
Should each Pokemon species have its own unique egg pattern?

It would mean that there would be no anticipation in seeing what we are going to hatch, but from a design standpoint it would be good to do.

Asked by Clackers7 years 4 months ago


I quite like it as it is, with the suspense of whether I'm going to get a Staryu or a Goldeen from my 150th consecutive 5km egg.



If you mean 150 eggs without a 10K egg, I was curious to see what the odds of that would be: not that crazy, 0.2% (assuming a 10K egg drops 4% of the time). If you mean no 2K eggs either then the odds are pretty astronomically against... Just idle curiousity on my part - may you be rewarded with a Lapras soon!


Until all the slots were full people would only hatch the best (even though the best use of an egg is arguably just to see it as stardust with a potential bonus).

I can't see what benefits individual eggs would bring.


Maybe for if they release breeding so you could see what eggs where bred and what eggs where received from pokestops.
But otherwise I think I'd preffer it the way it is now. I like getting surprised when I don't hatch a krabby or goldeen for once :p


by Arak2 7 years 4 months ago

I'd rather see something more radical like the 9 eggs spots be specifically 3 2k Spots, 4 5k spots, 2 10k spots. That you can't get an egg from a Pokestop unless you had that type open.

I'd also make Gen2 Eggs a different color.

I'd also since now you can't throw away a 2k for a chance at 10k (since they operate distinct slots) you can thransfer an egg to professor for 1 candy (of yes what you would have had)

That way you can make sure to get Gen2 eggs when you want Gen 2 Eggs, or Gen1 Eggs if you want Gen 1 eggs.

Long as I'm dreaming Ideally I'd make it 12 Egg Slots and do it 5 2k 5 5k and 2 10k spots
