
Finally got a Bubble/DP Poliwrath!

Today, I got a Bubble/DP 1648 CP Poliwrath in the wild! 10A/05D/13S (62%) IV, is it worth powering up?

I need more attackers into Blisseys, especially if they are in front of a Snorlax/Dragonite.
Poliwrath can also be a good backup against Tyrantiar.

14 Poliwag candies left, stardust is not a problem.

I know that some people would say: "Machamp is better" and "Tyrantiar is also a good option".
The problem is I am lacking candies on both.
It would take a massive amount time to get a good moveset on both Tyrantiar and Machamp.
104 candies away from my first Tyrantiar, and 1 candy away from my first Machamp.

Asked by 333-blue7 years 1 month ago


i don't think poly gets strong enough to take on anything other then a baby blissey.

if you don't have a good machamp I have had good experience with flareon (if DG) and espeon (if psychic) into blissey of same level or a tad higher and these are easy to obtain just grab any high cp eevee and evolve eventually you'll get FS/OH and bobs your uncle.


The dodge bug kills Espeon and Flareons all, but I prefer Bubble over Water Gun.

Maybe I will use it to finish a Blissey while using glass cannons to take out Blissey's most HP.


the dodge bug is crap esp for espeon and i am using my dragonite and recently obtained t rex at the moment.

flareon was still doing ok.

the way I was taking out big blisseys (3k +) was with a poor quality machamp that i had (2100cp submission) to take it half way and then finishing with flareon.


I've been very lucky poliwrathwise in my latest mass evolution, evolved 2 with bubble/hydropump and one with rock smash/dynamic punch which I'm very excited about. But even at 96% IV I'm not sure I gonna power him up, machamp is indeed very much better vs blissey, but I live in a water biome and machop aren't common at all, so I may end up powering him up anyway. Your poliwrath would do a good prestiger vs snorlax IMO.


I wouldn't recommend Poliwrath.
You have Vape right? He is a better choice.


Poliwrath (double fight moveset, super effective) is 10 seconds faster in simulation.
Vape is on the border to time-out, depending on dodging-style, Poli is on the border to faint, depending on dodging style.
Fainting is not as bad as time-out, as you can somebody else have the job finished.


by Deco74 7 years 1 month ago

I wish poliwrath was more viable in this game but like everyone else is saying I believe machamp is the better option. I hate to say it because I have 3 of those guys and I love using them. Bubble generates so much energy and he's very tough. I honestly keep my 3 under 1900 and use them for prestigers that's where I think he shines unfortunately
