
Prisma Causeway event

So, I've read that Kuro's event is very hard, and that most F2P players will struggle to get NP5 Chloe... To make things worse, I have two exams in early september, so yeah...

Anyway, can I make it with these servants (only putting the best servants for each class)?
Saber - Caesar LV70, Chevalier LV40 (not planning to level her up)
Archer - Euryale LV70, David and Robin LV60
Lancer - Shishou LV74, Cu LV30
Rider - Kintoki LV80, Georgios LV36, Ushi LV1 (with NP5)
Caster - Sanzang LV77, Hans LV55, Medea LV40
Assassin - Shishou LV64, Fuuma LV40
Berserker - Heracles LV74, Mama LV60, Lu Bu LV30
Extra - Mashu LV60 NP1 (waiting for 1/2 AP campaign for Camelot)

Which servants should I level up for the event (I don't have many embers, so I would also like to know how much do you have to ascend Kuro)?
In conclusion, I have 30 gold apples to recharge 131 AP, are they enough?

Asked by Reval5 years 9 months ago


Good question. I wish I knew more about this event, but the JP wiki just gives battle information, not detailed run-downs of how everything works.


I would say hurry and raise ushi and maybe cu but mostly ushi. Also im surprised you haven't alrdy finished camelot before the anni (its clearable before the anni without apples). lastly while your servants might not do that well in event, supports should absolutely be able to carry you as long as you have good supports.


I have great supports (including 10/10/10 L100 Jalter), so that's not a problem. Thanks for the answer.


by Ryuji 5 years 9 months ago

Personally, I'm going to wait for the event to start before leveling anyone and I would suggest the same. Why? Because first, it's not like those embers are going anywhere. Second, you need them to ascend Kuro(minimum of 135, 315 if you wanna max level). Third, cause I'm not sure how much Kuro is gonna contribute to the event. She's got an inherent +100% atk boost and the event CE gives her another 50% atk and arts card(read NP) up. She will be hitting hard. You will be getting a permanent copy after you clear the main quest. So, I say stock up on embers and wait.
Also, Ushi's got a quick NP which doesn't get a boost. Don't see why we can't just use Kintoki.


Ushi was the only good female rider I had, guess I'm just gonna go with Kintoki, bringing Drake as a support. I'm probably going to level up Kuro as you said, I have some archer embers ready to go. Maybe I'm going to level up a bit Raikou because, well, she's the strongest female Berserker in the game, but I'll try to follow your suggestion. Thanks for the answer.


by Sizzle 5 years 9 months ago

Where did you read it is a difficult event? It really isn't.

I've mentioned it before in a Question thread, but I played this event on JP as my very first foray into the game. I started a few days in and went in blind and without understanding the game/Japanese.

Before the event finished, I had completed every single facet of the event. All missions were cleared and I even managed to defeat the final quest for a Crystallized Lore.

The Raid HP numbers seem a lot more daunting than they actually are. You have nothing to fear.


My real problem as of now is time limit, I don't know if I have enough apples to entirely clear the event, but I'm a bit more reassured now that you said this event is easy. Thanks for the answer.


I have heard Ushi is the go-to servant for Prisma Causeway due to the abundance of caster bosses. I would also recommend leveling St. George because his tankiness and 3-turn taunt is phenomenal against raid bosses.

The biggest issue with the Illya event is that it's a similar format as the Fate/Zero Accel event, in that you have a bunch of missions you need to complete and therefore you need to devote a lot of AP to its completion (and there's no BP for the boss fights like in Onigashima). My advice is save your apples for the actual event, unlike me who used every last apple to grind out ascension mats from the summer event.
