
Which Snorlax to max out first?

Hello guys. I have a maxed out ZH-BS 93.3% at 3075 CP and will start powering up a second one. I have this two caught in the wild:

2579 CP, 82.2% ivs, L-BS (A7, D15, S15) Level 28; 1908 CP, 93.3% ivs, L-HB (A15, D15, S12) Level 20.

I powered up a few times the first, but this week i caught this 93.3% one and he can reach a pretty high CP. I want to use him as a defender but sometimes i use to attack too and works great. What you guys think, should i finish the L-BS 82.2% to level 30 first, or max him out? or should i power the 93.3% one?. Thanks and sorry about my english.

Asked by TheFocke7 years 4 months ago


As I'm sure you know, L/BS on offense is a real treat. I personally would keep him as an attacker and power him up. I have one at 2716 just waiting for more candies. On the other hand, if its use is primarily defense then ultimately CP matters. That's a great buttslam specimen you already have!!!!


I wouldn't power up any of them, because Zen Headbutt is so important for defense.

These 2 are great for attack (but I wouldn't use Snor candies onto attckers/licker), aven't you got any other, more "defensive" ones, to invest into?


I have a 2254CP ZH-HB but too low ivs (42.2%). Even Lick Snorlaxes still the best defenders of the game IMO, and high ivs will ensure a pretty high CP = great spot on gyms. Besides this in high levels they are great attackers and Lick provides an awesome energy gain so you can spam BS or HB fast. I faced some Lick Snorlaxes and they are not bad at all on defense.


Lick BS isn't bad on defense and is great on offence. HyperBeam is just so easy to dodge (although obviously it still takes a chunk of damage) so the lick/HB is probably the least useful as a defender but still very strong on attack.

I'd finish the L/BS first, but any Snorlax is worth powering up.


Thanks, i will power the Lick-BS to level 31 2810CP then i will start powering the 93.3% one to the max. I guess 2810CP is enough to sit at the middle-top of gyms (unless there are only very high level Dragonites and Snorlaxes) and to hit hard as an attacker.

EDIT: since my focus with Snorlax is Defense, i will max out the L-BS (harder to dodge) and later power to level 30 the L-HB. Thanks all.
