
A Day with Tate


Story Detail
Chapter Part 0
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Sync Pair Stories
Quest Type Story
Featured Trainer

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


(Summoned by Tate, Player made their way over to the volcano.)
(Tate had already arrived and appeared to be talking to someone on his Poryphone.)

Yes, I know. I’ll be working hard, Liza, so you should, too.

OK, talk to you later!


[Option 1] Who were you talking to?

[Option 1] Oh! Player, I didn’t realize you were already here.

[Option 2] Sorry to keep you waiting!

[Option 2] Oh! Player, I didn’t even expect you yet.

I’m guessing you heard that conversation?

[Option 1] Just a bit...

[Option 1] No no! I’m not angry. Really, don’t worry about it!

[Option 2] Sorry.

[Option 2] No no! I’m not angry. Really, don’t worry about it!

That was my twin, Liza, who I was on the phone with.

We’ve split up here on Pasio, so we keep in touch by phone.

[Option 1] Oh, you’re not together?

[Option 1] No, not right now.

[Option 2] Well, there is a reason we’re not together.

Up until now, we’ve always been together, so we took it for granted.

But here on Pasio, there are Trainers and Pokémon that are totally in sync with each other.

Seeing really tough Trainers who weren’t even part of a team made us think.

We started to wonder why we’re always together.

I mean, of course we are twins, but I felt like there must be something more to our combination...

[Option 1] Aren’t you lonely?

[Option 1] A little...

[Option 2] That must’ve been a difficult decision!

[Option 2] It wasn’t too big of a deal.

[Option 2] This is the first time Liza and I have ever been apart, so I was a little nervous about it.

Solrock is always there for me, though.

I’m not totally alone!

Having said that, I do feel a bit lonesome.

It feels strange to not have anyone to train with.

Hey, that reminds me! I’ve got an idea, Player!

Would you be my friend?

To be honest, that’s the real reason I asked you here today. What do you think?

[Option 1] Of course I’ll be your friend!

[Option 1] Thanks! Hearing that is reassuring!

[Option 2] I thought we were already friends?!

[Option 2] I mean, yeah, that’s how I always felt, at least!

Liza and I actually made a promise to each other when we split up.

Even if we stay split up or we do join back together...

we promised each other that we would make it to the PML and have a Pokémon battle there!

With you as my friend, I think I can fulfill that promise!

I’ll need your help, too, Solrock!

The sun and the moon can’t rise together.

But I hope Liza and I find out the real reason we should be together!