
Niantic selling out like a god church

So basically everyone is pretty pissed off about the way niantic designed this new gym rework. For the most part I like how the new gym is besides the fact you can only get 50 coins per day limit and the fact you don't have to battle a gym to put a mon in a gym now its first come first serve which is a bit ridiculous. The raid itself is probably the only good thing that's actually legit from this huge update except you can only get one free raid pass per day which is a bummer but not a big deal to me atleast. The way this game is turning out its looking like niantic are trying to make this more of a P2W (play to win) type of game which is not the direction niantic should head in or it will kill the PoGo franchise that we have made it into today. Now there is possibilities that maybe niantic are seeing how everyone is enjoying the new gym system and raids and taking people's feedback and possibly will send out another update that will fix most of these issues. We did say months back we wanted a new gym rework and adding TMs to the game and they listened so maybe if everyone speaks up niantic will fix it and also this update has been out a little over a week so you have to take that into consideration and the fact they have done so much for the community along with this huge update under a year of the game being out. One thing I noticed is on the PoGo support website link here -

Niantic specifically says
"You earn free PokéCoins for keeping your Pokémon on Gyms. The longer the Pokémon stay on the Gym, the more PokéCoins you earn."

So right there something doesn't seem right since the limit right now is only 50 coins per day so either niantic are completely bsing on that post falsely saying we can earn more coins the longer your mons in a gym or there not done yet. Let's hope there not done yet. So in conclusion or opinion that niantic need to do or fix certain things are
1.) Make it exactly how you said it and make it so the longer I have a mon in a gym I will collect more coins or make it so if I have more than one mon in gyms per day I get 50 coins from all those Pokémon instead of just a limit of getting 50 coins from one, possibly add the button back so if ppl want to collect there coins from a mon that's been in a gym for acouple weeks or a month they can do so

2.) Make the gyms where you battle your team once, there cp doesn't go down after defeating them and if you can successfully defeat the gym you can place your mon in the gym or bring back a way to prestige gyms.

3.) Not necessary but make raid passes either come from your 7 day streak as well as your one free one per day or make it so after you defeat a raid boss you have a rare chance of getting one back.

4.) Random but I personally think raids should only be for level 30 players and up it's not fair that a level 25 player can just get carried by other people to get a chance to catch a mon that people didn't even get til level 30+ before raids were even a thing.

That's all I see as a problem for right now along with gym lag/glitch here and there that's probably the only other thing that needs to be fixed imo. Collecting that 5000 guaranteed stardust from gyms was nice too but isn't that big of a deal seeing as you can get that just from your daily bonus catch and from doing acouple small evolves or just catching acouple mons real quick.

That's all folks, sorry for going on a rant and if anyone wants post your top 3-5 opinions you think niantic need to fix or should do to fix the game the way it is right now.

Asked by immortaL13376 years 11 months ago


by Wallyy 6 years 11 months ago

Getting a bit tiresome all this 'Niantic are money grabbing buggers' etc etc.
They're a company, first priority is to make money.
You do not need to buy coins to progress in the game, its perfectly playable as a F2P game.
If you can't afford to spend 5-20 pounds a month on something you enjoy, then that's your problem.


F2P players still play the game on their smartphones which cost hundreds of pounds but can't afford a few quid a month for coins. Whatever.


If you don't understand, then you probably won't ever understand. When you spent money, and/or played hard to get to the point of succeeding in the old system, but then all of that is trashed in the update, then yes, you should be wary of spending any money on this game. You might spend it for greatness now, then next update, your greatness is trash


I guess that's a valid point.
I wouldn't say the update has trashed every mon, sure, defensive mons are no where near as useful now but attackive mons are so much more important.
As someone who only occasionally fought gyms before the update, I find myself fighting more now as rewards are more if you control the raid gym.


this is why i have spent $0 in game...although gas money is a different story...i'm lvl 34 f2p and would probably be higher if I hadn't gotten bored of it over the spring. I do have some google survey money to blow before october though...also going to the chicago i'll probably spend it there...


