
What is Error Code 20103?

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What is Error 20103?

So you were excited about the new Pokemon mobile game and wanted to check it out on Day 1, huh? You and several million other Trainers, by the looks of it!

That's all Error Code 20103 means: server overload. Though the error says to check your connection, it is not a problem that can be fixed client- or user-side. Unfortunately the only thing to do is to wait a few minutes and try again, as the server connection is bottlenecked greatly by the sheer volume of Trainers trying to get in. On the bright side, you don't need to fix anything!

(It seems that both Error Codes 20103 and 20101 are caused by the same server-side overload.)

See our Error Code List if you're having other issues, and if you find an error that isn't listed on there, feel free to head over to our Pokemon Masters Community to let us know!