
What's your favorite thing about this game?

Since it's on maintenance and I've got nothing better to do than listen to music, I thought I'd have some fun and ask everyone what they enjoy about this game.

I've loved Fate/ ever since I watched Fate/Zero, so that's what got me into playing in the first place, but the thing I love the most about the game is how deceptively simple it can be, and how so many different servants can be viable in so many ways. It seems simple for a while, but every now and then, it actually demands some subtle or even not so subtle strategy and real team building.
The only downside to it all is you gotta farm your ass off to ensure you have enough viable servants to use when the time comes. Not to mention, be lucky enough to get the servants in the first place. But, eh, guess there had to be some sort of trade off to having such available power.

Oh and also Scathach. Scathach is a favorite thing. So how about everyone else, what is it you enjoy most in this game?

Asked by Arcos5 years 3 months ago


I've been a huge history buff as long as I can remember; was my favorite subject from school. I also particularly love stories involving alternative history. I love how Fate often rides this line between telling the near real-life stories of important people and completely rewriting history to make someone or some event more interesting than they actually were. I've learned about so many fringe or lesser known characters I never would have known about, and I've gotten to "know" historical figures I've always admired or been fascinated by.

So for me, the ability to interact with these "historical" or fantastical people/beings in this way is what I enjoy the most about this game.


After falling in love with the VN and the animes, this just seemed like a fun way to continue with the material as well as playing as some of my favorite characters.

Illya remains adorably funny for me. All in all, I guess it just seems like a good medium for enjoying Fate content.


Two things, I love learning new stuff about history and mythology, and whenever I see a new character I like I go look up who they were in history or mythology, and I really enjoy learning that stuff.

I also like the gameplay, weird as that is. I like hard turned based combat, which is an itch this game scratches readily. Planning a strategy and seeing it either work out of completely flop is really enjoyable, and figuring out what to do when feels really satisfying.


If it's weird to say you like the gameplay, then we can be weird together. Always love learning mythology and history too, I even bought a book on celtic mythology, and the most famous tale of King Arthur, "La Morte De Arthur".


Fate lore is amazing + how they put the character's background into the game. Example Arash NP how he kills himself as well as in legend, Carmila bonus damage to female servats because she tortured and killed women etc etc. And main reason I love this game. There is no PVP. Yeh all similar games has P2W PVP and they force you to use it for progress. It was main reason I stoped play other games like FGO.


by Exa 5 years 3 months ago

i got addicted to the Fate series like 8 year ago when i played the Visual Novel.
The most impressive thing with this franchise is how charismatic they made their characters. In all the game, the only 3 servant i dont like are orion, gawein, and all sakura form (gawein and sakura becouse i personally hate both of them from the bottom of my heart), and only orion i actually dont like how they made artemis. i do undestend they made her like thet becouse she would have be to similar to atalanta, but man thet was disappointing.
Still, pretty much any other servant in the game is likable. Even someone like blackbeard is quite funny and impressive.
the success of this game lies with the fact thet any one who play this game will find at least 2 or 3 servant they absolutly love.


I'm unsure what your reasons for hating Gawain are, but I can promise you, I hate him too. He's a pain in the ass to fight in Camelot, and he's kind of a shitty person in the legend too. At least, he is in the legend I'm reading.


The neverending farming... /s

Jokes aside, I really enjoy the lore and worldbuilding, but that's always a strong point in the Nasuverse. Also I really like history/literature (these were the only classes what I truly liked in school), so it's always interesting to see how the creators imagine certain historical/literary characters. Even if Jack the Ripper is a loli in this world, or King Arthur is a woman...

Also I really like the learning curve in the game. It can look overwhelming at first (especially in JP, if you don't speak the language and have to use the Wiki/Cirno/etc. to get information about the cards and characters...), but if someone takes this seriously, they can learn it pretty fast IMO.

And the other stuffs, like the community, the memes, fanfics (khm... doujins...), and the influence of the series makes this a really good experience.

Btw, today is my 300th "Anniversary" in the game, so I'm pretty nostalgic right now. It was a really good journey, and I'm really glad to picked up this game 300 days ago. Even if the gacha completely destroyed my soul...

(And Raikou is the cutest mommy ever, I want to be her son and play with her every day...^^)


i started out watching the fate/stay night as a recommendation from netflix lmao.

Became way too invested in it and realised i had to watch fate/zero first, then did some digging around and found out about fgo and have not stopped playing since. Aside my genuine love for it though, i'm really into the use of historical characters i'd grown up hearing stories about and then actually building a team with my favs? nothing makes me happier.

Don't get me started on my waifus/husbandos either.


Haha, i still remember the feeling of excitement when I got Heracles, Medusa, and Julius Caesar in the first 10 summon. I was originally just a fan of the Fate/zero and Fate stay night.

Since everybody pretty much said what I wanted to say, one thing I like about this game is that there is no ranking system. Also, I could play it anytime and not worry about being disconnected suddenly due to slow internet. (internet in our country sucks)
I've played a lot of MMORPGS before where arena battles is a must so I'm totally screwed when disconnection happens.


While the story and the character design all make this game a great attraction for me, ironically my favorite thing abt this game is that it respect your time unlike other gacha games, i.e. you are not expected to do the so-called dailies and its all up to you what mode you want to play.

Even during events, its up to you to just use natural AP and get the stuffs you want in the event shop without necessarily needing to clear out everything. It actually allows you to attend to other matters in your life like work and social life.

I have played some other gacha games and there's always a point where these games make you feel like its another piece of daily work (sat and sun included) rather than a game when you can pick up and play whenever u want.


Actually, I feel the opposite about the game respecting your time, in two regards.

First, the way that AP regens, and the limit you have on it, means that unless you can commit to playing every 8-11 hours, you will "waste" natural AP regen by capping out. Secondly, because the limit is at most 138 AP, when there are 40 AP quests to do, you can only do 3 before exhausting your pool. So you can't just say, "I'd like to play some FGO for an hour or two--you play probably on the order of 15 min, maybe a bit longer if the fights are long (but most aren't). And then it's "go do something else for a while" until your AP replenishes, or unless you spend apples (or, god forbid, SQ). And if you level at the wrong time (say, before having to go to bed, or work, or whatever), you lose a lot of the bonus AP it gives you because you cap out for the next N hours. It might even be that you get nothing, because if you work/sleep, by the time you wake up almost all of what extra it gave you would have regen'ed naturally.

Finally, to me there's no way to play even semi-seriously without doing events. The mat drop rates on non-events are laughable in general. I need about 150 Forbidden Pages to cover what I want to level. The grind and poor return on farming those naturally are just too much for me. And while you could probably just target a few things for every event, a lot of things get gated behind some significant grinds, like welfare servants--who are very, very nice in some instances that a F2P can't/shouldn't ignore them. But it takes a fair amount of dedication if you want to clear a significant portion of the shop, and then there's that AP pool limit again hitting you in the face.

I love playing this game, but AP, grind, and the gacha really try my patience.
