
A Day with Clay


Story Detail
Chapter Part 0
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Sync Pair Stories
Quest Type Story
Featured Trainer

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


(As Player walked past the entrance to a cave, they heard a loud rumbling sound coming from inside.)
(Curious, they entered the cave to investigate the origin of the sound...)
(Suddenly, a Palpitoad leapt onto the path from out of nowhere!)

Well, hot diggity! There ya are, Palpitoad! that you, Player? What in tarnation are you doin’ here, kid?

[Option 1] I heard a weird sound.

[Option 1] Well, we were just doin’ some diggin’ in this here cave.

[Option 2] What are YOU doing here?

[Option 2] Well, we were just doin’ some diggin’ in this here cave.

That rumblin’ ya heard was probably ol’ Palpitoad here levelin’ the ground for me.

But I reckon he got so excited, he couldn’t hold it in no more—stumbled off down the path. I chased him all the way back here.

But never mind all that hooey! The point is, we need more muscle!

You ’preciate the aesthetics o’ my diggin’, don’tcha, kiddo? If ya do, maybe ol’ Clay’ll put YOU to work!

Answer me this... Ya got artificial tunnels ’n’ ya got natural rock tunnels, right? Which kind do you reckon is easier to use, kid?

[Option 1] Artificial tunnels.

[Option 1] Well, bless your heart! That’s correct!

[Option 2] Natural rock tunnels.

[Option 2] Are you jus’ yankin’ my chain, kid? Or do ya really like rough ’n’ tumble adventurin’ that much?

I guarantee ya, caves ’n’ tunnels made by people are far more convenient and well maintained.

Anyhoo, next question! ’Tween artificial tunnels ’n’ natural rock tunnels, which do you reckon are prettier?

[Option 1] Artificial tunnels.

[Option 1] Well, toot my horn! I feel the very same!

[Option 2] Well, good ol’ nature does have a kind o’ beauty ya can’t replicate artificially.

[Option 2] But what if ya try lookin’ at it from a different perspective?

I mean, folks say beauty’s in the eye o’ the beholder, don’t they?

I, myself, think artificial caves ’n’ tunnels are the most beautiful of all!

Why? ’Cause they help to improve the economy in a lotta ways! Money’s important, kid.

We sacrifice our precious time to work hard ’n’ improve our craft, then we get compensation—money—in return for that labor.

In my case, I’m providin’ convenience to my consumers—the folks who use my tunnels— in exchange for receivin’ that money.

Folks use my tunnels like roads— for transportin’ goods, travelin’ to visit friends... All sorts o’ things!

Convenience makes the consumers happy, ’n’ gettin’ paid makes me happy. It’s a win-win situation for everybody!

And in case you were wonderin’, diggin’ tunnels is a joint effort between me ’n’ my Palpitoad here.

He’s got Bubble Beam ’n’ Bulldoze, ’n’ I got my pickax.

Those tunnels are a product o’ the bond between a Trainer and a Pokémon, see? And havin’ that bond makes both of us happy.

Ain’t nothin’ in the world more beautiful than that combination, if ya ask me!

[Option 1] I know what you mean.

[Option 1] That mighta been a li’l advanced for a whippersnapper like yerself. But listen... The PML’s gonna be tough as boulders.

[Option 2] I don’t really get it.

[Option 2] That mighta been a li’l advanced for a whippersnapper like yerself. But listen... The PML’s gonna be tough as boulders.

You can try to drill right through it, but sooner or later, yer gonna hit some hard bedrock. All you got is you ’n’ yer Pokémon.

Y’all gotta work together to get through that tough bedrock before you can build yer pretty tunnel beyond!

I hope I get to witness y’all do it. I really do mean that.

Well, anyhoo! I reckon you’ll do a fine job o’ helpin’ me dig in this here cave!

It’s gonna take a lotta strength to triumph at the PML, right? Well, yer hard labor here’ll be like special trainin’! It’s a win-win situation!