
The last spot vs Mewto

Hi folks, in different area the raids will be different. For example, my area, most of players are elders. They will use Blissey for whatever raids and put it on second spots. In my point, do you encounter with short of DPS in your groups? I guess my last spot vs Mewto which I will suggest Umbreon more than Lugia cuz It's more tanky for me. Depend on the group you meet, I refuse to battle again after fainted once, it will lose more balls. How do you guys think? Tanky Pokemon in your last spot.

**If you confused with my grammar, I mean put Strong DPS in five spot, and put Tanky Pokemon in the LAST spot. Don't Misunderstand me.

Asked by KillKindness6 years 10 months ago


My first choice would be L/HB Snorlax. Tankiness with a purpose. I have so many high-level Snorlaxes from the halcyon days of gym defending that TMing from ZH to Lick will at least give the 3000+ tubbies a chance to be useful again.


Snorlax Army, pretty useful. I only have two CP2500+ Snorlax, not really good for me tho. Not even good IVs


Simliar answer for me, for Lugia I put my L/BS maxed out Snorlax at 3249CP, I will do the same with Mewtwo. But in case he has FB as a charge move I would change it for something like Umbreon.


by I3L4zE 6 years 10 months ago

No, just leave to heal before your last faints then re-enter, you won't lose damage bonus this way.


Your damage bonus does reset when you rejoin.

The best strategy I've seen is if you think you are not going to make it with just six, back out after you have used your first two or three best counters, heal and jump back in. You reset your initial damage bonus, but still have time to build it back up, as opposed to waiting until you go through all six before healing.


I think it's also a good strategy to use. I mean, use your best counters all the time, however, it has to depend the situation we encounter, right? Maybe there isn't much time left to bounce back the damage


I hate players like you. Refusing to come back in once all 6 of your Pokemon faint. Just leeching off everyone else and making them work twice as hard. I hope they fix it soon to where ALL damage is calculated towards your contribution instead of getting reset once all your Pokemon faint.


Good point. Don't get me wrong, I'm one of those victim because many times I've fainted and then rejoin, but the HP bar of boss only left with RED. It means I contribute nothing but 5~6 balls left. Especially in this case, we're talking about Metwo with Attack Stats 300. Why not use Tanky in last spot? I always do best contribution on my previous 5 spots, but keep last one as Tanky one. Also, just like you said, the contribution should be added to totally.


It doesn't matter how close the boss is to be defeated, if everyone is like you and does not rejoin. You get 0 balls if you don't defeat the boss.


Hey, so that's the point use the last spot with Tanky Pokemon, right? Not going to be fainted Anymore. That's my point. Not rejoin part, it means to get Tanky at last spot to fight till the end lol. It's the last tatics cuz we all don't want to lose the amounts of balls. About my part, if you dislike me, you should blame those putting blissey in their second spots and fight till the end, they drag people contribute the most all the time. We can't just do damage anymore, and we have to care about others damage because they are lacking DPS....


That went right over his head. Doesn't seem to understand that if the Raid Boss DOESN'T GET DEFEATED due to players like him no longer contributing damage from no longer rejoining, that NO ONE gets a shot at catching the Raid Boss due to having ZERO Premier Balls from FAILING to DEFEAT the Raid Boss .


So is that even right? You never encounter group of 8 or less in lengendary raids and they all choose weak to attack the raids? Damn it, I contribute so hard and fainted, if that was you, will you happy to lose 5 or 6 more balls and rejoin to beat that boss? I won't. Every time I choose tanky Pokémon, I still beat that shitty boss in small groups while others are fainted cuz you will know others DPS in 30 seconds. Enough or Not enough. I m not those 20 level, I usually contribute most. If you still don't like it, try to get 14 balls as I do or more.
