
How restrictive will trading be?

We already know many of the limits of the new trading system. Whether it be the stardust cost, or the friendship mechanic, it seems very restrictive (I get it to prevent a black market). What I am hoping, is that items will be able to be traded. Maybe not rare candy (Why not add another restriction Niantic!) but revives, pots, balls and fast TM’s should definitely be tradable. I would even say charge TM’s should be tradable too; those with hundreds of TM’s should be able to get value for them. And I’m sure trainers trading for TM’s will be happy as well. Everyone wins.
Here’s another restriction that isn’t confirmed but I suspect it will be the case. The ability to only make 1 for 1 trades should not be a thing. You should definitely be able to package multiple Pokémon and/or items in a singular trade. Maybe those trades should cost more stardust, but these really should be mechanics of the trading system.
I wonder what other anchors Niantic will tie to us to curb cheaters, spoofers, and scammers.

Asked by RealerReaper5 years 11 months ago


I could have sworn I read something about items being able to be traded but I think they were only referencing the random items in the gift boxes.

I'd really love to be able to trade for CTMs or be able to help others with evolution items if they need it


I thought I read the the gift boxes wouldn't contain raid exclusive items, so no TMs or Rare Candies.

As for the 1 for 1 trades, I don't see why that wouldn't be a thing. Assuming they make it somewhat in line with the main series they may have a little trade animation showing your Pokemon leaving and the new one being received. To try and show that for multiples could get messy.


EX Raid passes would be a nice thing to be able to gift to the less fortunate too!


Sure, but then we would very quickly find out what the real money cash value of an EX pass is, and I don't think that's where Niantic wants to go.
