
Best any scenario Mewtwo counters?

i don't wanna spend dust on pokemons that are great against one moveset and terrible against the other, so what should i be focusing on?
Dragonite, Scizor and double dark moveset non dark type such as Gyarados, Aracanine and Feraligatr?

Asked by Toutimeny6 years 10 months ago


by JHVS 6 years 10 months ago

You would be best served just powering Tyranitar. Nothing is better all around and either your raid group is strong enough to take a FB Mewtwo or it isn't. It would be a large expenditure for things that still won't outperform Ttar by much if at all.

Now, if you're drowning in TMs like some of us are it wouldn't be too bad to flip a Gyrados or Scizor etc. All I'm doing is looking to add mons 7-9 that will come in before (or after) the first group. My raid partners average no more than one Tyranitar per trainer so we will likely struggle with many C movesets. I'm not going to change that with a few Gyrados and I doubt others will either.


my greatest concern is mewtwo raids be avaible only for players that already have won raids in certain gyms, that would be a neck for gattering a large raid group


Yes. I'm keeping that in mind too.

Consider in my area, at the best of times we usually have 15 real trainers (a few kids but I'm not counting them).

Now, if we say we actually have 15 that want in and only 10 are eligible, we have a problem with better than half the movesets out there. I can't really fix that with a few off brand power ups although I've now TMed (or already had) the secondary counters. We will all have to die and come back. So I think in many cases it's more reasonable to work on mons besides your top 6 which optimally would be Tyranitar. Keep in mind that C/FB wipes out many of these resisting options in pretty much the same time frame as Tyranitar. And unless your group is very high numbers you'll need to die and come back. And with most movesets Tyranitar is way better than any other option. So, at least for me and my raidmates, it's hard to say "hey bring that Gyarados from lv 20 to 30 in case of focus blast" because it doesn't really justify the results we are likely to see. But all areas are different.


This is my concern to need
Have a raid
Mew spawns.
Am available.
Enough others available. Hopefully the window for having done a raid at X gym isn't to narrow


The almighty Dragonite may be a viable option, as your "any scenario counter".
But then, being good at everything is the same as being good at nothing.
Gyarados is a less Dragonite. Even with double dark moves it doesn't deal as much damage as the genuine dragon.
Tyranitar has wonderful performance against non-FB Mewtwo. Against a FB Mewtwo, Lugia is what tops the list from pokebattler.

I'm picturing two type of teams to deal with Mewtwo:
1. Diversified team: 4x Tyranitar + 2x Lugia. If you don't have that many T Tar, Houndoom will also do, but T Tar with double dark moves is preferred.
2. No Brainer team: 6x Dragonite. If you don't have that many Dragonite, Gyarados with Bite + anything will do.

I don't like bugs or Gengars as they die super fast.


Lugia is good, but really a tank option instead of DPS, and you will need to power it up because all are L20 now. Pokebattler' default ranking puts too much emphasis on tankiness IMO. Snorlax with Lick is just as good for this role, and many already have a powered up one ready to use.

Here are my options
3 TRex and 1 Houndoom (unless Focus Blast)

1 to 3 Dragonites and 1 to 2 Gyardos as filler, especially if Focus Blast

Alakazam with Shadow Ball (if Focus Blast)

1 Scizor (especially good against HB)

1 Snorlax with L/HB (L36, 15 attack), especially good against Shadow Ball, but bad against FB. This is as tanky as I'll use.

Pinsir is also a good option against FB, but all my high CP ones have crap moves, and I don't want to waste TMs.


I've just published another post regarding the topic discussed here, after I run some numbers. If you are interested feel free to take a look. Anyway, now I agree that Lugia isn't that good as it appears on PKB. You will be better off by using Dnite instead.


Feraligatr is already terrible against Confusion 2500 CP Espeons, not to mention Mewtwos.


I wouldn't spend the dust to power them up, but I wild caught a couple high level magikarp, evolved and tm'd them to be B/C Gyrados. I plan to augment my ttar with these. I also have a shadow ball alakazam, and a couple s/fp houndoom. So, I can field 9, or so, relatively high attack stat mon that will be type effective into mewtwo. That is my plan, anyway, and I probably don't have enough time and resources to put a different plan in place before mewtwo hits.

I hope the bugger is, at least, halfway easy to catch.


Personally my top 2 cp mons are 3200cpTtar B/SE so using those plus 2750Ttar B/C, 3015 GyradosB/C and 2 3000cp DniteDT/O. Then Lugia DT/Sky Houndooms,Scizors,more Dnites on my 2nd team. Opinions? So I guess TTAR or Dragonite to answer your question.


I have three above 91IV and above 30 level Ttars and a fourth that is close. They all have BSe as their movesets. I have a maxed out 96 IV Bite Crunch Ttar and an 80 IV at level 21 with BC.

Should I TM the fourth BSe Ttar to BCrunch with Mewtwo coming?

I only have one larvitar candy.


tanks for your replies everyone, i'm going to TM a bite
Gyarados HP to C, TM 2 B/SE lvl30 tyranitar to B/C, power up a 91%iv B/C to lvl 30 and complete the team with dragonites.
