
Toughest gym ever?

I found this gym today.
It's funny at first, but when you realize that every gym will look like this in 3-6 months, not so much.

What do you think can be done to prevent this.
(Gen.2 might change it, but at the same time all those Snorlax will just be replaced by 3000+ Blissey)

Asked by andeuph7 years 4 months ago


by amac 7 years 4 months ago

I have one next to my house which hasn't been touched for almost a week with only Lapras and Snorlax...

4 Lapras (2600-2750cp) and 6 Snorlax (3 of them have 3000+cp).


by aSp 7 years 4 months ago

The vape in the middle throws out what would be an easy attack roster.
I like finding gyms with little to no variation, as I can easily set up attackers and never need to switch - it makes it very efficient to build energy and carry it over to the next opponent.

It would be worse if it was a lvl10 gym...but had only one big Lax, and nothing else.


And you would have to reset up your roster and re-enter the gym 25 times.
With 10, you would only need 4-7 passes or so.
I find 'setting up the roster' to be the most annoying part of taking out a gym, because it is so clunky and tedious...doing that 25 times would put me off.
Doing it half a dozen times to clear this specific gym would not feel so bad.
With the amount of Rhydon and Golem in my area I would go all the way through that gym on the first pass.


by noxify 7 years 4 months ago

Nice one. Not really fearing this scenario. There's not enough Snorlaxes around to stop people from chucking Gyarados, Dragonite and Rhydons in between those to create some cracks in that wall. Let's hope the huge "Snorlax event" never comes.


If that was one of my local gyms, I'd enjoy taking it down. HeII, even if I was on team Mystic and IN that specific gym, i'd love for someone to come along and take it down. Gyms are meant to be built up and contested. You're supposed to build the strongest/most annoying gym you can-- that's the entire point! Be honest with yourself, if someone's trying to build a strong gym do you think they'll go "hmm, well i have this 2600cp Snorlax with ZH/HB but I think i'll throw this 900cp Fearow in"?

Why not play by the rules instead of trying to find a work around? I don't know about you but for me the game would feel less authentic if rules are tweaked for people who want a free pass. Even if you solo'd that gym with mediocre Vaporeons, it'd take ~60-90 minutes at most. The only thing you'd have to worry about is running out of potions and revives. If that gym remains stagnant for 3 to 6 months then it's on you and other opponents, not the Mystic players with a Snorlax fetish.


This is sad. The worse part is that this is the better gym that can be made today, and at least is not like all the gyms near my home (4 dragonites, 2 vapes, 2 rhydon and 2 gyarados. The only way to prevent this is put a limit of one pokemon per species. I think this would save the game, it would make hight level players power up attackers and defenders that are not dragonite. Niantic really should do this now. The way 90% of the players are selfish and only care about have a good position instead of a good defender, I can see flareon, machamp, alakazam and other crap defenders with hight max CP on all the gyms, but at least it would be some variety.


Be careful, there. I have some important advice....It may be Trite, but it's true:


"Don't hate the player, hate the game"


It's not players' fault for being selfish and acting in their own self interest. It's Niantic's fault for not creating a set of rules that rewarded team behavior.

It's on them to change how the gym system operates. It's not up to other players to just start doing charity and putting in Pokemon they know will get kicked out on the offchance it might help their "team" of which they may personally know none of them.

The point is to catch them all and be the best trainer, not to exclusively do things that may or may not help other anonymous teammates in your area!


Personally I try and strengthen the gym for all occupants, it's not purely altruistic behaviour, because a stronger gym helps me as well as the rest of the team.

I'll happily spend five minutes prestiging friendly gyms that I've not got time to prestige a spot for as well.


I think that particular gym make up is funny. One of these things don't belong with the other...

Anyways props to those guys who made that gym. I've seen 6 Snorlax in one gym but never that many. Pretty cool to see - well done.

As for your comment about different 'mons in gyms that can be the most frustrating because you have to keep switching guys. Bad switch or switch at the wrong time and your pokemon could take a ton of damage.

Plus with pokemon that one doesn't see in gyms as often they can be hard to dodge due to different animations or lack of practice vs them. I have a 2600 Confusion/Psychic Alakazam that I like putting in a gym as he hits hard and if players don't have practice dodging him he can be a pain. Yes he doesn't have a lot of HPs but even if he is 7-8th in a gym he has to be battled a number of times and could cause some problems.

