
Summon plan advice.

Putting on a simple mode I want Salter (NP2 or more), Kiara, Tamalancer or Scathach (ST gold Lancer) and a lot of more servants but as a F2P I must choose :(
Current resourses: 30T / 150SQ

Waifu***, on wish list**, GamePlay*

March (Salter *** - EMIYA Alter)
May (Kiara**)
July (Tamalancer***,* + Mordred **) I would love to have NP5 Mordred (NP4 atm) (Altria Archer ***)
September (Merlin* + Salter*** + OG altria***)
October (Tomoe*** )
January (Scathach***, *)

For the 4* ticket I will use for Salter only if I couldn't summon her before get it or If I get her at NP4 to make her NP5. I would prefer use the ticket on other servants like CasGil or Gorgon (she would have NP5).

Which would be a good plan of summoning?
save all till Salter+merlin then till Scathach or spend on summer (tama and mordred) then on merlin + Salter, other options, which would be your advice?

Asked by toonmilo5 years 3 months ago


Just letting you know, Scathach will most likely be during thanksgiving not the new year banner. JP's new year banner (Gil+scathatch+Iskander+etc...) is usually during our thanksgiving now


by jakeyb 5 years 3 months ago

There’s usually one servant you want more than anyone.

I wouldn’t roll for Salter since you can get her with your ticket. But her banner does come soon so you can try to roll for her.

Kiara, Tamalancer, and Scathach are good choices. They’re also limited, which makes this more difficult.

Kiara and Schathach are pretty spread out but you also want to np5 your Mordred.

Kiara will get another banner next year after Scathach, so if she’s lower on your priority list, I’d go:

Salter (only if you want to save your 4* ticket)
Scathach (Jan)
Kiara (2020)


by Zhiroc 5 years 3 months ago

I can never remember the odds for a solo 4* rate up, but I *think* it's 1.5%. So, on average, you would get 1-2 of her per 100 pulls, and right now you only have 80 pulls saved up. And since the odds of any 4* is 3%, you have an equal chance to be spooked than not. If Salter is on a shared rate-up, expect her to only have a 0.7% chance (this I can be fairly sure of as the current banners have shared 4* rate ups).

And just to be even more sober, you have about a 30% chance of getting no Salters at all in 80 pulls (at the 1.5% odds).

Personally, my plan is to only pull hard for support-type servants, because if I have my own supports (got "lucky" with Merlin though it took close to 100 rolls) and Waver (GSSR), then you can almost always find your damage dealer of choice from friends. I'd like to get Tamamo and of course Skadi (who I will also pull hard for when she comes). While it might be nice to get Merlin NP2, I'm not going to waste a lot of pulls on that.
