
A Day with Ramos


Story Detail
Chapter Part 0
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Sync Pair Stories
Quest Type Story
Featured Trainer

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


(Player walked into a clearing in the forest, suddenly feeling like they was being watched.)
(They searched around for a moment but couldn’t find the source of the gaze.)

I’m not there! Look closer, saplin’!

The plants here may look similar and different at the same time. I’m sure you can tell the differences between them, though.

(Player looked around once more, as the voice had instructed.)
(There! What is that?)

Good job, child! Yeh found my Weepinbell!

Player, yer as good as I expected! Yeh got somethin’ other Trainers don’t!

[Option 1] Why were you hiding?

[Option 1] Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to spook yeh.

[Option 2] Whew, that was frightening!

[Option 2] Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to spook yeh.

Weepinbell live in the forests and wait for prey.

An’ that’s because both forests and Weepinbell have their own individual quirks.

[Option 1] Quirks?

[Option 1] Fer example, the trees in this here spot have thicker trunks than others.

[Option 2] In what ways?

[Option 2] Fer example, the trees in this here spot have thicker trunks than others.

That would be because each of these trees is gettin’ plenty of sunlight.

But look at them trees over there.

They grow thin and tall, as if reaching high for more sunlight.

All of us are shaped by our environment. That’s why we develop individual quirks.

That’s the same for the forest, Pokémon, and people alike.

[Option 1] Oh, I get it!

[Option 1] I like how modest yeh are, saplin’. You humor an old man’s ramblin’s, and I’m grateful for that.

[Option 2] I think so, too.

[Option 2] I’ve been around for a while now, but I’m always dumbstruck by interesting quirks.

Not all quirks are handed to yeh, though, sprout. Some of ’em yeh gotta take for yerself.

Get out of yer comfort zone. Talk to different people, and think new thoughts.

Pasio’s a great place to do that. At least, that’s what I think.

Weepinbell might evolve soon. Or he might not. That, too, is just one of his quirks.

I wonder which he wants to do.

[Option 1] Probably evolve.

[Option 1] To find one’s limits and become stronger, eh? That’s certainly one way.

[Option 2] Maybe stay as he is.

[Option 2] Acceptin’ oneself as yeh are and seekin’ stability is one answer.

But in the end, it don’t matter much.

What’s important is to actually think about the answer yeh want and become the person or Pokémon yeh can be satisfied with.

Yeh continue making decision after decision like that.

And at the end of that road, yeh might see ye’ve grown up to be a unique flower all yer own, an’ there’s nothin’ more beautiful than that.