
A Day with Bugsy


Story Detail
Chapter Part 0
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Sync Pair Stories
Quest Type Story
Featured Trainer

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


(Player needed a breath of fresh air away from the bustle of the city, so they decided to take a stroll in the forest.)
(However, the moment they arrived in a quiet place, a Beedrill suddenly zoomed out of the trees right toward them!)

Whoa, whoa! Beedrill, stop!

Oh, it’s you, Player. Sorry if my Beedrill scared you just now!

I think your shadow actually scared him when you walked up, so he was trying to zoom away.

Either way, he owes you an apology. Beedrill, apologize to Player.

He didn’t mean any harm—I promise. I hope you’ll forgive him.

Beedrill are known to be a little aggressive at times...

Do you think they’re scary?

[Option 1] Yeah...

[Option 1] Aw, I was afraid you’d say that...

[Option 2] No, I’m not afraid of them!

[Option 2] Really? Oh, thank goodness!

So many people have a fear of Bug-type Pokémon, you know?

Before Beedrill evolved to look like this, we never really had any issues, but with the way he looks now...

[Option 1] Did something happen?

[Option 1] Yeah. Pretty recently, actually... It made me feel really sad.

[Option 2] Cheer up!

[Option 2] Thanks. But actually, something happened recently that made me really sad...

It happened in a region I was exploring before I came to Pasio.

When Beedrill was still just a Weedle, there were these kids that would come and play with him all the time. They loved him.

When he evolved into Kakuna, the kids stopped coming to play. Kakuna don’t move around at all, so maybe they lost interest...

Then he evolved into Beedrill. I thought they’d be excited to play with him again, so I brought him over...but the kids got scared and cried.

He’s still the same Pokémon that he was as a Weedle and a Kakuna—he just looks different. It’s strange how people can forget that.

[Option 1] That makes me sad.

[Option 1] Yeah, it is sad. But I’m not giving up anytime soon! That’s the whole reason I came here to compete in the PML!

[Option 2] I disagree! And I don’t plan on giving up anytime soon! That’s the whole reason I came here to compete in the PML!

I want to use the PML to show the world how awesome and powerful Bug-type Pokémon are! I bet they’ll be super popular by the end!

In order to make that happen, Beedrill and I are going to have to defeat a whole lot of other Pokémon! And we will! Just watch!

[Option 1] That’s the spirit!

[Option 1] Yeah! I mean, everybody loves a strong Pokémon, right?

[Option 1] Wait a sec... That doesn’t make sense...

[Option 2] Do you think that’ll work?

[Option 2] What do you mean? Strong Pokémon are always really popular, aren’t they?

[Option 2] Wait a sec... That doesn’t make sense...

If Beedrill is already so strong and powerful that people are scared of him, why isn’t he more popular?

[Option 1] It’s not all about being strong.

[Option 1] Y-you think so? Hmm...maybe you’re right.

[Option 2] You have to show off some other good qualities, too.

[Option 2] Well, Bug-type Pokémon have a ton of good qualities! I should know that better than anyone else.

Take Weedle, for example. It may look cute on the outside, but on the inside, it’s super tough!

Kakuna still has Weedle’s toughness, plus it gets a hard, protective shell on top of that!

Then its appearance really shifts when it evolves into Beedrill and gets super-strong poisonous stingers!

At their core, they’re all the same Pokémon, but the qualities that make them awesome change from Evolution to Evolution!

Kind of mysterious, right? That’s what makes Bug-type Pokémon so interesting to me!

[Option 1] You sound like a Bug-type Pokémon Professor!

[Option 1] Hehe, I DO know a lot about Bug-type Pokémon.

[Option 2] You sound like an encyclopedia!

[Option 2] D’aww, you’re making me blush.

You’re right. I know all there is to know about Bug-type Pokémon, so there are probably things about them that only I can teach others.

I should really thank you! I don’t know if I would have been able to realize that all on my own!

Well, first things first...

I think I can start by teaching people that Beedrill only attack with their poisonous stingers if they’re attacked first...