
Should I roll for Artoria Archer or Alter Egos (S.E.R.A.P.H)

So as of right now I'm kinda in a dilemma. I've been saving up for the SERAPH event since the beginning of the year. At the rate I'm saving at I'll probably have somewhere around 40-50 STs and 250-300 Quartz. I know the Alter Egos of this event are pretty rare so I wanted to roll for them, but after the Memorial Quest I realized how good Artoria Archer is and I would definitely love to have her since I don't have a SSR Archer and she works great on Arts teams. I guess my question is should I roll during both banners and just do less rolls per banner, or just roll everything on one banner?

Asked by WestCaliLivin5 years 3 months ago


**Take this for what its worth as its worked for me for almost 600 days of play.

The only servants I "whaled" for was Merlin and Ishtar and after 6-700 quartz/tickets (more on Merlin) I got neither. All my other 5* servants (currently have 22) have been 10-20 pulls here and there spread out over the banner. If I dont get, I wait for the next one and so on. Usually no more than 5 pulls per day unless Im going for CEs too. This has gotten me WAY more than whaling did (both for Gold servants and Gold CEs alike). It also means that you kind of just roll for anything that you like and aren't too worried about whether or not you'll get the rate up since it means you'll always have some small stock for the next banner anyway. Again take it for what its worth, but since Merlin alone I have pulled OG Saber, Arjuna, Kintoki, Dantes, MHXA, and Tesla and that was after literally spending my entire savings and some gift cards on trying to get Merlin, Ishtar and Musashi (didnt even roll for gramps).

I guess the point is that in less resources than I used to to roll on one of those ones I whaled on I got 5 SSRs and am still ready to roll for Okita. TL/DNR: Dont whale, spread it out along the duration of the banner and dont be afraid to stop as they will always come back again some other. Just my 2 cents.


That's actually a good idea and it makes sense. I'll definitely give it a shot. The main banner I'm saving for is Maid Alter so this should leave me with some leftover quartz/tickets. Thanks for the advice!


Yeah after Merlin Im pretty sure Ill never do that again. Even if you go for something like 25 pulls per banner spread out over the banner. Its a lot less disappointing when you dont get what youre after, than spending everything, getting nothing, and realizing your stuck doing a single 3 quartz pull for the next one you want lol


by LFVBF 5 years 3 months ago

This game can be beaten with or without SSSRs, i beat the challenge quest using Mash, David and a Support Jeanne. If you like Archuria or feel your team would be better with her you should roll for her. If you are like me who doesn't like Artoria Archer's Design, roll for the Alter Egos because all of them are very solid servants, Passionlip gets a SQ and an Interlude for her NP, Melt is a very good Quick Attacker and Kiara is just amazing.


Kiara definitely interests me the most out of the Alter Egos. Her kit seems pretty cool and she probably does wonders on art teams.


by Zhiroc 5 years 3 months ago

Personally, from a gameplay perspective, I've gotten quite fond of Squirtoria during the Valentines event. I used her to down the solo 2nd battle mini-boss on Royal difficulty, and if she managed to brave chain, she'd have her NP recharged to 100% for battle 3. This bodes well for the new break bar mechanic.

And even without, with Merlin/Waver support, I could almost always get her charged up again for the next turn. Having never used Alter Egos, I can't say how useful they are. Looking at their class advantages, they seem somewhat interesting, maybe even more useful than Avengers.


It is a hard question to answer.

It’s possible you could have great luck on CCC and have sq and tickets to spare. You could have terrible luck and despite splitting things up get nothing.

I think the best strategy is to determine the minimal odds you are willing to accept and base you decision on that. Do you want at least a 50% chance of getting your desired character? You will need ~300 saint quarts (tickets counting as 3 sq of course.)

There is about 2 months between the events. Using this site:

And selecting to ignore events and maintenance gives about 130 sq. I am going to guess that given events MAYBE 150 sq. If you only used your sq on CCC and saved all your STs for Sqirtoria you would have about 50% chance on both banners- or a 75% chance of getting AT LEAST one and 25% chance of getting neither.

Do these sound like acceptable odds to you?

Or spend everything (300sq+50st) on CCC and have a 65% chance on an alterego and have a 25% chance on summer Altria?

Or skip CCC and have sq and st for a 75% at Squitoria?

What odds do you like best?


I'll probably just spread it out over the course of the banners. If my luck isn't good I'll just call it a quits and save the rest of my remaining STs/quartz for Maid Alter. I know the game isn't on my side so I'd rather use some of my resources and hope to get lucky than use everything and not get the servant I want. Lol we'll see what happens


I want to answer, just hope someone not thinking bad for me.

IMO just split it, i'm really tired at saving and spending everything in one banner. I'm actually try this when babylonia banner and got nothing (exclude gold CE).

I'm pull one merlin within 10 pull :). Putting everything in one banner and don't get what your aim will make you dead inside. This game RNG work mysteriously (in F2P player).
