
A Day with Kahili


Story Detail
Chapter Part 0
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Sync Pair Stories
Quest Type Story
Featured Trainer

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


(Player found a golf ball at the base of a tree.)
(After picking it up, they noticed that there was a name written on it...)

You went out of your way to return this to me? Thank you.

There aren’t any places I can practice a full game of golf on Pasio.

But I go to the forest so that I can at least practice my swing.

Toucannon often goes out with a golf ball in her mouth, so I guess we lost this one when we were in the forest last time.

I practice my swing six hours every day. It has become a fundamental routine for me.

[Option 1] What about training your Pokémon?

[Option 1] Yes, of course! I train them as much as I practice golf.

[Option 2] Wow, you must be really busy.

[Option 2] I suppose I am pretty busy, but training my Pokémon is always a priority.

I have to juggle both since I promised myself that I would.

[Option 1] When do you even sleep?

[Option 1] I make sure to go to sleep at the same time every day.

[Option 1] No matter what, I always take care of my body so I can keep up with my training regimen.

[Option 2] Don’t wear yourself out too much.

[Option 2] I appreciate your concern.

[Option 2] But I make sure that I am in peak physical condition, so no need to worry.

Besides, I have Toucannon by my side.

Toucannon’s beak is nice and warm, so I sleep very comfortably when I snuggle up to her.

It’s so cozy next to her beak, and touching it helps me fall asleep.

See? If you get close like this...

Hmmm... She doesn’t seem to be in a mood to humor me.

Is this because of what happened yesterday?

[Option 1] Well, yesterday a Trainer asked us to battle with them after our daily golf practice.

[Option 2] She looks uncomfortable.

[Option 2] Well, yesterday a Trainer asked us to battle with them after our daily golf practice.

There were many onlookers who wanted to challenge me, one after another.

In the end, we had 20 Pokémon battles back-to-back.

We were exhausted by the end of the day, and I just collapsed next to Toucannon.

I meant to snuggle close to her beak, but I ended up sticking my head into it and falling asleep there.

Toucannon stayed in that awkward position all night and waited for me to wake up.

I’m sure the poor thing was trying hard not to wake me.

By morning, her beak was trembling from the strain.

Do you think my head was heavy?

Ow, ow! Toucannon! Stop! Stop pecking! Your beak is so hot! What does this rhythm mean... Are you angry?

My Toucannon is usually shy, but she becomes very stern when she’s angry.

I guess this is just her showing how much she cares. I’m sorry, Toucannon. I’ll make sure to not let myself doze off like that again.

[Option 1] How can you work so hard like that?

[Option 1] I suppose it’s because it’s something I enjoy.

[Option 2] Don’t you ever just take a break?

[Option 2] That’s a good question... That thought hasn’t really crossed my mind.

I was fortunate enough to find two things that I love.

And those are Toucannon and golf.

It would be wrong for me to say that either of those is a burden to me.

[Option 1] Don’t push yourself too much.

[Option 1] You don’t need to worry about that with me!

[Option 2] Don’t overdo it, all right?

[Option 2] You don’t need to worry about that with me!

If I go so far that I might really hurt myself, Toucannon will be there to peck some sense back into me.

She is the perfect partner when it comes to golf, Pokémon battles, and even everyday life.

If I overwork myself and collapse, it would cause a lot of trouble for Toucannon.

And that is something I want to avoid more than anything.