I understand they have to make money but don't they make money just from everyone that downloads the game? For example, a company that sells shirts, if people buy the shirts regardless what store your at that company is still making a percentage of that money. Also it was fine before now it's not since you get 50 coins per day limit and that's only if your mon gets knocked out of a gym which is a 50/50 chance and if you want to do multiple raids in a day or hatch multiple eggs or buy more bag space that doesn't cost coins? I would rather not use real life currency to pay for virtual money I've put less then 20 bucks in this game and never had a problem before now and I'm not upset about it but the fact is if I want to get the 500 storage bags now to max my storage again I will have to wait acouple months to save up coins compared to before where I could buy one every 2 or 3 days or so.


We all know the new system sucks. You just have to find a meta that works for you.

My current meta with the new terrible system is:

  • getting TMs and perfecting the movesets on my 100% IV mons even though at the current point I time IV mean nothing
  • Doing 2 raids every other day with free raid passes or 3 with 2 days worth of coins with lucky egg for 3000EXP x2 per raid.
  • catching 3rd evolutions of caterpie, weedle, and pidgey wild mons with pinap for 20 candies (mass evolution) and 500 Stardust a pop.

And leveling up the gym badges of the gyms I frequent to at least silver to get 2 more drops from them.

Once I reach level 38 in the next 2 weeks I'm done EXP grinding as having level 40 pokemon means nothing and will just do 1 raid a day until things change.


Re 4), it seems highly likely to me that there are insufficient numbers of players as it is for most raids at any one time. If you are a solo player who can't randomly find groups to take gyms, your chances at beating tier 3/4 gyms are slim. Cutting the whole swath of players under level 30 out of gyms will only exacerbate that problem.

(This is similar to the reason I suspect Niantic refuses to declare all-out war on spoofers and other cheaters. They think that if they just ban these accounts, they risk having the same problem as restricting raids to elite trainers -too few active players to make raids a sustainable feature for legit players.)


I agree that this game is totally playable as a F2P palyer. The reason y u feel like this game is turning into P2W is because the previous system was so terribly broken. F2P player arent supposed to be able to buy anything they want in the store anytime, we're supposes to feel limited, like having to save money for a week to buy an single incubator, while the actual P2W players are spamming the buy button.

However, due to how slowly Niantic update their game, many players lived in the right place have enjoyed P2W lifestyle despite being F2P, then when u got pushed to a F2P lifestyle by the new gym system, it surely feels horrible!

I agree that the numbers seem awful for some players, but the design is actually good. As long as Niantic can tune the numbers right and may be make some tiny changes, we would all feel satisfied.

Things like lossing motivation faster, or allow training friendly gyms to gain motivation, or raising the daily cap back up all seems easy to implement and would satisfy many ppl.

Hope they work fast tho.


none of those solve the situation where now the obvious thing to do is create an alt account to take down your own gym once per day. It's just backwards when taking down a gym rewards the other team.


If motivation drops fast enough, or ur pokemon auto-quits after naturally dropping half of its motivaion, u dont need a 2nd account to cash in.

Of course i cant cover all possible solutions, suggest smth better if u have it, may be in a new post as well.


First of all, not 'everyone' is pissed about the update. It's mainly high level crybabys who are upset they can no longer dominate with their already purchased teams. Niantic is just betting that you're all too addicted and invested to quit so they're willing to piss you all off in an effort to bring back some of the millions who have already quit the game months ago. And guess what, you're still playing right? You kept playing after the first CP rebalance which had everyone's panties in a bunch then. And now you may buy raid passes. Lower level players might come back and not only buy raid passes, but potions and lucky eggs and balls. The game wasn't free to develop and making money isn't evil you Commies. If you hate it so much, quit and use the money you save to buy a switch and whatever Pokemon game they release for it. Or is that bad to have to pay to play a game?


Aahhh, I see, the higher level, dedicated, loyal trainers are not to be upset, because of an update brought on by lower level crybabies. ? Makes sense ?

You mentioned "invested" both time and money, "purchased teams," hhmmmm... would that mean they don't have a right to be upset with the amount invested already, to be dominant, being thrown away for those that have not invested anything? Furthermore, the argument is that the update kinda forces a p2p, raids, also a pay for pokemon (raids). So your argument is really, you paid too soon, not you paid for your dominant teams that kept us normal folks out of gyms, because now everyone is in a p2p scenario.

Now, I'm level 34, paid here and there during events, but outside of that, worked hard to get where I'm at. I hope this new p2p bites all the "new" players in the ass in a few months, as this update did to the loyal. I can only hope ?

The real crybabies won this round with the update...
