
Should raids only be available to level 15 or above?

I did a Lugia raid and to put it honestly: lower level players are just as bad as people who use Blissey. Imagine if a full group of 20 with one or two lower level players and higher levels couldn't get in. Said group wouldn't win.
Now that same group wins due to the other players holding up little Timmy and his 300 CP Raticate. Unfair either way.

Asked by thaiguy6 years 10 months ago


But little Timmy being there only helps. It may not help much, but it helps.

If anything they should make it so if you're under level 20 players catch raid bosses at their current level.


Not as much as a higher level player that actually knows what they're doing that could have been in that group.


Level 30 blissey attacks 50% as much as level 15 dragonite.
Level 15 dragonite defends 88% as much as level 30 blissey.
Level 15 dragonite has 36% health of level 30 blissey.
I think that's right. Seems like a level 15 dragonite could keep up with a level 30 blissey. Either way, I'd rather more Dragonites.


Are you sure? A level 15 Dragonite has at most less than 2k CP.. Attacking a 2k Dragonite in gym is easier than a level 30 2.8k Blissey.. A level 15 Dragonite fainted faster than a level 30 Blissey in gym battles, so in a raid battle, I supposed I don't have to teach you how much damage a level 15 Dragonites will take from a raid boss..


Attacking isn't defending.

Whether his statement is completely accurate or not that's not a good way to look at it at all.

Goals and stats as they apply to attacking a raid boss act completely differently than defending a gym.

And Blissey is a flat out horrible raid attacker. Anchor to just not die? Fine. Attacker that actually does something. Nope.


by aSp 6 years 10 months ago

I wish I could find a load of lvl15 players to help me.

I just keep showing up to Legendary boss battles, and find I am the only one there.

...but there is no point trying as a solo player as I am locked out of this content.


Man that's terrible to hear.

I hope you find a way to shoehorn yourself into some raids at a nearby city or something on a weekend.

I had to put in a TON of work building a very meh group for these things. It was pretty fun when I first caught them but now I get a little perturbed at all the hard headed folks around me with no damn idea what they're doing that me and 6-7 others are gifting mons too.

Had a talk over the last few days with a guy about not using Blissey and Snorlax (and the guy has a great roster). Today he told me "yeah but this is a good Snorlax; he's light weight so he attacks super fast."

I give up.

They'll take me seriously when I start letting them lose. I've already made a plan with the six other decent trainers that tomorrow at the first raid run we will all run Blisseys and Snorlax and lose then refuse to run anything else unless they change or just leave.


Can I join? ;-)
I promise my roster is more than capable of helping out any team...but they are just sitting idle.

Good luck convincing your leeches to contribute.


I wish you could man. Truly.

Yeah it's a goat roping. After all this explainstion over many days and double digit raids I still get this crap. It was also explained to me today that all Blissey should be run first to ensure you don't die sooner.

If I could grab 3 more trainers with sense I would just private group all raids. And I'm including in that group lower level trainers making an effort. The main idiot is a lv 36 suspected ex spoofer with over 20 Dragons and tons of other stuff..

...that only runs Blissey and Snorlax.

Honestly, is there any city near you that you can check the Facebook of and just swing by for a few hours some weekend to at least check the box?

It kills me that a long standing great contributing trainer like you is missing out while I'm gifting legendaries to bad trainers.


There was a meet up in the city on Sunday...but I have a 5yo and it was the last weekend of school holiday, so needless to say I had to pass on that.
All I could do is take the car to the suburbs that a group is active and then just drive around until Discord informs me they are getting together for one, and try to join - but that does not sound like a fun way to spend time playing the game.

I will just stick to lvl3 raids and below - I have already resigned myself to that.


What's wrong with Snorlax? They hit fairly hard.


It's frustrating to no end being a dedicated player for a year putting tons of effort and cash into the game then bam..locked out. I feel your pain. Good luck.


Totally agree.
Good luck in your hunting too.


That sucks. Can't you create a Facebook group for players in your area so you can tell people about raids and ask for help?

I'm currently at a place where there aren't loads of players and not many seem to live close enough to see raids in the game.
But we are part of a FB group and now with the legendary Pokemons in raids it's been really helpful. Someone usually spots the raid as soon as it starts and they post it on FB. Then other people replies if they can get there and when.
It's really useful.

It helped me and a few others to defeat an Articuno and a Lugia yesterday and I think some beat two legendaries today as well.


We beat an Articuno today with 35, 33, 31, 29, 29, 28, 25---my second squad brought in a bunch of Vaporeons, luckily they were 2700+ from the old gym days b/c it was down to 7 secs. Several of us caught it, including the 25, so something she can try to build


The most active group close to me is based on a map of the area.
I have been trying to avoid it for a very long time - but it seems that driving around and 'sniping' from maps is the best way to take advantage of raids lately.

The cynic in me is starting to think that Niantic decided they can't beat them so they may as well join them.
This could be my only option.


You haven't heard? They're changing the name from Pokemon GO to Pokemon DALFR. As in 'Drive Around Looking For Raids'.


You and me both.

We just have to accept the fact that this part of the game doesn't apply to everyone.


id say a far bigger problem - and this is without question niantics fault- is that blissey/lax are the 'suggested' pokes to attack with in raids/default options. granted level15 players dont have armies that will really help but ive been in raids where everyplayer is 30+ and some just dont know much about battling. many players dont know the best counters /highest dps mons /ideal choices (very possible they have those mons just dont know to use them) by time youre done yellin at people to use "insert mon" raid could easily have started - some join the lobby with almost no time to select a lineup and i could completely understand the fear to pass up on that raid - if a raid has 15 people and you enter but lack time to pick lineup ideally youll just quit out and enter another when you have time- but (esp for suburban players) you could easily be missing the only chance you have - who knows when another big group shows up. if the default options were not blissey/lax aka brutally slow attackers it would benefit everybody...ive been screwed over many times by other players using snorlax/blissys even if my lineup was as good as possible. its hard to say low level players arnt deservant of raids (maybe make requirment level20- i mean its so easy to level up when ur that low) but thats only one variable. [ex: ive been able to beat lugia with 10 players yet ive also lost with 19...and the 19 raid didnt have any players under 25 ..the mons they chose were the reason)


How many of these supposed "bad players" who use blissey got into the raid party with seconds to spare and didn't have time to switch the blissey out of their "suggested attackers"? How many had their apps crash in the raid lobby and didn't go through the trouble of changing all the "suggested attackers" when rejoining the battle?


True but there are people that I've heard say: I'm using blissey cause she lasts forever.
