 3 cars. lvl 10 blue -> lvl 0 -> lvl 10 red between 10 and 25 minutes (weak gyms down, weak gyms up :(, gya for easy prestiging, vape, rhy, odd snorlax ). Later in the day on the public facebook PoGo grup from our city a blue player complained that spoofers took one of the gyms down. We were in cars (below freezing temperature) so he did not saw any real pogo player, let alone several to justify the speed of action.
