
Curious about these Cu Solos I stumbled upon

I'm pretty new to the game, only a couple days in but I've made a point to at least get a idea about how everything works, which I feel I've accomplished. Managed to get 2 of my favorite Servants on only my first Reroll, Emyia and Cu Chulainn, and my question involves Cu. Cu is my favorite Servant (based on Fate and hes my favorite mythological hero), and was happy to learn he's at least pretty good, and I've ascended him once. While looking in to him I learned he's so bulky he can solo some bosses, and I noticed this setup had to lvl.4 servants,c and I was curious how this all worked and how I could perhaps achieve the same later on down the line. Thanks for any answers!

Asked by Zeo5 years 8 months ago


Yes, he's not just bulky but pretty strong and solid Lancer him self. Even if you don't have any gold Lancer he can do the job. With Last man standing as his main job.

People often not recording their Chu gameplay, because everyone have Chu in their Arsenal.
As you can see, so many player putting Chu in their Lancer Slot and bonus Hercules in their Berserker slot.


I often using Chu solo setup with Double Georgios equipped with 2x battle of Camlan and if the Boss is very strong i use 1 beefy (leveled Georgios) to clear the node also added another taunter.
Usually i used Atlas Mystic Code.

I'm gonna tell some trick for farm in the node with high difficulty for ya.
He can pretty much solo all training ground bosses, ember gathering and treasure vault, do this for temporary until you got decent farm composition.
Just don't use him vs saber, unless you have big balls just use him everywhere.
I do this in the past using lvl 70 friend Chu along with my own Chu.


Yes, Cu stands out even among 5-star servants due to having a very unique skillset. Despite being a common servant, he can solo a lot of content and is a great "last stand" option. Many people will grail him to level 90 or higher, myself included.


by zer0z 5 years 8 months ago

I'm not sure what setup you meant that required 4 star servants, but he doesn't really. Obviously stronger servants will be a better asset in a team, but that applies to any team, not just ones specific to Cu. People usually put Cu in their back row, since he works very well as the last servant on the field and can help a lot in a pinch.

As for which servants to put him with, there really isn't a clear answer. His entire kit is built around keeping himself alive, so he doesn't really help anyone else in the team. His dedicated role is a survivalist/roach/last man standing, so he doesn't lend himself easily to specific support. The best servant to pair with him that I can think of is Zhuge Liang because he goes with everything.


I’m not sure if you meant four star servants or level 4 servants. If it’s level 4, then those servants were probably taunters who are just there to fill in the party slots them immediately die so they don’t contribute in the fight, making it a literal cu solo.
Cu can solo stuff since he has lots of ways to avoid death (evade and guts). Later on though, his lack of dmg stops him from soloing bosses with more hp.


by oho 5 years 8 months ago


If you're talking about Honako Green (as he does the most frequent/intense Cu solos), those lvl 4 servants were there to round out the team, as you can't do a "true" solo with only 1 unit--you need 3 to enter the battle. Assuming those servants were Saint George and Leonidas (or possibly Assassin Sca), they are as low a level as possible to ensure they die in one hit with their taunt up.

Congrats on Emiya!


More like Cu Chulame.
