
Some of yall might known me as the proud (mildly arrogant) owner of 7 shinies. I would like to share an incredible experience with you. Let me start off by saying I didn't catch any more today.

A friend of mine wanted to go karp hunting. There is an incredible ground nearby that I've never been to. I was happy to accompany her. I was skeptical that it was going to be better than some of my known spots that have proven tried and true. How wrong I could have been.

First off between the three of us and all the discount boxes we've acquired we probably dropped about 50 lures combined. In the first half hour we all managed to catch a 95, 97, & 100% Karp. At this point no one cared if we saw a shiny. This was already a successful day.

Fast forward a little bit. My friend encounters a shiny. About twenty minutes later another. I've caught two back to back and have heard of others doing the same. An impressive and exciting feat but by no means unheard of.

At this point I convince her to start evolving and powering up some. We live in a karp heavy area already and each of us had 2000 candies stockpiled. She had over 400k dust too. She took the 100% up to 201cp(maxed for her level) and evolved it. It came out at 3000 even. She also evolved and powered up the better shiny a little (she already had one before this excursion. The IVs were between 73 and 77%. About 1000 candies and 250k stardust later, you guessed it. Shiny number 3.

While I pride myself in having more shinies than anyone I know or can find on the internet three in one day - in one hour really, was something I've never heard of. I attribute it at least in part to dropping a massive amount of resources on Karps while in a hot streak but who knows. Anyone care to share similar experiences or theories. Thanks!

Asked by MysticBossFred6 years 10 months ago


Sounds perfectly reasonable, saw an exchange on discord yesterday how a player never passes up on a magikarp raid b/c it might be a shiny...and it would have great IVs! I thought I was the one that never passed up on magikarps...that guy helped me finally appreciate my 49% shiny Gyarados


You got a point.... I should done that Magikarp raid this morning! I already have 3 maxed out shiny gyarados, but they were all from the water event months ago when they were (obviously) a lot more common... nothing since.
