
Shinjuku gimmicks

So are there any boss gimmicks that i should be wary of in shinjuku? With as minimal spoilers as possible if you could. Also is this by any chance more difficult than babylonia, camelot or solomon?

Asked by PequodLZ5 years 3 months ago


Just know that if you made it here it isn’t going to be hard


by jakeyb 5 years 3 months ago

Just like home clearing Camelot prepares you for Babylon, clearing Solomon preps you for Shinjuku.

The singularity feels harder because most people use Evil-only parties to get the bond point bonus. But it’s not a difficulty jump like Camelot was.

Lancers and calvary servants are going to help you. If you beat Ishtar and the Ozy/Nito fight without any trouble then you’re in a good spot. There is an assassin fight but fortunately our best supports are all casters and assassin card damage is low anyway so that shouldn’t give you much trouble.