I do the same with my Slowbro and my 100% Venasaur. They both can cause some problems and do some damage. Some lag or missed dodges and BOOM!


Thinking about this, I believe having the strongest defender at position 8-9 is probably ideal because unless you can do an all clear, you'll be fighting those constantly so the Slowbro, Lapras at 8 or 9 is probably ideal...

At position 10, it's 1 fight so no biggie and against high level people who can do all clears, no biggie too, but for lower level players (25-28), it's a real use of revives/potions having to constantly fight Slowbro and Lapras over and over again...Snorlax is bad too, but doesn't do much damage if it has Lick.


yes, I remember when I was in the 20s (don't remember exactly, but probably up until around 26-27) that the biggest pain were poli, slowbro and Exe. Lapras was rare enough to enjoy figthing it with flareon.


I have a 98% Muk that I'm walking with to power him up. He has the best defensive moveset and can be a pain to battle. Yes he is all poison but I've battled a top level Muk and he is a pain. Wasn't used to battling him and I took a ton of damage and I try to dodge everything.

Every 'mon has a counter but the odd ones are the ones that cause the most problems. Everyone has fought a ton of Snorlax - they are easy they just take a bit more time.

It is the odd ducks that cause the most problems. I was crushed when they nerfed Golduck. I had a high level Confusion/Ice Beam Golduck that I loved putting in gyms. I bet people attacking with grass were thrown for a loop.


I think changing the gym placement mechanic would do the trick, honestly there are better defenders than snorlax, Snorlax is just annoying, but not particularly hard to beat. Just use the amount of prestiege gained for the gym or the pokemon's level or trainer's level... that will give the players the freedom to put their actual best defender, not their highest CP pokemon.

Specifically for snorlax the real problem is the lack of a true super effective bonus, 25% is not enough, specially with all the fighting pokemon out there having either bad attacks or bad stats.

EDIT: And to add insult to injury, Snaks' best defensive moveset includes ZH which is super effective against fighting types, so basically our only hope is Medicham... wich won't come untill the 3rd gen is released.


The lowest I would go is a limit of three of each regular pokemon species. When legendary pokemon are finally released, those should have a limit of one of each legendary species, and a total of only three different legendaries per gym. That provides forward compatibility for when later legendaries are eventually added so that gyms don't end up just full of giant legendary monstrosities.


Yeah, that's a pretty annoying gym. But honestly a little variety would make it harder.

I wouldn't worry about it too much b/c I'm flush w/ Dragonites/Vaporeons/Rhydons

As others have said, it just means you'll have to bring along extra pots/revives


by Dr. T 7 years 4 months ago

A level 31 Dragonite sits on top of a level 35 Snorlax, as Dragonite CP is 7% higher. What will happen to such gyms is that level strippers take out the lower Snorlaxes and replace them with Dragonites. Then somebody comes by with a rooster of attack-Lapras and takes it down.

Not that this scenario is much better. It is unavoidable, though, unless the best defenders are so rare that many players never get them. Which would be frustrating in itself.

One solution would be specialized gyms, which favor some defenders and attackers, while punishing others.


Generally I don't like the idea of making changes to gyms "just because". I get in a groove and currently OK with how the gyms are now.

But I do sometimes wonder what it would be like if they made gyms only allow one type of pokemon. So someone puts a Snorlax in a gym there can't be another. It actually might make the gyms harder. Yes the overall CP of the gyms would come down but them maybe you would get to see some variety in gyms. Unlikely someone could beat all 10 pokemon then with only 6 guys.


I think it might be better if they used "product of stats" to determine placement as opposed to "CP". This would mean Snorlaxes tend to be above Dragonites, and that placement in general would reflect true power better.


Every formula will probably have issues.

With something like Stamina * 2 + Defense...
We would have:

In terms of time to beat, this is sorta a good ranking that Chansey will take the longest due to extremely high HP (which is doubled on defense)...

Gyarados and Rhydon are sitll in, but with double weakness, gets taken out super fast when defending.


I don't see a problem with it? It's a matter of do you have enough time to tear it down.


Worst gym to take down is also worst ever to prestige against. That gyms an easy take down if you do it in installments. Id prolly take it to like 22K prestige and let a low level finish it off.
If that was my local spoofer Id take the gym down to 43K or 33K every time he builds it up to 50K. But he knows better I taught him well lmao.
