
Weather Effects and Their Viability

In the main series games, I always found the weather mechanic to be the most engaging in battling. While Niantic has found a method of implementing it in their own way, I can't help but wonder how adding in abilities like Swift Swim, Snow Cloak and Solar Power would shape the meta.

What inspired this thought for me was Kingdra. Prior to gaining swift swim, it had so much potential to be seen in competitive. However, once it received Swift Swim, it was pushed to a point where it was dominant in competitive. While Kingdra and Politoed are my favorite Pokemon, I wouldn't want to see a metagame similar to that of Gen 5.

Thoughts? Feelings?

Asked by McDirtson5 years 3 months ago


Abilities would be interesting.

Weather isn't factored into PvP battles beyond aesthetics and I don't think we'll ever see it. The big hurdle is remote battles where both trainers are in different weather zones. Whose weather takes priority?


That's tough. My initial thought is to allow the weather to be from whoever requested the battle, but that may cause an issue comparable with people sniping gyms in the beta.


For remote battles, weather could be an issue if both are in different kinds of weather (maybe they'd tell both people what the weather is?)

I think it could be interesting, but abilities would need to be radically different in effects if they add them all, and people may get mad if a select few get receive weather related abilities.

It could be fun if they added, maybe abilities would decrease cooldowns of moves (like swift swim reducing cooldown of all moves on the pokemon, solar power same for sun) but I feel if they added it for a few, they'd need to add abilities for all pokemon.


At least have one or two possible effects for each typing. having HM moves turned into effects for their types could help fill in gaps. Strength could boost fighting types, Fly could give flying types added defence, Flash could give electric types a stun ability. Not sure if it would be necessary I dont know a whole lot of the later gens and their mechanics
